Salta Apor's application [Accepted]

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Salta Apor's application [Accepted]

Post by Munch »

I salute you Red Rose members.

Information about me:
I have been playing Tibia since 2003 if my memory does not fail me. My past is kind of a violent and not so peacefull way of playing (I have been fighting wars, murded people and disrespected both my friends and people around me). But that is my past. It has created me to what I am today. With the time passing by you become more older and wiser, also you learn by your mistakes hopefully and I know I have. These days I am playing for the fun and not for the blood. For my friends and the social life which is pretty much what this game is about. I have not been in any trouble lately, then I mean for a long time but I am sure if I was in a dispute with someone I would try to solve it in best way possible, diplomaticly, talk the problem out of the world and just look forward. I am not very rancourous person. I kind of just been hunting and training with this character. Kind of a lonewolf and I am tired of that, I want a family. I was in Ancients for a little while but I went inactive and left. I got some friends left in these lands but it is not that many anymore.. When you change your way of living you also change your friends. But to mention some they are Kolbit, Nabeki and Xah're.

I also like to hunt: dragon lords, frost dragons, vampires.. You name it. My favourite is group hunts with friends.. And to grow stronger, both as a person but also in the experience way. When you grow many doors opens for you and everyday there is some new adventure to discover. Questing is not my strong side but atleast I am trying and yeah, sometimes it is going well and sometimes it is not.

Why of all guilds in the land of Antica, why the Red Rose:
Lately I have been talking to some of you, and belive me when I am saying: You are amazing persons, all of you. I kind of come along pretty quick with everyone of you. And the Red Rose guild in my opinion is the only oldschool guild left in this land. None other guild such as Mercernary's, Follower's of the White Dragon (even disbanded) etc have kept their spirit alive and fought to not become ghosts. That is why I want to become a member of the Red Rose. To keep the guild alive and fight for what you think is right and wrong, help unexperienced people and be a good rolemodel to others, both new and old players. Because you never let the harsch times put you on a sinking ship to drown. You are a close bound of friends and family. You are helping eachother in both good and bad times. When someone cries you give your shoulder to cry on, you laugh together and even building houses out of boxes and barrels. I give you much cred for this and I wish to be apart of this. You will have my loyalty, respect and my bow. Deep discussions about everything between the heaven and hell.

Take a chair, sit down and hear me.. <takes a deep breath>
Long time ago, I belive it was when I was around 60 years old, there was a great war between the good people, the ones that enjoyed sitting at frodos drinking some beer or wine, the ones that helped younger and unexperienced people that was in danger deep down in the fibula dungeons. And the little more darker ones.. The murderers, the Zathroth followers, the theives etc.. They were trying to take over the world with their very strong dark sorcerers and the people that was pretty much forced joining them, or else the death-chaimber was their only way out.

But there was a group of brave people, people who stood behind their believes and the ones they loved. They formed an army, so great, no one could imagine, followers of banor. They were under no circumstances letting those murders take what they lived for, the family of theirs not even frodos at the x-road in Thais.

What I will tell you next, is a bloody battle at the Dark Mansion, just outside Thais. The followers of Zathroth had their hideout, the place they made plans and learned about dark magic. If you are sensitive, you should leave, this is a nightmare I am about to tell.

The followers of Banor was gathering their army, ready for battle. Brave Knights with their shields and weapons, Elder druids with their special magic to heal. They all took farewell from their beloved ones and started to walk towards the Dark Mansion.. What they did not know, the enemys had spys everywhere and knew they were coming for justice. To destroy them from this, what once was a beautiful world with alot of laughs and good times. So they were well prepared. The army was just outisde the hideout, waiting for the Zathroth followers to come out and fight.. But suddenly, a huge group of dark sorcerers came from nowhere, making this deadly spell and they all died in a few seconds.. Corps everywhere, blood, the smell, belive me, it was not a sight for the eye, nor for your mind. The dark force was so strong and the army had no chance.. Not even the great Knights with their big shields, the magic was to strong.. After this battle, the Zathroth grew stronger and the magic grew so big, nobody could ever stop them. Even today we have this dark magic all around us..

The monk in the tempel took the whole army back, but they were so wounded by this dark magic, they had to flee.. But, hear me, they tried and tried to fight back this dark forces. Even today there are people still trying to survive in this dark world, with the dark forces around us.. Most of the warriors was sent to a calm place, trying to heal. And someday, they will return and make justice in this world. Never ever will they stop their believs and they will keep the spirit alive even thought they are not with us.. So my good fellows, never stop fight for what you think is right or wrong. Always stand behind or even infront of your friends and family. In the darkest times there is always a little brightness!

This was all for me folks.. I hope you enjoyed my story and perhaps one day, you will tell me another one, when you just like this, but with the dark forces is gone, you destroyed them, you fought them and you won! Till then, I give you the best of luck. One day we will have our old great world back. Belive me.. That day will come.

<takes my bow and vanishes quickly>

Real-life information:
My real life name is Rikard, but everybody calls me Riki. I am 22 years old and I am a citizen of Helsingborg, it's placed south-west side of Sweden. At the moment I work a little bit with tiles in bathrooms. Been working whole summer cleaning/polishing very nice boats for a company that trades with new and old boats. In my freetime I like to hang out with my dear friends, we got a strong bound to eachother and I love them all. We often party, maybe a lil to much sometimes but we always having fun even if we do some stupid things sometimes but we always back eachothers ass whenever it needs. But you gotta be young and stupid to become old and wise. I do not really know how to describe myself, people often takes me for a very self-confident person and I often speak my mind whenever I feel for it, sometimes it gets me into trouble but yeah, that is me. I care for my friends very much and I take one day at time..

Now I say farewell for this time people. I hope I am what you are looking for. I wish you all the best.
Last edited by Munch on Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Salta Apor's application

Post by Cinny »

Nice application Riki!! I think you would fit great with us :)
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Re: Salta Apor's application

Post by Black Falcon »

Greetings buddy!
Nice application, may Banor bless you with luck Image
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Re: Salta Apor's application

Post by Capitan »

Be greets!!!

May ask in wich others guilds have you been in the last years? I saw you talked about wars and battles, but I wonder in wich sides/guilds was you :)

Wish you good luck.
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Re: Salta Apor's application

Post by Munch »

Thank you Cinny and Black Falcon!

And to Luichi:
Well, it all started off me playing a character and I was in Red Rosebuds, the war between Alliance/Dark Side broke out and I think Rosebuds was disbanded for the safety of the members. But I tried with all my heart to become an Alliance member but I had not the level requirment for it.. But that did not stop me, I fought without guild on the Alliance side.. Against my rl mates.. Dark Shadow of Lucifer, Soul Drainer, Cirux etc.. Somehow the Alliance put me as a spy for the Dark side. But with all my heart, no I was not. I got an apologie for that one some years later. Then I was pretty hunted after without any support from nowhere. So that was the end on that character. Was some discussions about that irl too but nothing serious. And if I can say it myself. I made a pretty good job in the first Thais battles for being level 61 elite knight and my first war!

Some months later I was in the Rising Phoenix and we were allied with all the other guilds, Black Dragons and so.. Then another war broke out if I remember correct and I fought there.. Well, you can't call that one war, there were no bigger battles so.. I hope this answers your questions.

I was in Divinus last year with DMoC, Master Mordian etc.. But they left..
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Re: Salta Apor's application

Post by Leojaliz »

From our talks I think you would be an excellent addition to our ranks. Wish you the best of luck with this application, I remember the events described in your story and my thoughts still sometimes wonder how things could have been different only..if..
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Re: Salta Apor's application

Post by Munch »

Thank you for your support ....wait for it.... Legendairy! ;D
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Re: Salta Apor's application

Post by Capitan »

Oh thanks for explain so fast, always is nice know about the past of an old player/fighter as you.

Dsol was one of my olds enemys, fighted agains him many times also :)

In the other side, SD, Cirux and DmoC was nice always with me, miss those persons.

Hope talk with you ingame about old times, if you want.

Au revoir :)
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Re: Salta Apor's application

Post by Munch »

It is my dutie now to satisfy your wishes as much as I can! I need you to like me, to want me. Fast actions and correct good answers. <hrhr> Don't missunderstand me, DMoC is not an enemy . I was in his guild before they left to Libera. Also Cirux and SD are friends of mine too. Know eachother irl, even tho we never see eachother anymore. Hope to see you online sometime, I have been looking for all of you for a chat :-) But you're hard to find!
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Re: Salta Apor's application

Post by Capitan »

Salta Apor wrote:It is my dutie now to satisfy your wishes as much as I can! I need you to like me, to want me. Fast actions and correct good answers. <hrhr> Don't missunderstand me, DMoC is not an enemy . I was in his guild before they left to Libera. Also Cirux and SD are friends of mine too. Know eachother irl, even tho we never see eachother anymore. Hope to see you online sometime, I have been looking for all of you for a chat :-) But you're hard to find!
Oh yeah, I said it in the way than we have same friends around :)

They are great persons, cant imagine acting sux with someone :D

About find me online is true than since 1/2 months around Im not very active as before, but anyway logg everyday, so is just time to catch each other ingame :)

Going to bed right now, be safe and cya soon!
Proud member of the Red Rose