Sir Yuri/Gramorn Serpenthelm application [Denied]

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Sir Yuri/Gramorn Serpenthelm application [Denied]

Post by Sir_Yuri »

Hiho, my name is Sir Yuri but i have a emissary know as Gramor Serpenthelm on the lovely lands of Antica. I'm 25, and i live in south Brazil, my real name is Yuri and i work as a Psychologist in a hospital. As my hobbies i play tabletop rpg's(mostly dungeons and dragons), forging medieval weapons and armor, and brew mead. Justice,chivalry and honor stands as my personal traits on game and out it (I think that's why i love everything related to medieval times specially the code of honor of knights).

Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us:
I started play tibia in august of 2004 on Xantera, and what deep captivated me in this game was the lore and the community, for me you can't say tibia without remembering the great Red Rose Guild either because of their history or for their dedication in keeping live the spirit of roleplaying even in times like these. I see the guild as a model that all guilds around tibia should follow, not only by its codex but the way the Roses are; respectful , kind, and willing to help everyone in need. The Red Rose Guild to me is more than a guild, is a way to be a better player and why not a better person. Helping others in need even in a game is a act of chivalry and righteous, and i really admire how the Roses are making it since 1998. I want to be part of it, i want to help others in need, and be surrounded with friends and companions that shares the same point of view as me, and the Red Rose Guild is the right place to find it.

A poem;

The knight's heart, is never the target, but the arrow.
The knight's heart, it is not what is under illusions and dreams, but accept the disappointments and broken dreams
The knight's heart, is not what has no innocence, but lost it and recreates again...
The knight's heart, which is immortal phoenix, as it rebuilds from its own ashes...
The knight's heart, is reincarnated as dies and is reborn in life, many times as necessary ...
The knight's heart, is what recreates the magic of days and peaceful nights of moonlight, and what breathes each new day with renewed energy.
Knight, that nothing can bring you down!
Never surrender your power!
Never succumbs!
Never grieves!
Never begs!
Never humiliate!
Works with greatness and not be overcome by guilt!
Knight are, and Knight posture shalt have!
Column straight, clear gaze, quiet face ...
Let no one be aware of your doubts ...
Let no one know of your weaknesses!
Knight, always'll fight to the end for what you believe ...
For what you dream,
For what you love,
You can only rest in the arms of your beloved
You can only cry in front the stars.
Knight, thou hast chosen the hard way,
The strongest,
The most worthy of a man.
The path of the righteous men.
Keep the sure that you can change your stars.

Anything else you want to say
Well my main character is Sir Yuri and i'am willing to transfer to Antica if i get accepted by the guild, i will be on the emissary character Gramorn Serpenthelm to stay in touch.

Thank you.
Zap Eldorath
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Re: Sir Yuri/Gramorn Serpenthelm application

Post by Zap Eldorath »

Hello Gramorn,

It's a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for taking the time to write out a very well thought-out application. I really enjoyed your poem. I really appreciate the fact that you took a look at our Codex, as it's a very important part of our guild and values. Feel free to add me to your VIP and talk to me in-game. I encourage you to add and speak to as many Roses as possible. Above all, have a wonderful day! <smiles>

Kind regards,
Kindest regards,


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Re: Sir Yuri/Gramorn Serpenthelm application

Post by Sir_Yuri »

Thank you for such a warm welcome Sheepyy, i'm glad that you liked my poem and i hope that i can catch you online soon.
Have a great day my good sir.
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Re: Sir Yuri/Gramorn Serpenthelm application

Post by Gryphis »

Greetings, Sir Yuri,

Welcome to the Red Rose forums, fellow knight.

Please catch me for a chat when you see me online.

As Sheepyy already mentioned, the more members of Red Rose you speak with, the better - good luck.

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Re: Sir Yuri/Gramorn Serpenthelm application

Post by Sir Mats »

Greetings Knight,

Feel free to contact me ingame.
I would like to get to know you better.

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Re: Sir Yuri/Gramorn Serpenthelm application

Post by Sherya »

Hello Patryck,

Thanks for you application and your poem. I wish you good luck.

Have a nice day,
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Re: Sir Yuri/Gramorn Serpenthelm application

Post by Lebetto »

Praises be!

Im also Yuri wish u all the best with application to Red Rose ;)
I cross fingers for u and i hope they want you inside ;) i will try apply too soon...

Take care,
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Re: Sir Yuri/Gramorn Serpenthelm application

Post by Gryphis »


On behalf of the Red Rose guild I would like to invite you for a Crossfire on 5th July 2015 at 20:00CET (10 hours after server save).

Remember to be on time and come only well prepared.

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Re: Sir Yuri/Gramorn Serpenthelm application [Denied]

Post by Gryphis »

Since you have not made yourself present at the Crossfire, your application is denied.