joninox application :D [Denied]

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joninox application :D [Denied]

Post by Jonillovace »

Hello red rose guild, well... ok... let me start ^^ i am a mexican-american christian(cause i love God) guy named jonathan,I born in USA but right now i am living in Mexico, i am 17 year old (i just turned 17 on march :P), and i really like to play tibia ^^, but not better that tennis! why? cause tennis is the best thing in the world (after God, of course) :D , well... :P, my goal in this life is to become one of the top 10 tennis players in the world! and i believe i can do it, cause i know that with the help of God and with the help of my parrents i can reach my goal! btw, i've been training really hard this past days! cause i have an important tennis tourney G3 in may! so i am getting ready to win! well... ^^, i am a guy who like this things: respect, honesty, loyality, friend ship, and the most important thing, to help others.

my little story :3
well, once upon a time, there was a little guy named "joninox" , he was a handsome, cool, and incredible guy! <he laughs>
one day, he met an incredible guy named "sir mats", he met him at the thais depot and started to talk with him, well... this incredible guy named "sir mats" found lots of simpaty in this guy, and lots of times, he told this little guy that he was really nice, the little guy (joninox) told him one day, ¿do you want to be my friend? and guess what he said!? he said no :'( , haha just kiddin' he said yes! :) the little joninox was really happy and fulled of joy! :D. So the days passed and this 2 characters started to be more than friends! they were really nice to each other that they started to say "brothers" between them, so every time joninox wanted to talk to this nice guy, he didnt say hello sir mats, he said hello big bro! ^^ , so the days passed and this nice guy took joninox to hunt some draggons! (btw, that was the first adventure they had togheter) they expected to get a nice shield over there! (you know which shield i am talking about) that's right! the draggon shield! <he laughs as he remembers> well, so we were hunting and hunting draggons! and guess what! haha we didnt got the draggon shield, but we had lot of fun!; when they got into the depot joninox was a bit sad cause they didn't looted the draggon shield, but guess what (again) this noble and amazing guy gave one draggon shield to this little guy named joninox! the little guy was so happy he was really amazed! and after that day this 2 guys lived a happily ever hunting :D haha just kiddin' they lived and still living with a very good friendship and respect to each other, and of course! this guy named "sir mats" is really special to joninox! why? cause he really like tennis also!<he laughs>
well... this short story was wrote by me to all of you "red rose guild! but specially to my loyal and big bro "sir mats" cause without his help and his friendship i would't never know this beautiful and loyal guild "red rose" .

well, another thing i want to tell you guys is that... I was in a guild named "scutum divinus" this guild is really nice and polite too, but the reason that i left is that i didn't feel really comfortable with a comment that a friend said, he was also a member of scutum, but he said that whenever he needed help with a p.k none of the guild members helped, :( i felt really sad for him and i left, i mean, this guild is really incredible too, but i just dont feel really protected with them :/ .

Well red rose guild, i hope you read my application! ^^ cause i really want to join to this beautiful and ancient guild cause i know that you are not a simple guild but you are "red rose" guild! :D and thats why i want tobe part of you! if you dont accept my application, its ok! ^^ i wont be mad, i just want you all to know that i really love this guild because the type of persons that are inside this awesome guild! awesome, polite, cool, respectful, incredible, loyal, honest and amazing guys! ^^

another thing <he laughs> whenever you need a friend to talk with, i'll be always there! ^^ just as my big bro "sir mats"
well, i hope you have a good day, good afternoon, or good night!

oh! btw, when i get famous i'll send you guys tickets for my tennis matches! <he laughs>

sincerely: jonathan ----> joninox (God loves you all) :D
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Kun Aguerus
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Re: joninox application :D

Post by Kun Aguerus »

Good luck with your application Joninox, you seem like a good egg.

I have applied too so will hopefully attend some guild business with you sometime in the future.

I'll hit you up in-game,



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Re: joninox application :D

Post by Gryphis »

Greetings Joninox!

It's nice to see you've applied afterall! Catch some Roses for a chat, so we all may get to know you better.

Good luck with your application!

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Re: joninox application :D

Post by Hopfenhorst »

Greets Bro :)

I really liked reading your application. It seems that you are a funny mate and thats a good thing. I wish you much luck and feel free to contact me ingame for some chat.

You can also tell something about your Homeland cause I serious looking forward to travel there :)

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Re: joninox application :D

Post by Jonillovace »

Kun Aguerus wrote:Good luck with your application Joninox, you seem like a good egg.

I have applied too so will hopefully attend some guild business with you sometime in the future.

I'll hit you up in-game,

thankyou very much! :D and yeah, I hope they accept me so we can go and make stuff togheter ^^
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Re: joninox application :D

Post by Jonillovace »

Gryphis wrote:Greetings Joninox!

It's nice to see you've applied afterall! Catch some Roses for a chat, so we all may get to know you better.

Good luck with your application!

Haha, yeah i will like to talk with you all guys, cause all of you seem to be really nice! ^^ and thanks, I hope they like my application!
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Re: joninox application :D

Post by Jonillovace »

Hopfenhorst wrote:Greets Bro :)

I really liked reading your application. It seems that you are a funny mate and thats a good thing. I wish you much luck and feel free to contact me ingame for some chat.

You can also tell something about your Homeland cause I serious looking forward to travel there :)

Haha, yeah! of course! whenever you want to talk with me just do it! i'll try to find you ingame ^^ and thanks for reading my application!.
and yeah, i really like to be happy, all thanks to God! :D
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Re: joninox application :D

Post by Sir Mats »

Greets Joninox!

What a wonderful surprise, that you found your way to our application board!
Just as my fellow roses allready mentioned, a good start is to try contacting our members.
Introduce yourself and get to know the guild some more.

I'll see you in-game!

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Re: joninox application :D

Post by Jonillovace »

Sir Mats wrote:Greets Joninox!

What a wonderful surprise, that you found your way to our application board!
Just as my fellow roses allready mentioned, a good start is to try contacting our members.
Introduce yourself and get to know the guild some more.

I'll see you in-game!

I will big bro ^^
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: joninox application :D

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Hello there, good luck with your application!
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.
