Duke Belsazar's application [Denied]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
Duke Belsazar

Duke Belsazar's application [Denied]

Post by Duke Belsazar »

~ Duke Belsazar's application ~

You stepped into the guildhall of the Red Rose. The main hall was cosy like always: all kinds of food were dished up on the table, a flask of Nirdor’s favourite mead was standing on the counter and a crackling fire burned in the chimney. The scent of the Fibulan spring blew trough the opened windows and you inhaled it with a feeling of joy.
Then you noticed something lying on the floor in front of you. It was a letter, it seems that somebody shoved it trough the door crack.
Curiously you picked it up, opened the letter’s envelope and drew a parchment out.
You red the following:

Be greeted fellow Red Rose members!

My name is Belsazar and it would be an honour and a joy for me to join the ranks of this noble guild. With the following lines I want to apply to the Red Rose…

The character information:
I’m called Duke Belsazar and I started playing Tibia in 2007. Indeed, I made my current account one year later, in 2008.
Well, I passed many guilds on my way trough the lands of Tibia. At the end of my application you will find a detailed summary of my whole guild history. Of course I met many fellow people and friends on my adventures here in Tibia. There are too many to list them here, anyways I want to name Count Sibber, a rl-friend of me, Herr Wenzel and Dark Dragon Kingh, both are good ingame friends.
What can I say about my humble self…? Well what I like to do are things like talking with other people (in roleplay-style), helping new players, exploring areas, visiting all kinds of events… in general having fun. What I also like is collecting all kinds of items and of course the good old visits in the tavern. :D
I never was a power gamer, so when I go on a hunt I prefer some hunting spots that are more calm and relaxed. One of my favourite hunting spots was the Darashian dragon lair, but unfortunately it became infested by people that are suffering under a mysterious curse, a curse which makes them absolutely soulless and forces them to hunt restless all kinds of monsters. I think in the vernacular this curse is called botting.
When it comes about my playing style I would call it more “traditional” playing. I prefer a balanced mix of roleplaying elements and practical playing.

Why I want to join the Red Rose and what I know already about the guild:
Well, I think the Red Rose is one of the few remaining guilds that matches perfectly with my playing style. What I like about the Red Rose is the peaceful and friendly way they interact here on Antica and the roleplay-elements, that are still kept up by this old and honourful guild. I know some things about the Red Rose, many of this information came from a talk with Chikilina some days ago. Personally, for me there was always something like a nimbus of the Red Rose: Being one of the oldest guilds in whole Tibia, being faithful followers of Banor, being one of the two guilds which received own shields as a gift of the gods. The eternal nimbus of the Red Rose is for me comparable with the sunshine that vanishes the frost of the honourless age in which we currently live in Antica. Yes, maybe I’m an idealist, but that’s how I am.
Of course I red the codex of the Red Rose and I agree with all points.

My Story

It was a cold autumn evening, when a foreign man entered the tavern of Thais. The eyes of the present men focused on the door, when it opened and the stranger stepped in.
The foreigner’s clothes were different from the ones that were common on the Tibian continent. He wore a brown, quilted coat, trimmed with grey wolf fur and a scimitar hung from his belt. His face was tanned and he had a thick, unkempt beard. The stranger’s squalid appearance disclosed that he has seen neither a city nor a bath for a long time.

The foreigner ordered a cup of beer and took place by a young man.
“Allow me to drink a beer with you”, the foreigner said.
A little later the young man began to speak.
Hesitantly he asked: “You are not from here, no?”
The foreigner looked at him for a while, then he answered:

“Yes, indeed, I’m not from here. Allow me to tell you my story…
my name is Belsazar. I am from Kasalt, a land faraway from here.
My father was a noble, the duke of Kasalt. Yes, my friend, you heard right, he was a duke. Unfortunately he died when I was young, leaving me in the care of my uncle. My uncle… he was an awful person, a cunning and power-hungy man.
My uncle accused my mother of adultery and declared me a bastard in order to become the ruler of Kasalt. Well, he died shortly afterwards – maybe the revenge of the gods for his devious lie.
After his death his son, my cousin, became the ruler. He was not better than his father, and he knew that I could pretend to the Kasaltian throne...”

Belsazar made here a meaningful pause.

“… One night I slept very fitfully and lightly. Suddenly I heard silent steps… and a sound that makes every men’s blood running cold – the scrape of a blade drawn from it’s sheath.
The door to my bedchamber opened quietly and a person, cloaked in black clothes, stepped sneaky into the dark room. He held a dagger in his hand, ready to assassinate me. I pretended to sleep… and when he stepped close enough to my bed, close enough to ram his dagger into my throat, I grabbed the candelabrum on the table next to my bed and knocked him with it down.
After assuring that the assassin was unconscious, I took his dagger and a small bag of gold coins that was bound on his belt. I knew that I couldn’t stay longer in the castle, so I took swiftly a mantle and the scimitar, a gift from my deceased father, and left the room.
I ran to the chamber of my servant Saschar. Well, Saschar was not just my servant, he was my faithful friend. I told him quickly what happened and we decided what to do. To escape was my only option, Kasalt was not save for me anymore. So we left the castle and headed to the harbour.
After a short talk and a payment of some gold coins a sailor declared himself ready to smuggle me out from Kasalt. The passage with his ship brought me to the small island called Rookgaard, faraway from my homeland. From Rookgaard I finally came here.”

Belsazar bibbed the last gulp of his beer and placed the empty cup on the table. Then he spoke: “Well, my friend, it’s late and I’m tired from my long journey. I wish you a good night!” He left the table and headed to Frodo, the host of the tavern. Belsazar drew a small bag of gold, paid for his and the young man’s beer, paid for a bed and strode finally to the stairs to the bedders. Tired and preoccupied in thoughts about his escape and his new life in Tibia Belsazar fell asleep.

In anticipation of your reply I remain
Yours sincerely

Duke Belsazar
Last edited by Duke Belsazar on Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:22 am, edited 6 times in total.
Duke Belsazar

Re: Duke Belsazar's application

Post by Duke Belsazar »

Here a detailed summary of my guild history:

The Chaos Army
It was my very first guild. The guild was disbanded because of a war with the Thirteen Spirits. It’s possible that this information is wrong, back then I was an inexperienced player and a common member of the Chaos Army and this was the only information that I got. Indeed I don't fought in this war or supported it in any way, it's so that I were only for 1 - 2 weeks member of this guild before it was disbanded.

The Shadowlight Army
It was a following guild of the Chaos Army and a try to regroup the shattered members of the Chaos Army. Anyways it was a short-living guild that was disbanded because of to few vice leaders.

The Thais Family
As the name says, it was a small guild of players that were most time in Thais. We never did a lot, most time we were hanging around in Thais, talking and having fun. Then the guild got somehow a new leader – it was Antica Master. He transformed the Thais Family drastically into a guild that hunted random PKs in the area of Thais. This was not really my playing style, but it was anyways quiet funny… just imagine a horde of around 10 low-levelled players surrounding random PKs and taking them down, even if they were stronger than everyone of the team. Some day the guild was suddenly disbanded by Antica Master. I don’t know the exact reason for it, but as I remember it the reason was that we killed the second PK-character of some mighty player, so that he forced Antica Master to disband the guild.

The Monastery Order
I founded this friendly and peaceful guild as a following guild of the Thais Family with a couple of friends, later I changed it into...

The Cartel
I left my own guild because it became somehow inactive (most time there where only 5 - 6 people online)

The Sainted Seraphs
It is my current guild. Here I met many nice players and I had a lot of fun on all the guild events, like meetings, guildhunts and of course the parties. Unfortunately the members (especially the leadership) became inactive. This status of inactivity holds on since months, the guild channel and the guild forum seem to be dead. I decided to leave the Sainted Seraphs soon, but I want to talk first with Lady Silverheart, the leader of the guild, about it. It was never my style to leave guilds without any comment. Joining a guild is for me something like a pact of honour. As loyal member I see it as my duty to explain my reasons for leaving the guild.

The Assassins
I joined the guild temporary in order to save it from being disbanded. The details are seeable on page 2 of my application thread.
Last edited by Duke Belsazar on Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Duke Belsazar's application

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Hello Duke,
Your application is noticed, good luck!

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Re: Duke Belsazar's application

Post by Nirdor »

I enjoyed reading your application Belsazar.

Try to catch me ingame for a little chit-chat.

Good Luck :)

EDITED: Greet Lady Silverheart from me, will ya :D
Last edited by Nirdor on Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Duke Belsazar's application

Post by Capitan »

Just another awesome application, you really did a great work :)

By the way, if you want my opinion, you should left SS before to make this application, I see that like a misstake, but that is just my opinion :)

Good luck anyway!
Proud member of the Red Rose
Duke Belsazar

Re: Duke Belsazar's application

Post by Duke Belsazar »

Aye, you are right, Luichi...
I planned to do it already, but I wanted to see if I could maybe catch Lady Silverheart ingame. Unfortunately I could not reach her since months.
Hehe, I just remembered the time when you were also a member of the Sainted Seraphs :D

Anyways it gives me pleasure to see that you and Nirdor support my application, so I hope that I will get the chance to become a member of the Red Rose soon :D

Duke Belsazar
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Re: Duke Belsazar's application

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

Ah, Duke Belsazar!

Last time we spoke I was also a member of the Sainted Seraphs.
Good times, I miss Lady Silverheart and the group.

As for the application, I found it splendid.
I wish you the very best of luck, friend!

Avenlia Silvershade
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    Duke Belsazar

    Re: Duke Belsazar's application

    Post by Duke Belsazar »

    Be greeted, Avenlia :D
    Nice to hear from you again... really long time ago when you were a Sainted Seraph member!

    I'm really thankful for your nice comment to my application. I hope to see you soon :)

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    Re: Duke Belsazar's application

    Post by Mild »

    hello mate, try to contact me somehow..

    hope to talk to you
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    Re: Duke Belsazar's application

    Post by Kolbit »

    Masterfull application man, wish you the best of luck :)

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