Black Falcon's Application [Accepted]

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Black Falcon
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Black Falcon's Application [Accepted]

Post by Black Falcon »

Greetings and salutations! ;)

A noble old knight with more concern of the philisophical and social aspect of tibia than the power gaming thereof.
That's how I would describe myself in short terms.

Black Falcon was created in late 2002, but it was not my first character. My first character was named SnaXeR, also created in 2002, but I lost it due to hacking and then created my current account. I am a peaceful knight, but I have been involved in some battles and diplomatic issues during my time in the guild Hikari(now disbanded). I've always tried to act as respectfully as possible, and I think I have done good so far! My former guilds are few, and only one of them was more established, but I'll list them here in accordance to date;
  • School for Knights (2002/2003?)
    Hikari (january 2004 - march 2006) - attained the position of Doragon(leader rank) and treasurer
    Parental Advisory (march 2006-??) - a guild of former Hikaris and friends, less serious
    Deathrow Saints (dec 2007-feb 2008) - joined as support to my friend Sir Scorpio
    Ruthless Horde (??) - joined to support their cause
Although I have had a few guilds after Hikari, I've been mostly in-active since I left it.

My real life name is Emil. I'm 21 years old and I live in the southern part of Sweden, Skåne. I love to read, especially history and certain biographies, and I'm a big fan of sci-fi! *g* But my biggest passion is music. I love most types of music, from jazz to reggae, hip hop to punk rock, almost any kind! I also play the guitar.
I am a man of principles and I stand by them even if it means contradicting a friend or giving me problematic consequences in what ever way. All that matters is the code of moral and goodness in life. I am an atheist, I believe that we are our own gods and should act in accordance to what we believe ourselves. And the golden rule - as it is in many religions and ideologies - "treat others as you wish to be treated yourself" is a bearing code of our existance.

My interest in- and feelings for the Red Rose are not complicated at all. To me it's always been a guild representing the good of Tibia. More of a lifestyle than a guild per se. With righteousness and respect as it's main purpose, it came naturally for me to apply now that I am once again looking for a new family and home.
One might say, my many occurences and experiences has lead me here to you, knocking at your gate, asking to come in. I can offer my help and friendship within the guild but most importantly; loyalty. :)

The history of Black Falcon

The birth;

I was not always called Black Falcon. Seven years ago I was born in the Thais temple, as so many others, and my given name was SnaXeR, a name and life of which I've put behind me. A life that I can look back at in retrospect and ponder on if that was really me, or a precursor that might have shaped the person I soon was to be. Maybe I am over-analyzing it like I always do. One can only wonder...
I remember being a troubled child, lost somehow. By this time I lived in the new city of Venore. A city above ground, rosen from swamp in a day, the legend says... A city attracting a lot of hustlers and robbers, shaping an entire generation. Even the city guards could not uphold peace and order! So how could you expect anyone else to do so? Life was in a way much better back then, I did not have any responsibilities as I do now, and as the days were few each day meant more, I was young and naive and little did I know about the world that surrounded me. Each meeting with a monster was special and exhilarating, heck, the smallest of creatures could scare my sorry behind! But as days went by in what now feels like ultra-rapid speed, the feeling of excitement some how changed into comfort and indifferance. I guess that feeling is what drives alot of people to do crazy quests and endanger their lives to get that same feeling you had when you were a kid, or in some cases, stay in Kazordoon and drink beer all day.
As a kid, I was very interested in the art behind fighting, so I spent alot of time training my sword skills, and as time went by, I became a rather good sword fighter! But that didnt make much difference when I killed my first dragon. I remember it like yesterday. On a mountain south-west of Venore was a single dragon, and as it could not leave it's mountain, it became an easy prey for us youngsters. Climbing up and down and shooting energy fields to slowly kill it became a hobby even for me as a knight! Oh memories...
I felt my teenage years went by very quickly, and before I knew it, I moved in to a flat with a couple of friends of mine in Venore! I was happy to have my own home, of course, but it did not last too long... One day I woke up only to find my self in an empty house. My money, hunting-gear and even my precious gems had been stolen! This became the end of my life as a young and naive boy, and the start of my life as Black Falcon.

Finding a home;

There I was. I felt naked and exploited, but, for some reason, renewed. I felt I had been given a second chance, that I could start it all over with the knowledge and experience that I've gained only to come back as a better person. I even moved to a quiet and friendly little town ruled by the elven order, Ab'dendriel. It didn't take long for me to get some decent equipment, including an axe instead of the sword. The sword had become too easy to master, and as I had always admired the art of axe fighting, the decision was not hard. I was now to become an axe fighter, and a good one at that! I spent hours, days, weeks even months practising to become a skilled axe fighter, and as my skill grew, so did my loneliness. I was still the same man that once moved to that quiet little town. I had made some friends, but I was yet to find a home.
I had a new goal - finding a place to call my home. A guild. There were many guilds that were attractive, the Red Rose being one of them, but as the war against the Last Action Heroes had just ended, and another was approaching, I needed to find my self a peaceful and neutral guild where I could finally feel at home. I found a guild of former Satori members that I had seen in Ab'dendriel, Hikari. They seemed to be what I was looking, and after some consideration I sent them a letter showing my interest. They apparantly thought I was a good candidate, and invited me to join them! How happy I was to have a guild. And a guild of that character, at that!
I made my first real friends in Hikari. Many of which I still speak to. I felt I grew as a person within that guild, it was the home I had been searching for, and everything seemed perfect. But the political situation was not. A war was approaching, as I mentioned before, and noone could be safe. For a while, we managed to uphold our neutrality and balance, but as the war grew, our guild shrank. It was a sinking ship, and I stayed on it until it sank. Some of my fellow guildmembers even changed drastically, as if a demon had possessed them! Times were changing and there was no more a place for me in this world. So I disappeared in exile, to a world where I would be safe. And there I stayed in safety, gaining wisdom and watching the world lose it's balance.
I've realized now that the situation will not change much, the will to fight seems stronger than the will to live in peace. And the will to live in peace will grow stronger not by fighting, but showing that it's possible to do so...

Thanks for taking your time to read this, and I hope to see you all soon! 8-)
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Re: Black Falcon's Application

Post by Chikilina »

Hello Black Falcon,
Thank you for your nice appilcation! Good luck.

Hope to see you soon
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Re: Black Falcon's Application

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Nice to see you here Black Falcon, and well written.
I support your application.

All I have to say!
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Re: Black Falcon's Application

Post by Skyzo »

Nice Application Falcon =)
I hope have a small-talk with you in Tibia =)
Good Luck!!
Skyzo, the Banshee.
Proud member of the Red Rose.
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Re: Black Falcon's Application

Post by Sir Balder »

Greetings Black Falcon,

I have not yet had the pleasure to meet you, but I look forward to it. Your application was well written and very interesting to read. Thank you!

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Black Falcon
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Re: Black Falcon's Application

Post by Black Falcon »

Thank you for your support!
With new years eve approaching and me desperately trying to find a job, my online time will be limited for the next couple of days, but I look forward to seeing you all online! ;)

Happy new year!
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Re: Black Falcon's Application

Post by Mild »

im glad to see your application mate...

looking foward to talk to you..
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Re: Black Falcon's Application

Post by Chikilina »

Welcome :)
Propraetor of the Red Rose