This story is based on Tibia's genesis - Therefor the story will exist of several parts.
Part one - The Genesis
In the beginning there was only a big, gaping void. It was everywhere and nowhere.
In this emptiness two powerful entities appeared who were eventually known as the
elder gods: Fardos the Creator and Uman Zathroth who combined in himself two unequal
halves. One of these halves was Uman the Wise, a benign god who was gifted with divine
intellect, while Zathroth the Destroyer was the other, darker half.
These were the two halves of one single enigmatical entity, and even though either of them
was perfectly capable of acting on his own just as if he had been fully independent,
independent they were not. They were bound together by an eternal bond that could not be
broken, and their destiny was one.
The Creation.
Fardos and Uman shared the idea about the creation but of course Zatroth denied it.
Fardos and Uman's powers weren't enough to for the creation - As Fardor had powers enough,
he and Uman created a new god, Tibiasula.
Zathroth, however, stood by and fumed with silent hate. But cunning as he was, he hid
his resentment well and feigned to share the joy of the other elder gods.
But first, time had to be created. To this end, all the gods combined their powers.
Even Zathroth, Uman's evil half who openly disdained creation, was fascinated by the
idea of time, and he agreed to aid the other elder gods in their effort. His offer was
gladly accepted, for the other gods did not know then what he had clearly seen from the
start: That time held a seed of destruction.
Zathroth had opposed the idea of creation all along, and he had secretly sworn to
thwart the other gods' plans by any means necessary. To this end he had assisted
them in the creation of time, and this was the reason he finally decided to kill
Tibiasula. He had held a grudge against the goddess ever since she was created
because he loathed to share his divine status with yet another deity.
However, his dislike turned into deadly hate when he saw that Tibiasula successfully
filled the gap which he, Zathroth, had left by refusing to participate in creation.
Therefor he secretly created a dagger of great power into which he bundled all his
hate and his destructive power, a weapon that was fit to kill a god.
Zathroth thrust the blade into her heart with all the strength he could muster.
Mortally wounded the goddess sank to the ground, and out of her fading body bled
the elements of fire, water, earth and air.
But he made a misstake, he missed the one chance he had to learn the secret of creation,
a secret that would be hidden from him forever.
Uman and Fardos, however, went on to weave the elusive elements into powerful strands.
It was beyond their power to unite them to their previous harmony, but instead they
achieved something that was altogether new: The first genuine creation.
So it came to pass that Tibia, the living core of all creation, was born.
It derived from the element of the earth, whereas Sula, the mighty sea lapping
gently against Tibia's shores, was created from the element of water. Air rose over
creation and spread itself like a protective blanket over it, while fire was to be the
fundament, warming the land with its eternal flames. Finally, all the elements had taken
their places to form the world, and each of the individual parts of the God was sparkling
with divine energy! Unfortunately, however, they were all wild and impetuous, driven by their
impulsive natures. It was clear that none of them had inherited Tibiasula's gentle spirit
- the harmony had been destroyed forever. However, Uman and Fardos did not give up.
They decided to create something new from the elements, something that would resemble
Tibiasula or at the very least honour her memory. For many aeons they studied the elements,
until finally they made an important discovery - the elements held within them seeds of new
creation, seeds which would bear fruit if one of the elder gods united with the elements.
And so it came to pass that the gods had finally discovered the secret of life.
Fardos was the first one to try, he united with the element Fire and out from the flames two
children were born - Fafnar, a daughter, and Suon, a son.
And later another son was born - Thus Brog the Raging Titan, son of Zatroth.
As he grew up, Brog was pained by the fire burning inside him,
until one day when it grew unbearable he summoned all his magical powers and
released as much of the painful flame into the world as he could.
The searing fire mixed with his rage, and from it rose Garsharak,
the very first dragon, who later sired a whole race of intelligent,
giant lizards, a race that would eventually bring terror and chaos into Tibia.
Brog watched the terrible creature he had created rather accidentally,
and he rejoiced when he saw just how fierce and powerful it was.
Though he was rather stupid he, too, had the gift to create life, which in an act
of vanity he next used to create the cyclopses in his own image.
And as Zatroth yet didn't know to create life he told Brog to keep experimenting and
creating something more terrifying and destructive than cyclopses.
A war broke out between Garsharak, and the Orcs.
Tibia was covered by countless bodies of slain orcs, cyclopses and other creatures - the legacy
of the many years of ceaseless war
The elder gods looked at what had happened to their world, and their hearts filled
with sorrow and resentment. They knew that if they did not act now Tibia would
be destined to become a grave, and so they started looking for a solution.
For all their strength, these races had one important flaw in common: They lacked flexibility.
And this proved to be fatal in the war against the relentless enemy they were facing.
Those who were not annihilated succumbed to Zathroth's temptations.
More than one of the ancients fell for Zathroth's cunning promises of power and knowledge,
and legend has it that the wrathful elder gods brutally punished many of them for their treachery.
One by one they were overwhelmed by the enemy, and still the hordes walked the world.
But Faros and Uman had learnt from their mistakes. Their next creation was to be well suited
for the task. And they called them THE HUMANS.
So it came to pass that the elder gods created Banor the Divine Warrior.
He was the very first human, and though his creators gave him powers no other member
of his race would ever be able to match, he already displayed many characteristics which clearly
proved him to be human.
Legend has it that the gods were also planning to create a twin brother
for Banor, and that this twin was to wield incredible magical powers.
They took up the fight against the undead and the various others
despicable creatures that roamed the lands, and soon the hordes
realised that a new, powerful enemy had arisen.
Many a fierce and bloody battle was fought, but Banor, a brave and shrewd leader,
led his people from victory to victory. Still, those triumphs were often
paid for with heavy sacrifices, and the sheer numbers of enemies the humans had to
face was overwhelming.
The gods did all they could to assist their new champion race in its struggle.
Uman introduced new races into the arcane art of magic, the secret of life and the arts of
distance fighting - The Sorcerer, the Druid and the Paladin were created.
And they were all led by Banor himself.
Things looked brighter for the human race than they had done in a long time.
The allied powers of heroes and humans advanced further and further into the
enemy's territory, and the dark hordes seemed to stand on the verge of utter defeat.
Faced with the seemingly overwhelming might of the human armies the old races did what for
aeons had been unthinkable: They signed a truce. Dragons, orcs, undead and all those other
races that had fought amongst themselves for so long suddenly stopped attacking each other
and concentrated on their war against the human race.
The human armies decided to withdraw to their fortified cities to resume the war there, but again
they made a surprising discovery. For this time, the very first time in recorded history,
the enemies of the humans did not rush after them to take up the fight.
Many were puzzled by this, as it was not readily apparent why the hordes acted this way.
A common theory was the tensions and the mutual distrust between the old races was too strong for
them to combine their forces in a sustained campaign, and some even claimed that they had started waging
war against each other once more. Others suggested that the old races had exhausted themselves in the course
of the many wars, while still others hinted that perhaps an equilibrium had been reached, a status quo which
all sides felt they could live with.
Worst of all, the humans, that curious race, have started bickering amongst themselves, and more than once
tensions have led to armed conflicts. In the course of time, some humans even renounced the
Thaian kings' rule and founded own cities and empires.
To be continued.
The Follower
The Follower
Eques of the Red Rose.
Re: The Follower
The Follower - Part 2
Zatroth was furious! His minions wasn't powerful enought and he had lost the war against
Fardos and Uman. But yet he used his son Brog to create terryfieng creatures. By this time
Zatroth's minions lurked in every dark corner.
There were the undead creatures, archdemons, demonlords, and even Ruthless Seven - A cabal of demons
who follow Zatroth's orders. They had all shaked the world with their strenght but not enought.
Zatroth's minions still wasn't powerful enought but he had his plans.
Zatroth spent decades thinking how to succeed and meanwhile the humans thought they had won
the war against the evil god.
Zatroth finally found out how to bring destruction so he could rule the world.
He united all the four elements, Fire, earth, water and air, but everything turned to ashes but out
from the ashes a new child was born - Zugrok
He had an appearance as a man but with incredible strength and magic.
Zatroth was surprised but still he wasn't satisfied and therefor he transferred a big part
of his knowledge and power to this human creature.
Zugrok was ready to follow his faith, to bring death to the humans - By this he was
sent down the human world, Tibia.
To be continued.
Zatroth was furious! His minions wasn't powerful enought and he had lost the war against
Fardos and Uman. But yet he used his son Brog to create terryfieng creatures. By this time
Zatroth's minions lurked in every dark corner.
There were the undead creatures, archdemons, demonlords, and even Ruthless Seven - A cabal of demons
who follow Zatroth's orders. They had all shaked the world with their strenght but not enought.
Zatroth's minions still wasn't powerful enought but he had his plans.
Zatroth spent decades thinking how to succeed and meanwhile the humans thought they had won
the war against the evil god.
Zatroth finally found out how to bring destruction so he could rule the world.
He united all the four elements, Fire, earth, water and air, but everything turned to ashes but out
from the ashes a new child was born - Zugrok
He had an appearance as a man but with incredible strength and magic.
Zatroth was surprised but still he wasn't satisfied and therefor he transferred a big part
of his knowledge and power to this human creature.
Zugrok was ready to follow his faith, to bring death to the humans - By this he was
sent down the human world, Tibia.
To be continued.
Eques of the Red Rose.