Elwyn Elite's Application [Accepted]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Elwyn Elite
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Elwyn Elite's Application [Accepted]

Post by Elwyn Elite »

Hello everybody, first of all, I will tell you a bit about my real life. My name is Alberto, I'm from México and I'm 19 years old, I'm studying at the high school, mi career is about agronomy, I choosen that because I really enjoy to be at the lands, I like the plants and animals, also I like to breath fresh air :lol: One thing that I really enjoy is listen to music, I can say that I couldn't live without music, also mi hobbie is playing guitar, I started to play 4 years ago, all my friends tell me that I can become a great musician :D

1) Character Information

My tibian name is Elwyn Elite, it's the second char I've ever played, the first char I played was a sorcerer called Sharon Elwyn, I reached level 28 with that char, but as a free account I got bored quickly, then I decided to play a knight. I can say that I've always been a serious person, in real life and in tibia, thats why I could say that I haven't enemies. I was part of the Nightmare Knights since 2010, but I left them in 2012 because I tought that I wasn't gonna play anymore, but, I decided to play again and remember the old times and my old friends. You can ask Sir Slaughter, Clubster or Cecil for information about me.

2)Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us

I would like to join to the Red Roses because I think that it would be fascinating to be a part of the greatest and oldest guild in all tibia, Also I would like to know more people I really enjoy to play with other persons, go to hunt something, going for some quests also organize any event. I dont like to play alone, for me is fascinating the fact that you can know persons of all places over the world, you can learn a lot, I have to say that I learned english by playing tibia haha! I know that it needs a lot of improvement :P but I know the basics, Of the red roses I know that it was founded in 1998, they are famous due to they were the first guild ever created, they have their own guildhall and their own shield, the legendary and beautiful rose shield. One of your members is my friend by some years ago, his name is Absolut Willen, we live in the same city in RL but we havent meet yet! haha. He could tell some about me :P

3) Story

Well, I started to play since 2006 with some friends that invited me to, once I started, obviously everything of this world was new to me, Obviously, I started killing rats at the caves of Rookgard, with a sabre that one of my friends gave to me, after that, when I was about level 5 I decided to explore the caves, and I found a rotworm that killed me :(, I spent about 3 months in Rook!! until I got lvl 8, once in mainland, I decided to choose Ab'dendriel as my town because one of my friends told me that it was a very nice city. Once in Ab, I decided to explore, haha there happened something embarrassing to say even nowadays :? I found a poacher, he started to attack me and I was saying: -no kill plx, no kill plx- xD once I died, I called my friend that was about lvl 50, I told him that "Poacher" killed me, and he told me that it was a monster not a human, I felt like a big noob :lol: two years later I bought my first pacc, I was really excited, I was visiting all the cities and I found very beautiful the city of ankrahmun, I used to hunt scarabs there. I remember when I found a dead corpse there, it had a pair of BOH, I was really happy by that and I ran away from there quickly, because I tought that someone was gonna go to recover the boots of haste. I reached level 80 on my knight in 2012, and I decided to get retired. Now in summer of 2014 I decided to play again, I found some of my old friends and it was really fascinating, I found that tibia has changed a lot, but I have to say that I like the things I've seen.

4) Anything else you want to say

I think that's all, I would like to know some of you, we can talk about the old times for example, go to hunt something and go for any quest etc, feel free to contact me in game!! Thanks in advance for reading my application!!
Last edited by Avenlia Silvershade on Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: He got accepted.
~~// Yours... Elwyn //~~
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Re: Elwyn Elite's Application

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

Hello Elwyn Elite,

Application noticed.
Feel free to catch me ingame and have a little chat.

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Re: Elwyn Elite's Application

Post by Miujau »

I wish you the best of luck Alberto! You seem like a great guy.

Catch you in-game.
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Re: Elwyn Elite's Application

Post by Gryphis »

Greetings Elwyn

I noticed you application and await replies from other members of the Family.

Kind regards,
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Elwyn Elite
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Re: Elwyn Elite's Application

Post by Elwyn Elite »

Thank you guys!! I'll try to contact all of you for a chat as soon as possible!
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Re: Elwyn Elite's Application

Post by Ullric »

Greetings mate, I hope we can meet soon ^^
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Re: Elwyn Elite's Application

Post by Absolut Wileen »

Ey Bud, :) I'm glad you've finally decided to write the app..
As you can see,, try to find different members who are ready to have a chat with u and so they can get to know more about you..

P.D. Dont get me wrong, and be patient, because here you can have an answer, but many will not play online because it is summer. :roll:

Good Luck.
Yours, Wileen :*

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Re: Elwyn Elite's Application

Post by Halfhigh »

Thanks for the chat today. Good luck with your application.
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Re: Elwyn Elite's Application

Post by Sir Mats »

Good luck!

I'll be active from the 30 of august. Catch me ingame for a chat.

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Re: Elwyn Elite's Application

Post by Mardin »


Catch me in the game for little chat :) but Im really rarely in the game for now I will have saturday free :)


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