my applicat [Denied]

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Monica Caboo
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:30 pm

my applicat [Denied]

Post by Monica Caboo »

Greetings to all Members of the Red Rose.

My name is monicacaboo

I Play since 2005, so I think that i have little experience about this game, and the most important i got many friends that i kept like a treasure.Im a peacefully Player that Enjoy to play tibia because of all the friends i got... For me Tibia is not only get stronger and stronger.. I like the Old Rpg Style.. Like the partys, Events, all that things, that makes Tibia so Special for me.

I can offer my friendship to all the members, can offer my spear if you want a nice hunt, can offer my patience to any trouble, can offer my life to keep you safe.
I love your guild because I think that we Share our beliefs. Because this guild is old and respected and you guys keep the rpg style That I love soo much.
Its one of the few guilds, where the friendship its over all.. And im sure that I can help you with it soo much.

I know that you wont listen my skills, but i will put in here...

A few rl friends i have... If you have some questions you can feel free to ask them .. I know they will answer it :)

Im a Nice tibian Player... I wont bring any trouble to the guild.. I will work hard for you .. You have my spirit guys.. so let it work !
Even if Im not choosen to be Part of your ranks I wont give up...
I will try it again. I dont loose my hope to be a Rose ;) .

I got my secret/Hidden rank anyway :D, so i will take care of you Roses! :)
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Re: my applicat

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Application noticed.
Feel free to talk to our members in game.

Good luck,

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Re: my applicat

Post by Skorn »

good luck Monica
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Re: my applicat

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Greetings Monica,
Your application has been denied.

Good luck in your future,