Sherfus Joining Application [Withdrawn]

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Sherfus Joining Application [Withdrawn]

Post by Sherfus »


Hello to all the members of the old and great guild Red Rose, my name is Sherfus and Im a knight who are living in Carlin, a cute city if you forget that the girls there want to kill you (if you are man :shock: ) So its a bit hard but I help that girls with some missions so I think we begin to understand us ;) .

Im a pacefull citizen of the great land of tibia but when is necesary I will fight with all the power of my axe, I love to go fishing in Folda and also train there I find a good place :D , must of the time now Im hunting at this moment Lizards (good cash and need the Lizard leather), one of the things I enyoj a lot is making the quest I heard about it and explore new areas. Some other thing I do but is for helping my friends is selling their stuff in the green djjin, I have an excellent story about that djjins :D .

I was here like 3 years ago but in different souls, a bit hard to explain, I was member of Circle of Mages, the highest rank there was Warrior, I get there nice friends like Macgyver, Lehna, Seaf, Macbeth, etc. My responsabilities there was protect the newest members and of course the older member (Macgyver dont need protection, hehe) about the killers or bandits that want to kill them. I left this guild because was a trouble and all the things there change, I try to help for recover all like before but I cant and when I saw most of the members leaves that was my friends I decide to leave too.

My second guild was Messiahs of Bedlam, there I help the members with some quests, selling them stuff for the green djjin or also help them with the sweety cycs for the obsidian knives, there I know also a lot of new friends, Dew, Zapatch, Nigel, Sir Pontius, Saharu, Lord Kalamar, Fingolfin, Mustane and many many more. I left ythe Messiahs of Bedlam for post for the Red Rose

I have family of course My mom Beauty Mys and my dad Mystic Anticanian, my brothers Phil the Palli, Nigel and Zapatch, my cousins Blackxaker and Dark Arem.

I know my mom was here and maybe this complicate all for me but I really want to join the Red Rose I wait to post here because I want to grow up enought for help my guild mates and be supportive with all of you. If you ask me, What you can do for the Red Rose? My answer will be very simply and direct, I can be a friend to all of you. What means be a friend?? Is always being respectfull, honest and friendly and of course help all when I can do it. If you ask me then What do you expect for the Red Rose?? My answer will be the same I want to make friends and find here my second family.

The Djjins Story:

Walking around Ankrahmun I saw a Bagabounding, he looks very familiar to me because as I say like to explore new areas and I remember him because was a famous explorer of the ankrahmun ruins, I decide to say hi to an old exporer, When I say Hi, I cant believe it he was blind, but Identify my voice so we begin to talk, after some hours and a lot of beers inside he tell me once in the ruins he saw some battle between Djjins some Efreets was atacking some Marids and tell me that the magic their use was so cool that he dicided to follow them and try to learn their magic.
After walking he decided to follow the green djjins so when he say their fortress he say hi to one djjin and he blind him with an extrange light.

After listening his story and with the power of 21 beers inside I leave him and try to find the fortress to see if they are as powerfulll as my old, blind and now poor friend says.

I walk for hours and I get tired hoping I will find the fortress so soon so I decided to sleep a bit.

After sleeping like 12hrs I wake up in the temple of Ankra, there I learn the first lesson I never forget "DONT GO TO A MISSION DRUNK". With my streight recover but with a terrible headache for so much beer I decide to do something that I learn for the ancients, go for more beer and some spice food.

Anyway I keep all the supplies I can and I decide to travel now to the fortress, after walking like 2 days finally I find it, but I need to go inside, so I use one rune I have for a friend druid and I used it for change myself in something like in a rock but I get a mistacke and I convert myself in a gp!!! Thats no nice everyone try to catch you, thx god I have with me other rune and i convert this time into a rock, when i was close I saw a human get out of there so I decide to wait again and enter like human (The truth is that I cant open the door), when finally I was there the Djjin war tell me if I want to enter finish some tasks so I agree with he.

I need to find a Partos the guy who stole something for that fortress, after that I go the tower and I talk with other and he want a tear of the blue djjin, not so hard but for dont make the long story here becomes the nicer part.

I go for my cousin to the Guildhall of the Moonkeep in Carlin for the last mission that was going to the Blue djjin fortress and use a lamp I get in orc fortress, when I was for him we go and find the entrnce to the djjins and finally I saw all their power.

When we enter, some rocks converted into Giants and begin to try to kill us I run and use my magic to catch all the power and my cousin can kill them fast, and he did almost kill me too, he use one magic that appears a lot of electricity and the noob forget I have metal!!!!! There I learn another lesson "NEVER SAY MY CRAZY COUSIN: COME WITH ME MATE"
The other floors was boring but the interesting comes when he say: "Ohhh, sh*t I need to leave, baba, Utani gran hur..."
I check my bp and take all the life potions I buy it, pray a bit (really was a lot) and go down I saw the djjins come against me by thousands and I use my shield for block their spells when I say some people on fire!!!! (Fire elementals), Using a technique I dont use often begin to throw my weapon to the elementals and try to run under the djjins, (Thx good they float), I saw the stairs and I jump to them I use the same technique to get out of there, when I comeback to the green djjins with 1 bone broken and no potions because they broke when I jump to the stairs (4 times moreless), I receive 1 gift, the opportunity of trade with them!!!!!!!!!

I hope you like it and I will wait patiently your answer. :D


Im a young man I have 21 years old and Im finishing the University, Im studying administration and I play like 2 or 4 hrs per day, I love to listen music, my favorite artist is Creed but I like a lot all the rock, I play also soccer and like to read a lot stories of the medieval hystory. I think thats the reason I love Tibia.
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Re: Sherfus Joining Application

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Hello Sherfus, your application has been noticed.
Good luck!

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Re: Sherfus Joining Application

Post by Sherfus »

Hello everyone, I need to decline my aplication to the FoH because I get a talk with the leader of the Messiahs of Bedlam and I comeback there. Im so sorry for wasting your time, anyway if need something tell me.
The honor, the love and the respect, are values we never forget...
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Re: Sherfus Joining Application

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Seems you dont even know which guild this is =)
See you and good luck in your future.