Alessa Rhyst - Application [Accepted]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
Alessa Rhyst
Posts: 15
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:21 pm

Alessa Rhyst - Application [Accepted]

Post by Alessa Rhyst »

Hello, members of Red Rose guild.

1) Character Information

This is a new character that i created a couple days ago. I have some friends that i always chat while i'm in the game and we go hunt sometimes. I like to hunt together with friends, doesn't need to be a quest, just kill some monsters together. I like to help players to level up too. I usually hunt on Femor Hills, from the Goblins to the Cyclops. I've never joined a guild, never found one that have the same thinking i do.

2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us

I read the codex and i got fascinated by the guild. There's a great hierarchy and well separated ranks. The fee that every member must pay helps the guild, so even if it's a obligation i see it as a way to support the guild in every aspect. The recruitment system is really good, for what i can see just join the guild who is really willing to be a good member!
Another reason for making me want to join the Red Rose is because this isn't just another guild that is together for the wars an PVP, here peace is preserved at all costs and i really like it.
Since i first chatted with the members (Black Falcon and with Sir mats) they were extremely kind and helped me out (thanks guys :D).
And the guild seems to be extremely united and the members seem to be real friends, a guild like this would be the one i wish to join.

3) Story

"It was clear when she finally awakened in Femor Hills. Awoke to noises of footsteps and promptly took her bow and quiver.
On top of the tree that had made her refuge, could see the central lake and was quite ventilated, causing her long hair fluttering. The eyes darted around the area looking for the source of the sound.

A slight smile came to her face when she found it. It was just a Goblin who was hunting rabbits and did not realize the Paladin. With one arrow well targeted and then he was dead.

'Damn these green creatures, always hiding next to trees ... ‘, she thought.

Picked up her bag and walked down the tree nimbly. Walked over to the body of the Goblin, rolled his belongings and found some coins and some dead rabbits.

'This will give a good breakfast ...', she said to herself as she smiled satisfied.

It’s been already a week since she started this hunt in Femor Hill. She was tired and low on ammo, maybe the hunt had to end soon.
When the rabbits had been put in the backpack and she was ready to go, a scream caused her chills.


Checked the quiver ... only 12 arrows. It was not enough, not nearly to the amount of Goblins to come. Was near a concentration of them and could not fight them all at once.
'sh*t ...' was all she could say before starting to run.
She was far away from the stairs, and there wasn’t enough time to reach it. Her only option was to go down the hill running despite the rocks and heights ... it was either that or death.
She ran as fast as she could toward the west, and before she knew it, comes the first slope. The girl did not expect the amount of earth and stones were so big and with one misstep, she was rolling down the hill. Got injured and was completely dirty, but there was no time to think about it, had to get on the road to be safe.

With luck she fell near the staircase to the lower level. Descended it as fast as she could and headed for the road. Was saved. Not entirely well, but safe.
'Argh, I cannot continue this way alone ... I need companions. Not some thugs who live for the fight, but companions. The elves of Ab'Dendriel have done everything for me, taught me everything that it takes to be a sentry and still give me shelter when I need ... however they are not the kind of order that follows my ideals', thought throughout her residence in Ab’Dendriel, since younger, and her lonely hunts as she walked toward Carlin.

Finally arrived in Carlin and was on her way to the depot. Felt the stares of people when crossing the street with her. But well, it was expected that they looked, it is not every day you see a girl covered in land, with scratches all over her body and with completely disheveled hair and with twice the normal volume.
From time to time she whispered "exura" and some of her wounds healed instantly. In those moments she reflected and thanked the gods for the power of magic.
The deposit was packed, as always, people talking, resolving banking issues or looking for partners for hunting...

She was on her box moving in her belongings when a conversation caught her attention:

'...Red Rose... traditionalist guild who cherish the fellowship and peace...'

She could not hear well so she got closer...

'I hear they are accepting newbies, I'm thinking of making the application.', said the knight.

'Ha, you're not the type of person they seek. They are direct followers of Banor, has a well-defined hierarchy. Nobility, justice and peace are their ideals and you, dear friend, does not fit.', scoffed another Knight.

All present in the conversation laughed and the Knight got embarrassed. They changed the subject and then she realized that she was creeping even closer to hear the conversation and, embarrassed, she decided to return to her box. With some coins she bought a letter and, with her best handwriting, began to write.
At the end handed the letter to be posted...

'Miss, your name must be written in the letter.', said the clerk gently.

Yeah, she had forgotten to write her name ..."

An unexpected smile broke out on her face and she went back to writing.

"I still call her ‘she’, or I have to call her 'me'?
This is my request to join the Red Rose as a partner in a group that I only dreamed and did not know it existed until recently.


Alessa Rhyst.

4) Anything else you want to say

Note¹: My username here in the forum isn't the same of my character because i read that should be the same after creating my account. Black Falcon said to me that the admins can change. I would be grateful if some of you change it.

Note²: I'm brazilian and sometimes my english get kinda lame, lol. I wrote the story in portuguese and translated to english putting in the translator and reviewing it. If you guys can't understand anything let me know and i'll do everything to make the story more clean.

And i hope i get accepted! :D
Last edited by Alessa Rhyst on Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
Sir Mats
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Re: Alessa Rhyst - Application

Post by Sir Mats »

Hello Alessa Rhyst.

Good luck and I look forward speaking to you again.
I have one question tho. you said that you just started this character. Do you play different chars and have a different main character?

Yours / Sir mats.

Note* I have changed your user name to: Alessa Rhyst
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Even in love, sadness is a part of my core
Alessa Rhyst
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Re: Alessa Rhyst - Application

Post by Alessa Rhyst »

No, i don't. This is my main character in Antica.
I have others chars in Calmera, but i don't play there because it's optional-pvp.

And this isn't the first time i play Tibia, i started playing about 6 years ago but i stopped playing the regular game and started playing OTs. I came back just recently, that's why my char is a low level.

And thank you for changing my username here. :)
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Alessa Rhyst - Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Hello there!

I like your application and I am looking forward to meeting you soon.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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Re: Alessa Rhyst - Application

Post by Mardin »


Nice application.

Catch me in the game to chat :)


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Alessa Rhyst
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Re: Alessa Rhyst - Application

Post by Alessa Rhyst »

I want to inform you that i may be a little away from the game for the next days. My mother is sick and interned in a hospital on another city. I'll travel there because she's under risk of dying. Even so, i don't want to give up on the application for the Guild.

I may not get totally disconnected with the game, just log in less times. When this all is resolved i'll come back and let you all know through this post.


Alessa Rhyst.
Sir Mats
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Re: Alessa Rhyst - Application

Post by Sir Mats »

Hello Alessa,

I'm sorry to hear about your mom.
All my best wishes goes out to your mom and your family!
I hope she gets well soon.

Take care and thanks for letting us know of your inactivity.

We'll see you soon, take care my friend.

Yours/ Sir mats
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Even in love, sadness is a part of my core
Alessa Rhyst
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Re: Alessa Rhyst - Application

Post by Alessa Rhyst »

Well, i wanted you guys to know that i'm back online, or at least try to stay online always.
Unfortunately the medics couldn't save my mom, although the efforts. :(

But, as I said before, i'm not withdrawing my application here on Red Rose.

I hope i can join you soon.


Alessa Rhyst.
Darkness power
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Re: Alessa Rhyst - Application

Post by Darkness power »

Deeply sorry about the happenings with you mom Alessa, may she rest in peace!

REally enjoyed reading your application... catch me in game for further conversations!

Good luck
Hail the Red Rose!
Sir Mats
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Re: Alessa Rhyst - Application

Post by Sir Mats »

That's so sad news Alessa, I'm also deeply sorry for your loss.
My thoughts goes out to you and your family.

Kind regards,
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Even in love, sadness is a part of my core