My gratitude towards the Red Rose

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My gratitude towards the Red Rose

Post by Kreft »

Greetings fellow Roses,

It seems like yesterday, when I met the first Rose in my tibian life. It was Virgil, probably a decade ago in Thais. We had several long talks and he promised me a fire sword if I ever made within your rows. As you know the history chose a different path. ;) I'd like to thank you for your kind words and offer my final good bye. I know it wasn't always a pleasure to deal with me, but I played my role within this game consistent and without exceptions. I wish you all the best, successfull adventures and a continued good relationship with the Mercenarys.


PS: A special good bye to Hagbard. I always look back full of joy to our times in Merlinos Parcel House or the times in the fibula bar. Thank you.
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Re: My gratitude towards the Red Rose

Post by Meriado »

Hail, Kreft, Tor'Roshak of the Mercenarys!

I'm sad to hear what happened to you and your guild. Personally I haven't had too much to do with you, but I wish you good luck on your future endeavors!

Hail the Mercenarys!

Kind regards,
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Re: My gratitude towards the Red Rose

Post by Black Falcon »

Hail Kreft!

For starters I'd like to say that I am really sorry about what happened to you, and your guild. It's such a shame that people can't tell yours from theirs, and I cannot imagine how you must feel about it all. I wish somehow you could get your belongings back.

We were maybe not on the best of terms as of late, but I still have great respect for the Mercenarys and you aswell. I'm sad you're leaving the game but I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do. I hope your time in Tibia has given you lots of memories and experiences that has helped you grow as a person, and that you can look back upon with pride and joy.

Your presence is very much welcome in our guildhall on our next event, and it would be an honor to serve you our fibulan wine atleast one last time!

Hail Mercenarys!
Hail Red Rose!


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Re: My gratitude towards the Red Rose

Post by Capitan »

There is nothing more to add to the words of Black Falcon, just good luck whatever you do, and remember than the Red Rose will be here for what you need.

Luichi //
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Re: My gratitude towards the Red Rose

Post by Darkness power »

Luichi wrote:There is nothing more to add to the words of Black Falcon, just good luck whatever you do, and remember than the Red Rose will be here for what you need.

Luichi //
If you allow me, I would like to copy his words, as same as Black Falcons!

It will be another missing name of the Great names We've heard about on Tibia's History!

Enjoy Life man!
Hail the Red Rose!
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Re: My gratitude towards the Red Rose

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Greets Kreft,
I've been seeking for a talk with you for a long time. I guess this will not happen, at least not for now.
But anyways, Im glad to see this post. I wish the best for you.
And I hope we will meet again, someday.

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