Written application by Sir Mats. [Accepted]

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Sir Mats
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Written application by Sir Mats. [Accepted]

Post by Sir Mats »

Greetings Roses.

ooc: Swede, closer to 30y then 20y. Currently studying media and communications at university. I love playing Rpgs and cooking(eating) aswell as crossfit training.

The age of the character is a bit blur. It was either in the middle of 2000 or 2001.
As Mats used to live in Carlin. A membership in the AoC(Alliance Of Carlin) dated 2001, is one of his proudest accomplishments from younger days. he still have got the parchment proving his membership, written by an old friend, "Mustane" *proud*

Dalafor considered Sir Mats his apprentice, teaching him the ways the magic lore.

Family and friends where many, sadly Sir Mats retired and when decided to come back he found almost everyone gone.
Closest friend and family where Guehnwyvare. She taught him life it self. Sir Mats is devoted to his sisters memory and her old way of life , not a moment goes by without him thinking of her. Helping others and using a good heart as compass for moral and ethics, that's what she did, and that's how Sir Mats is tackles life. Not very impressed by levels, of course respectful of the power that comes with the levels but other then that, He just rolls his eyes and keeps on walking.
His nephew who is an Numag(ExVerkir) of the Mercenarys, is still around, always watching Sir Mats back. His name is Tithralad.

Sister Guenhnwyvare, Witches Moon, Mats and the rest of our rather large family resided in Kazordoon. some members of the "Underground Alliance" and some also members of the "Imperial Response Troops". Sir Mats made it to be a student of the IRT, and a member of the UA.

Sir Mats is a master sorcerer. A title he have earned by fighting, no point in hiding that. From rots to scarabs, keeping a steady hand on the runes and always being ready with the wand. As of late you can smell the smell of fresh pottery near some of Tibias earth elemental caves, as he throws flames at the clay giants!
A rather unpleasant cyclops toe collection might also be living in his depot.
Sir Mats isn't that into hunting though, he likes a good meal, tobacco from the city of Ankrahmun and of course an ol' fashioned beer from Jimbin and his wife Maryza back in the "big grey". Good fun and great laughter. That's real value.
Sir Mats is hoping more people would realize that, he often invited strangers to a pub round as he travels from town to town.
Eating and drinking, all and everything is sometimes more a minus then a plus. Sir Mats is considered rather "large", the flying carpet masters always looks slightly skeptical.

In my last active days, membership in the legendary RR wasn't even real to me. It was something one would dream of. And I did.
I spend lots of time around Fibula, peeking in to the windows of the great guildhall. I went to the markets, the always enjoyable fibula bar and I even remember watching a game of soccer. I never dared to try it myself though. Nostalgia.

The Red Rose guild is the one guild I respected and respect the most. It's like it's part of the tibia magic itself. I think the RR stands for everything that is right in the land of Tibia. Respect, dignity, friendship, love and so much more. By seeing how the red roses members still acts with such kindness and wisdom makes one warm of happiness. Things have certainly changed over the year, the love of the Rose has not. Even though I never knew any rose fully, the guild it self is my number one inspiration, due to everything it is. I know Sir mats would learn a great lot, it might even be his last goal in life, entering the red roses.
I believe in contributing with help if one is able, dogs, animals or humans alike.
Having a good time is what it's all about!

Sir Mats Teken'Duis, that is my name.
I spent my very early days in Carlin, town of Valkyries. The climate wasn't nearly as rough as Thais but one had to be sure ones backpack was fully closed.
trembling legs, both sweaty and shaky where my hands.
Until I met Mustane, I really didn't have any clue. Membership of the AoC he granted me. I was merely a messenger but I had his full support. The years went by, I taught youngsters the very basic of common life for a few years,do you remember the Carlin school? The queen of Carlin even gave me a knightly title, "Sir mats" for my work with the children.
Carlin became rougher, darker even smelly of blood. I had to move.
I had heard of the hidden passage in the mountains south of Carlin, by legend a large city built by exceptionally gifted craftsmen would be located amongst the larges of the mountains. Something was also whispering to me, dragging me closer. I finally found the great dwarven city of Kazordoon. The whispering came from my sister, Guehnwyvare Teken'duis. She had found our birth scrolls and had called me towards her and towards my new future. She taught me everything, from beauty to destruction. Everything was going great, I almost never had to fight, making runes and reading(eating) was my call, sometimes we would even visit places as Fibula together. I remember certain moments like the first shield I ever bought, the Guardian Shield. I bought it from the most known dealer of items and equipment at the time, Lightbringer. I was so proud that he sold me that shield. I didn't want to use it due to the fact I could lose it.
Life went on, the world of Tibia was a wonderful place filled of interesting people visiting Kazordoon, I hardly ever left the city.
----The dark turning point----
Fishing by the lake on the top of Kazordoon came to be my great fall. I fell in to the water as I got a great salmon on the hook, it dragged me down with it. Sadly, me and Guehn never practiced swimming. I almost drowned, went in to a coma, kept alive by the mighty geomancers for years.
As I woke up, I felt as the world had it's feet on my shoulders. Everything was so heavy. Kazordoon was empty. Most of my family was long gone.
I packed my belongings, bought a map and left. Ever since, I've been trying to figure out all that I've been missing. The distant places, the great nature treasures and of course I've been trying to find out what happened to my family and all of my friends. Maybe some is still out there?
The always great RR was recruiting, could this really be? I've heard and seen such great things. My sister would tell me the greatest of stories about the roses. I had to look it up for my self.
My knowledge of this world may be limited but I've got heart, that I can promise.
here is my letter of application.

I would like to thank you for letting me write this application. No matter the outcome, it is already a great honor.
Big thanks to "Smashing Pumpkin" for helping me out and being a great Tibian !

Signed; Sir Mats Teken'Duis
Last edited by Sir Mats on Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Written application by Sir Mats.

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

Thanks for your application!

Please try and reach me in-game for a chat.

Best regards,
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    Re: Written application by Sir Mats.

    Post by Munch »

    I liked your application. I'm not very active these days but I'll try to catch you ingame for a chat.

    Good luck!
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    Re: Written application by Sir Mats.

    Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

    Great application my friend.
    I wish you the best of luck.
    And thank you very much for your token of thanks to me, it was my pleassure.


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    Re: Written application by Sir Mats.

    Post by Cinny »

    good luck with your application =))
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    Re: Written application by Sir Mats.

    Post by Black Falcon »

    Greetings Sir Mats!

    I really enjoyed your application, and the short chat we had yesterday.
    Try and get a hold of some roses in-game to get to know them better, and I'm sure we'll do the same!

    Good luck with your application,

    Without deviation from the norm, 'progress' is not possible.
    Sir Mats
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    Re: Written application by Sir Mats.

    Post by Sir Mats »

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for all your replies and luck wishes. Means alot!
    Hopefully I'll get to chat with all of you in the near future, can't wait to introduce my self and hear about your selfs! *smile*
    *yawns* time for bed, Perhaps I'll see some of you in the morning :)

    Best regards / Sir Mats
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    Gimli Wulfstan
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    Re: Written application by Sir Mats.

    Post by Gimli Wulfstan »

    Great application and I wish you the best of luck!

    dont hesitate to drop me a message in game.
    Sir Mats
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    Re: Written application by Sir Mats.

    Post by Sir Mats »

    Thank you Gimli,
    I'll be sure to contact you. Looking forward to chat with you!
    Best regards / Sir Mats
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    Even in love, sadness is a part of my core
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    Avenlia Silvershade
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    Re: Written application by Sir Mats.

    Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

    Hello Sir Mats!

    Could you please make your way to our guildhall in Fibula, Sunday 3rd of March at 20.00 CET (10 hours after server save)?
    Prepare yourself for some questioning, and your future with the Red Rose will be decided.

    See you there.

    Best regards,
    Avenlia Silvershade
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