Urh's application [Denied]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Urh's application [Denied]

Post by Urh »

As i write this application i stand on the south shore of Fibula, where the wind still blows strong as it did several years ago. Thought my journey in this life, I’ve seen many great guilds come and go, blown away into oblivion, leaving just a foggy print within does who still wonder these lands. Yet there is one left, which has not been shaken nor blown away by the cold winds, a guild with strong roots in history, which even today grows slowly and patiently. Stretching towards the sky with its long sharp stalks and with its magnificent crown, blooming wisdom, nobility and honour. It is the Red Rose.
I chose to begain my application with these few metaphorical lines abow to illustrate my view of the Roses, but also to show you my devotion and passion towards the guild. I’ve been following the Roses for several years. Years, witch in my opinion have given me a quite clear picture of what the Roses stand for. During the past six months I’ve been preparing my application by studying the codex more frequently and socializing with some of the newer Roses. Most thanks to Sir Balder who has given me the opportunity to participate in guild related events and been willing to answer any guild related question with passion.

Who am I as a player?, why do I want to become a Red Rose?
I’m an druid under the name Urh. I spend most of my time on the lazy side of life.
You probably find me sitting in front of my house on fibula chatting with a ”pass-by-er” or a friend over a piece of food. In this life I most enjoy to be together with friends. It doesn’t matter if its during the joyfulness of a chess game or in the hellfire’s of war. As long as I can be together with people which I care about and which care about me. That is one of the reasons why I want to be a part of the Red Roses, because I know you Roses stand for the same thoughts. I enjoy to following the power structure of the community and take silent part of its discussions and debates.
I find Role playing as fun and important part of the this game, but which is a rarely seen phenomenon these days. That’s why I turn to you, because I know Red Rose also values it.
To better answer the question why I want to become a Rose I would like to further illustrate this by quoting on of Dunja’s statements on this board.

”We have a long tradition in Tibia, we are old, wellknown and our history began at the dawn of Tibia’s Golden Age. We are standing up for our beliefs, our friends and members. We are famous for our beautiful festivals and loved for the good things that we do. To be a Rose is an honour!”

As a honest person I am, I’m not going to deny that being a member of the Red Rose has huge impact on how people look at you, but with it comes a responsibility which is of same significance. As a member you have to live up to some criteria which I believe I do. During my time in these land I have grown both as a player and person and values different parts of the game today. Back in the days I was more ”power focused” and saw skill achievements as this games main goal. But by the years I have come to identify my self less and less with the players on the top of the food chain. Nowadays i focus on what organization stand for. That’s why I want to be a Red Rose, with all its glory.

Real life information
My name is Peter. L and i live in central stockholm, Sweden. Thogether with my wife and our Son. I am 21 years old and studying my secound year on Ersta/sköndals högskola to become a nurse, specialized in leadership and elderly care.

Role-play Story

"Yoooohhuuuu!” ;"Yoooohhuuuu!"; "Yoooohhuuuu!"

I grabbed my pillow, held it hard behind my head, and pressed it towards my ears as I dived into my bed hard as an osterage into the sand. But it was to late! I was awake. The sound was awful and unbearably. For a split second I thought it was the Thais fire-fighters but then realized it was Wolfram and his pack. In rage I grabbed a few pieces of meat and tossed it out through window.

- Munch. Munch. Munch.

Humm.. That was a strange sound for a wolf, I thought. I went out of the bed in curiosity to see who stood outside. It was night and I could just see a shadow as I was dazzled by the moonlight from south.
Well, it was moonlight and not strange if Wolfram would howl tonight I thought and besides maybe Wolfram just had a bad stomach night.
I went back my bed in a pointless attempt to get some sleep. As I was laying there I heard the sound in my head, over and over again.

Munch. Munch. Munch.

This time I could not have heard wrong! I ran out!
- I got you!
Soon I realized how stupid it looked, me standing in underwear screaming ”I got you” to a stranger without no reason. It was just my curiosity that had driven me there.

Now I could see a pair of eye and some pixels in a formation of a human..
I said ohh, it wasn’t you Wolfram.
The person stood there, staring without saying anything.
A white and round symbol started to appear on the left side of his head.
Then I realized what a big mistake I had made. There I stood naked in front of a potential killer.
My heart started to beat faster and faster as he came closer. My blood started to rush in my vanes.

What would I do? My instincts went on.

Now he ran towards me.
And I backed into the door opening by reflex.
<DONK>, The murderer hit some kind of invisible wall and fell to the grown by the tremendous force witch had been generated when he ran towards me.

- Lol, I said as I saw a white text appearing in his eyes saying ”This action is not permitted in a protection zone.”

In the same moment I got a orange text appearing in front of my eyes. ”Server is saving game in 1 minute. Please log out.”

Soon everything went black and I was asleep again.

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Re: Urh's application

Post by Soltaxxy »

Hello Urh! It pleased me more than you think that you've decided to give it a try!
I love your personality - You are good friend and there's no doubt about it.

"I’m not going to deny that being a member of the Red Rose has huge impact on how people look at you, but with it comes a responsibility which is of same significance. As a member you have to live up to some criteria which I believe I do." - This made me smile, you seem to know us very well and this made me pleased.

I have never ever read such as good and interesting application before - It shows exactly how you are and how hard you've worked with this, i look forward to talk more with you in-game!

Good luck Urh!
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Re: Urh's application

Post by Chikilina »

Thank you for you nice application Urh!
Hope to meet you soon.

Be safe,
Propraetor of the Red Rose
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Seiya do pegasus
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Re: Urh's application

Post by Seiya do pegasus »

Thanks for applying Urh, its good to see that you decied to do it now :)
Good luck.

Fighting for my honour, fighting for my life.
Praying to God that our side is right.