Doctor Squid Application [Denied]

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Doctor Squid
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Doctor Squid Application [Denied]

Post by Doctor Squid »

Character Statistics:
Paladin 40 level
Distance / shielding 70/49
Magic Level 10

1 Character Informations

I created my character in Nov 25 2010, 12:38:59 , My real friend is Naruciak and also I have friend from tibia - Halfhigh.
I haven’t a lot friends in Tibia, but despite of that I’m really polite guy for people, which I know.
My favorite things in Tibia :
-quests are really inportant, because we can get many great items,
-I think that all of players (me too ofc) like tibia events , attacks of monsters etc.
-I like hunt in not crowded places, but on FACC there are only few places, where I can hunt alone. My favourite areas are Orc Land nad Facc Tomb under Mount Sternum.
-Team Hunt it's really good way to fast exp.

2 Why I want to join "Red Rose" guild :

I met Halfhigh (the member of Your guild) , later we begin friends, He said me that people in "Red Rose" are really friendly and polite, so I really wanted to join to guild.
Next Reason is that I was in 12th anniversary of the "Red Rose" and I met many great people. I knowed that this is RPG Guild and I heard that Your guild has no conflicts with other guilds. "Red Rose" is one of the oldest guild in Tibia and guild with traditions.
That guild preparing a lot of guild’s events, just like football matches etc.

3 Story:

Long time ago in villige called Bryouu, lived a young girl - Julia. She lost her parents because of bandits attack, then she wanted to avenge, so one man helped her to realise that purpose. Let’s begin that short story... One night when she was in her bed, she heard a screams. She quickly came to parents room. Julia has opened the door and then girl was in shock. The blood was everywhere, in the centre of the room lay her parents.They were died. At first she thought that was a nightmare, but later girl understood that’s a reality. She started to cry, then ran outside the house. Bandits attacked the villige, Julia saw a murderers, they killed many inhabitants of the village. She knowed that she has to left that place. Girl took important for her book (book was about vizard’s clan, her mother often tells her about them, she told Julia’s that sorcerers are them ancestors, but girl was too young to understand it) then ran away into the dark forest. Julia was scared, but she thought about revange. She knowed that she’s too weak for that, so girl needed someone’s help. In a forest Julia has seen a castle, she wanted to go to sleep, so entered into the building. In castle Julia met a strange man called Peche. He was a vizard with dark soul. At first he wanted to kill her, but when he looked at her hands, he has seen a book. Only vizards get that type of book, but this book was special. He understood that she has sorcerer’s blood. She knowed that this man is powerfull and he can help in her purpose. Julia asked him about help, bou first vizard wanted to read her book. He read it tree days and tree nights , when he finished, told to Julia :
- Now I know who you are.. the prophecy tells about a girl, who will come to my castle and ask me for help in revenge, but first I want to teach you how to use a spells, if you you are that girl, about who tells a prophecy you should have a great potential.
- I want only one thing – death of my parent’s killers – said Julia.
-We will kill them all if you want it. Let’s begin our training.
-I understand my master – told girl.
3 years later she was ready to kill bandit’s clan. The girl and her master killed all of them. After that she was really happy that her purpose came to end. She wanted to get more power, so Julia wanted to stay with Peche. Later she became really powerfull vizard because of her master, who taught her for many years.

4. Short information of myself

My name is Ariel and I'm 19. I live in Świdwin, in Poland. I’m loyal and polite for friends. In future I want to study medicyne. I play 4-5 hours a day, when I have no lessons at school (free time).

I hope that You will consider my application.
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Re: Doctor Squid Application

Post by Mild »

Noticed mate.
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Re: Doctor Squid Application

Post by Skyzo »

Ashari Doctor Squid!
Nice application, Good Luck!!
Skyzo, the Banshee.
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Re: Doctor Squid Application

Post by Anr »

Hello Doctor Squid, I remember you from the rr's anniversary party ^.^

Wish you good luck with your application!
Feel free to message me ingame for a talk anytime :)
Doctor Squid
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Re: Doctor Squid Application

Post by Doctor Squid »

i have a problem with connection in tibia so want to apologize for it and i hope i will do not negative for my application
Doctor Squid
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Re: Doctor Squid Application

Post by Doctor Squid »

i refreshing the post and I am so angry becose i have huge problem with my internet supplier i want to apologize
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Re: Doctor Squid Application

Post by Black Falcon »

Sorry to hear about that, Doctor. I hope it'll work out for you, and if it does let us know please ;)

Good luck!
Without deviation from the norm, 'progress' is not possible.
Doctor Squid
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Re: Doctor Squid Application

Post by Doctor Squid »

I doing all what I can. When all will be allright i will pm u ^^ i hope will see u soon in game ^^
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Re: Doctor Squid Application

Post by Seaf »


good luck...


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Re: Doctor Squid Application

Post by Chikilina »

Application denied.

Wish you the best luck,
Propraetor of the Red Rose