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Sir nahuelinio
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Post by Sir nahuelinio »

Hello, i'm organice a Norseman quest. Now haven't date. So we wanna do this quest with Nuevos Corsarios, but i was think better and i wanna invite Red Rose. If Red Rose are interesed, do a post in the forum. or msg me in the game.

@spanish player.
Hola, estoy organizando una norseman quest " The ice Islands " en principio había invitado a Nuevos Corsarios, supongo que ellos vendran.
La idea es hacerla nosotros tres, aunque estoy por decir de nosotros dos. Eso como querias vosotros. Solo se necesita las missions previas. Conseguir el Frost charm. Bueno, sí estais interesados. hablerme por el tibia o dejar un post en el foro de fontaneda. Un saludo a todos.

Att: Sir nahuelinio.
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Sir Balder
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Re: Helloooooo;D

Post by Sir Balder »

Hiho and thanks for the invitation!

I know there have been some roses interested in this quest before, so I'm pretty sure a few of us would like to come.

Be safe! Yours,
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Re: Helloooooo;D

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

I will go for sure.
Ill message you in game
Sir nahuelinio
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Re: Helloooooo;D

Post by Sir nahuelinio »

Hehe, great. I wait your msg in the game Rob~
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Seiya do pegasus
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Re: Helloooooo;D

Post by Seiya do pegasus »

Add me :P I also can help blocking

Fighting for my honour, fighting for my life.
Praying to God that our side is right.
Sir nahuelinio
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Re: Helloooooo;D

Post by Sir nahuelinio »

Hello, guys.

I was talked with Rob'doomdays, he said that need more people for The ice islands quest. Well, thursday i'm 99% that sure. 14h after ServerSave

Team, i think. Red Rose, Nuevos Corsarios and Fontaneda Army. I think that it's all. Sorry for move out date.

PD: If need change or msg me in the game for talk about hour.

See you in tibia, yours Sir nahuelinio.
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Re: Helloooooo;D

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Great Nahue, Im looking forward for this ;)
Sir nahuelinio
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Re: Helloooooo;D

Post by Sir nahuelinio »

Hello, guys.

For start i need say that. I'm sorry. But this Thuesday we can't do The ice islands. Beacuse, Figue was have a rl problem, we decide that move out Sunday, same hour. Sorry, guys.
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Re: Helloooooo;D

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Okay good,
thank you!
Sir nahuelinio
Posts: 19
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Re: Helloooooo;D

Post by Sir nahuelinio »

guys, we are waiting you
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