Kvizten's Application. [Accepted]

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Kvizten's Application. [Accepted]

Post by Kvizten »

Greetings Red Rose!


I’m going to tell you about me, myself and i. I will start with trying to get you to understand who I am in real life and what I’m aiming for and I will tell you about my Tibian career, what I’ve been through and how long I’ve been around. I will end my application with a great story which i spent alot of time on wiriting. I hope you enjoy my Application.

My Real Life

My name is Claes and I’m 17 years old. I would subscribe myself as a person with a lot of energy and a lot of fun. I love to party and to do activities with my friends. I believe that adrenaline is a very important thing in life, even if people believe in the opposite. Adventures are something I enjoy very much, doing something that just seems right. You never know how a adventure ends or what’s going to happen, that’s what I enjoy. I have a lot of friends and one of my best friends is Philip (Soltaxxy), a very good person which I’ve spent a lot of time with through all my years. We are friends since the very beginning and his one of the most trustworthy persons I know. We went to the same school for 9 years and spent our spare time together and we enjoyed new adventures and a lot of fun everyday.
I live with my Dad and my two siblings in the middle of Stockholm City which is the capital of Sweden, I was born here in Stockholm and i have lived here my whole life. My mom and dad ended their relationship a few years ago and my mom moved to Asia. My mom still lives far away but I visit her very often and I enjoy going to Asia every now and then.
I’m educating to be a IT – Engineer, I’m working very hard to get where I want to in life. I’v been studying now for 11 years, the first 9 years were the basic school time we have here in Sweden.
As I said before, now I’m aiming towards being a IT – Engineer. My goals are to complete my education and start my own movement to help people and earn money so I can move further in my life with more adventures and fun.

About my Tibian Career

My name is Kvizten and I’m a helpful and happy player who lives around the coast of Yalahar. I’ve been playing Tibia since December 2002, since then I haven’t been active all the time I’ve been going back and forward with playing this game. My first character was named Zobmit which was created 2002, Zobmit got deleted because I was inactive for over 5 months between 2004-2005. I’ve learned a lot of things in my time in this game, maybe to much. After Zobmit got deleted I created a new character named Nardoe. After playing Nardoe for quite some time I got hacked, I had no idea how it happened but the hacker died with my character several times and did bad things which made me very sad. I got tierd of Antica after a few years because I figured Antica was never as before and I had this bad thought, that Antica will never be the same again, you might wonder what I mean with that. well I’m very much against war and when Antican players started to spread blood all over the cities I got tierd, I was a disappointed man seeing his friends fighting against each other and with each other. Some of my friends asked me to come with them to the new world Nova, I was very much against trying out a new server. After some time I did join them on Nova and since October 2006 I played nova with my friends there and after 3 years I started to miss my friends on Antica and of course Antica itself. In January 2009 I created a new character and started playing Antica again, which I have enjoyed very much lately.
I’ve always played a knight because I found it as a great vocation for me , Zobmit and Nardoe were both knights and the character I played on Nova as well. When I started playing Antica again I thought about creating a druid which I always had in mind and here I am a mighty Elder Druid.
I’ve never killed anyone on this character because I only use violence if it’s the only solution which it never is in my opinion.

Why do I want to join Red Rose?

I want to join Red Rose because it’s a very friendly guild with a lot of very kind players, I believe that Red Rose is the perfect guild for me to enjoy what I like, a lot of new friends and sharing my experience with them and to learn a lot. Doing events and enjoying adventures with Red Rose.
My friends in Red Rose are Soltaxxy and Sir Balder. I hope I’ll learn to know you all very soon.
I’ve never been in any other guild with this character and that’s because I won’t join a guild without knowing that it’s good for me, I need a guild that I can enjoy being in. I’m not in a guild for the name or for the power, I’m in the guild to make my Tibian life much more fun and peaceful.

Role-playing story

In the Dark!

It was in the middle of the night. I woke up, I heard a strange noise and it made me feel very scared.
I slowly and quietly started to crawl out of my cold and dusty blanket, and It still sounded like someone was in my basement. It was dark so I didn’t manage to find my bunny slippers. I went towards the basement without my slippers , I could still hear the strange noise. It sounded just like someone was in my basement to vandalize. I was frustrated and very scared but I decided to overcome the scare side of me. I walked towards the wall and suddenly I got stuck to my tapestry so I started giggling because it was such a bad timing. I didn’t manage to get the tapestry of me so I decided to take it with me. I finally reached the basement door, quietly I hope. I felt the old and rusty door-knob, the door was locked. I was even more scared, I went to the kitchen to get the copper key from my key collection. I sneaked slowly towards the kitchen and then back to the basement door.
I slowly pushed the copper key in to the key hole, I unlocked the door. I opened the door quietly, it was to dark to see anything. I always keep a torch and some fire on the left side of my basement entrance. I lighted my torch, I started walking down the dusty stairs, I saw nothing move but there was a “BANG, BANG” I threw myself to the old wooden floor. I could feel my heart beating under my sleeping jacket. After a few minutes of searching I suddenly saw something hanging from the roof. It was moving, but way to small to be a human. I decided to take a good look, I started climbing on my old drawer with my torch. There was a Bat hanging from the roof, i thought that the Bat has somehow managed to get stuck with his paws between the wooden roof panels. I managed to free the Bat from the roof using my saw to open up the roof a little bit. An animal person as I am.. The Bat was hurt, he was lying on my wooden floor making strange noise. Suddenly I heard someone from the outside laugh loud. I took my torch towards the window and I saw two sorcerers run away in to the woods. “WE USED OUR MAGIC ON THE BAT” they yelled, I turned in to a warrior ready for action.
I used my strong haste and ran upstairs to grab my equipment. I began to search for the two sorcerers in the woods. After a long night I found them sitting around a campfire, they were drinking beer with a slightly drop of lemonade. I ran out with my sword in my hand, the sorcerers got scared. I told them to release the magic from the Bat immediately. The sorcerer’s laughed and started to juggle with their magic wands. After talking some good with the sorcerer’s I finally got them to haste back to my villa. I was tired after searching and doing good all night, my equipment was very heavy. Suddenly I got paralyzed, my torch turned out. I couldn’t move, the paralyzing disappeared and so did the sorcerer’s. I thought they were both sorcerer’s but after a while I realized one of them were a druid. I searched the woods, didn’t see a single trace of the Magicians, only Bears and Wolves. I decided to go through the woods alone and head home. As I reached my Villa, I could still hear the Bat making noise, the poor bat was hurt. I lighted up a new torch and started healing the Bat with my healing vials. A tear fell towards my cheek, the Bat couldn’t survive. I was sad, I did everything I could.
I decided to take good care of the Bat even if the Bat passed away, I decided to freeze the Bat. After freezing the Bat and cleaning it, I made it into a Bat Decoration. Everyday day since I’ve kept that bat decoration on my wall.

The end!

I hope you enjoyed reading my application, it was a pleasure sharing myself with you.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Kvizten the Bat Research.
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Seiya do pegasus
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Re: Kvizten's Application.

Post by Seiya do pegasus »

Application Noticed, please be patient.

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Re: Kvizten's Application.

Post by Seiya do pegasus »

Btw, funny rpg :P
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Re: Kvizten's Application.

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Hello Kvizten!
Nice application, and good luck!
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Re: Kvizten's Application.

Post by Sir Balder »

Greetings, Kvizten,

Thank you for a very well written application, and for the laughs and tears your story brought <smiles>

Please contact Red Rose members so that you and the guild members get to know each other better, and in the meanwhile I ask you to remain patient about your application as it is being processed.

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Re: Kvizten's Application.

Post by Kvizten »

Thank you for your kind words.
I'm looking forward to hear your decision.
I sure will contact your members.

Thank you,
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Re: Kvizten's Application.

Post by Skorn »

I love adrenaline too... bad ending for the bat isnt it??
good luck man
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Re: Kvizten's Application.

Post by Kvizten »

Hehe great to hear Skorn.
It sure was a sad end, but it's something i'll always remember.
The Bat is still alive in my heart.


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Re: Kvizten's Application.

Post by Sir Balder »

Warmly welcome to our family, Kvizten!
