Amy on Antica's lovely application <3 [Denied]

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Amy on Antica
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Amy on Antica's lovely application <3 [Denied]

Post by Amy on Antica »

First of all this application wont be lovely at all, sorry for disappointing you if you like cute words and etc, I'm not inspirated at the moment.

I'm gonna tell you a little bit of who I am in real life. My name is Priscila, I have 17 years old and I live in the United Kingdom. I'm natural from Ontario, Canada. I'm not such an interesting person, I like travelling although I dont have money to go anywhere and my health isnt up to what it should be, so those things dont help me at all. I'm limited to play online games and Tv shows, oh I like movies too! but who doesnt. I'm in love and I'm not going to marry anyone and I'm not looking for free items or rich husbands, I'm all about learning as much as I can about tibia past.

I started to play tibia in 2004, I've always been such a nub. Happily, however, I never changed.
My first character was in eternia, which was a knight that died by a valkyrie at level 8 and thought it was a pk, took me a while to leave carlin temple... then I moved to shivera, where I made another knight, hell yea I love knights, they are everything I'm not irl. Not any great stories involving Shivera, sorry for saying this but I hate that place so much.
So in January 25, 2007, I made Faxi Angel, the character I play. I upgraded Faxi little by little, took me a year to get her to level 100 and another year to get her to 150ish, I've always wanted a high level character. I cant forget to mention Shadow Rukia, the love of my life <3 we've always been loyal to each other, She's my druid and I'm her knight, we forever and always will be together. :)
Amy on Antica was created before Faxi Angel. Before Faxi was created, I would log on Amy just to talk and meet people, no level or skills purposes, Antica is such an amazing server, full of legends and I'm truely want to hear their stories and share a little bit of their knowledge with me.

I love reading books and poems, but I'm not a good writer. My sweetheart<3 thinks I'm a good writer, but anyone can be a good writer with such great inspiration. I love romantic movies as well, I'm a romantic person, and well... a little bit more than that sometimes.

My application is not any great, I think it's a little bit messy oO I'm not an experienced person, and I'm not as interesting as other people you may find but at least I'm being sincere. Sorry for making you read this, but I couldnt leave this opportunity behind without giving it a try.

Thats who I am and what I do. I had to hide a bit of my real life, as I always do, I dont want anyone pitying me. Thank you for reading.

With love,
Pri :)
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Re: Amy on Antica's lovely application <3

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Application noticed, good luck.
Amy on Antica
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Re: Amy on Antica's lovely application <3

Post by Amy on Antica »

Am I not free to talk to red rose members ingame? gah.. that other girl can why cant I!
<feels excluded>
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Re: Amy on Antica's lovely application <3

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Maybe if you read the joining board posts, you will notice that getting to know us in game should be always the first step if you want to join!
Amy on Antica
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Re: Amy on Antica's lovely application <3

Post by Amy on Antica »

Right, I didnt know that, excuse my ignorance :P
sooooo... I will msg you ingame if you allow me, honestly I dont like to talk to people randomly like I'm begging or whatever, I guess I'm a little bit shy.
Sorry about my drama on the last post xD
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Re: Amy on Antica's lovely application <3

Post by Skorn »

that storie of the valkirie is funny :p i wish you good luck Amy
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Sir Balder
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Re: Amy on Antica's lovely application <3

Post by Sir Balder »

Amy on Antica,

Your application has been denied. Good luck in your future endeavours!
