The Bear Rider's Song...

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Duke Belsazar

The Bear Rider's Song...

Post by Duke Belsazar »

The Bear Rider's Song
Duke Belsazar

Bird, fly from the road, and quickly!
Don’t you see this dust cloud coming thickly?
Better hurry or you’re dead,
bear riders are charging far ahead!

Trough the lands, on our long ride,
our troops wave the banner for us to guide!
The scent of adventure lies in the air,
the wind blows through the rider’s hair!

Hey, bear riders, wherever you ride,
you are our joy and our pride!
Riding trough the steppe so free,
you will take down our enemy!

On our truthy bears, day and night,
we sleep, we eat and we fight!
With the enemy’s charges we are waken,
yet towns and fields by us are taken!

Wielding weapons, the war call resounds!
Wild bears roaring, our trusted mounts.
Yelling war cries, our ride goes
into the cursed crowds of our foes!


And our foes are still regretting
how we gave them a blood-letting!
Our victory will be extolled in a song,
it will remain in our hearts so long!

From night to night, from dawn to dawn,
the bear rider's march is going on!
Our foes will return, they’re mean!
Again in our hearts the victory will gleam!

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Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:55 am

Re: The Bear Rider's Song...

Post by Chikilina »

Greetings Duke Belsazar !

Very nice thank you for sharing!

Best of my wishes,
Propraetor of the Red Rose
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