Titan Sorcerer's Application [Denied]

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Titan Sorcerer
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Titan Sorcerer's Application [Denied]

Post by Titan Sorcerer »

Name: Titan Sorcerer

Vocation: Master Sorcerer

Experience: Been playing since 2002, I used to own a character by the name of Insane Oblivian. My guild friends from the Red Rose are, Nabeki and Anr. But my older friend's are Forsaken Soul Of Darkness, Druid Of Syriauna Kara, Haltan, Hulk Smash, Aliren, And alot more. I don't really have any enemies in-game. About hunting area's I love to hunt Frost Dragon's, Dragon Lord's, Grim Reaper's with a blocker of course, Random guild hunt's is my favorite.

Previous Guild's:

Lost Hopes Hollow's
As a member of the Lost Hopes Hollow's they was good to me, But I lacked Spanish communication. So I had no choice but to abandon the Lost Hopes.

Reason For Joining:

Truthfully I am looking for a tibian family to call my own, It's so hard to find these day's on the world of antica. I hear Red Rose has very nice people within the guild. So my hopes are high about this amazing guild, And I hope for the guild's acceptance!

Real Life Information:

Name: Michael Wayne Slone
Age: 21
Location: Kentucky USA
Activeness: Almost everyday 3-7 hours a day
Otherwise: I am a pretty good person inside and out, I respect my friend's and I work in the coal mines.

Real life poem:

My shift just started its dark down here
There are three trapped miners
Back there in the rear
Their families are waiting
At the face of the mine
To see if these miners
Make it out this time
They’ve all made it out as the crowd starts to cheer
Why, we’ve not had an accident in over a year
Hands are clapping, the folks are sincere
Just what happened is still not clear
This coal mine is dreary but the pay is good,
I sure would leave here, if only I could
There are mouths to feed and bills to pay,
You’ve got to work somewhere
So I’ll just stay
JESUS loves me, in my heart, I know
He chose me to work down here in this coal
He made me strong
And gives me the courage
To be not afraid
To mine coal that he laid
I need overtime
To make an extra dollar
As I walk on deeper
This holes getting smaller
LORD, be my guiding light
As I work here tonight
When this shift is over
And I go outside
I will look forward
To that sweet sun so bright
Thank You for your blessings, in each and everyway
These things I ask my Savior, each and everyday
I’m proud to tell you that I’m a coal miner
And the men I work with, couldn’t be finer
Working in this mine is a nature study
You’ve got to be safe and watch out
For your buddy
My back sure hurts
But I feel lucky
It’s a real good job
In the state of Kentucky.

I wrote this poem dedicated to all the miners in all the world, Please pray for all the coalminers who have lost there life's and there families, Helping the world keep electricity going. If it wasn't for us miners, Nobody would be playing tibia at all.

Your's truley

Michael Wayne Slone
Thanks alot for your time!
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Re: Titan Sorcerer's Application

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Greetings Titan Sorcerer,

Your applicattion has been noticed. Please get in touch with Red Roses in game so we get to know you.
Good luck!

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Re: Titan Sorcerer's Application

Post by Nabeki »

Hahah heey lover ;] nice application
*+. Nabcakie.+*

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Re: Titan Sorcerer's Application

Post by Chikilina »

Greetings Titan Sorcerer,

Thank you for your application. Hope to meet you in-game soon.

Be safe,
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Re: Titan Sorcerer's Application

Post by Anr »


Wish you good luck with your application hun =*
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Re: Titan Sorcerer's Application

Post by Leojaliz »

Catch me in-game for a chat. Good luck with the application!
Titan Sorcerer
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Re: Titan Sorcerer's Application

Post by Titan Sorcerer »

I will make sure to do that. Thanks alot guy's, And i'm sorry if the application wasn't all that great. I did put effort into it thought.
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Re: Titan Sorcerer's Application

Post by Capitan »

Good to see news recruiters, wish you good luck :)
Proud member of the Red Rose
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Re: Titan Sorcerer's Application

Post by Black Falcon »

Nice poem.
I hope to catch you in-game for a chat ;)

Good luck!
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Titan Sorcerer
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Re: Titan Sorcerer's Application

Post by Titan Sorcerer »

Thanks black for the compliment. I put alot into the poem, It has alot of meaning! ;)