Neblans Application [Denied]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Neblans Application [Denied]

Post by Neblan »

Good day to everyone.

1. Character/Player Information
I started with tibia in 2002 i remember that time since I was playing Diablo II and start my first work in so called "Internet caffe". My friend showed me tibia... I played +/- 2 years than quit due to boters and cheaters - I realized that not many people play manually.
I returned to the game last year. This character was created around June 2015 however account is much older. This days game is much easier so the lvl is going much faster - in 2004 I was lvl RP ~60 with decent skill that time (TOP 25). I played mostly alone since I played on US server and all my guild friends played late night hours where I was available mostly in evenings. Since I had a long break from game for the last couple of months I spend a lot time on twitch / streams and forums to be up to speed with everything. Still had a lot to learn.
I am 36 years old, having nice wife :) and sweet little daughter. I play in my free time (other duties: work, gim, baby, house duties, other work) usually I have time to play every day 21-23 CEST sometimes earlier and weekends. I am friendly player, helping others if possible, never hunted. Back in the days I had my own guild on Amera which last for 2 years - than I quit. I have no enemies on any server (basically play only on Amera – back than I thought that server location reflect language that is used in the game that is why I choose Amera) I will definitely make some friends here.
My favorite vocation is RP than mage / druid, I do not see any joy playing knight. Playing mostly solo since I like to do task from A.Grizzly but I find it boring in longer time and enjoy team hunts and team quests but not these in rush. I enjoy to discover tibias all locations, making access quests – it takes some time because I like to know everything about each place. I do not chase lvl or skills nowadays like I use to do it at the beginning.

2. Why do you want to join Red Rose
Never thought to join you, but when I moved to Antica I started to look for some guilds and read their short info and decided that this one suits me best, however I do not know much about you. I remember that this guild was famous in 2002 when I started that is still somewhere in my head. More than this, I always respect ethics or rules and like that some guilds have that and treat this seriously – I think it is something I will like (will see )

3. Roleplaying Story
This is not my strong part. If that part is obligatory than I will resign. This is difficult for me also since English is not my first language. I like things straight and short.

edit: the story

Thais, the oldest city in Tibia, one of the biggest with lots of connections with other cities, nice market place and happy people paying on the streets. Town with young and old people, women and children. This is the town we know nowadays but it wasn’t this way all time…
Back in the days Thais was a small town with mostly young brave warriors, women, and children. There was no market, citizens know only few more cities but they were afraid to travel there that’s why sometimes for weeks they didn’t have much to eat, they didn’t have decent weapons and they were afraid … Afraid you ask – of what?
Well, back than life wasn’t so simple as it is now. Thais had problem with dragons and monster spiders crowded near the city looking for easy meal.
Brave knights didn’t live that long, they die in fight or during travels with merchant as their protectors. Most experienced knights our King nominated to elite warriors, but even they with experience and skills didn’t survive long leaving their families without any protection or assets to live… Some knight were smart enough (or scarried ?) that find out a way to fight from distance, they call themselves paladins! They got the skills to deal decent damage to enemy but even they die young. Their skills make knights live more easier and less knights died from that time, therefore King nominated them to be a royal family of the city.
Nevertheless Thais warriors have new skills and tactics they still die young in fight and travels to other cities was an adventure often with no happy end.
But something changes… you can call it gift from Gods or nature mistake, but that little thing changes everything – that wasn’t a miracle, nothing that changed Tibinas live from certain day it takes few years and not everyone know what is happening…
In spring time one of the royal families had their first child they called him Neblan which in their culture means hope. Baby was health and people loved him, he grow nicely but it was something different in him. Other brothers and other families children like to train and fake fight like everyone but not Neblan, he was able to sit in the garden for hours looking for grass, flowers, butterflies and other bugs. He didn’t talk much, no one knows really why but they assume that it’s because he is different. That wasn’t the hope the family was expecting but still they love him and support him in everything. From time to time his father take him for hunt since Royal families fight with distance Neblan could watch everything from distance hidden in bushes or woods (he laugh that he is invisible). After every fight he go to dead monster and took some parts from it, skins, ashes, eyes which was scary for others but not for him. People wants meat, Neblan took these parts that no one wants anyhow.
After few years Neblan prepared something he called antidote for giant spider poison, but nobody believes that. People know how dangers these spiders are and how deadly that poison is. One day his best friend returned from hunt nearly dying from poison, Neblan cure him with this specific. He also find a way to create food in times there was no other possibility and people started to talk with him more, he teach them how to use antidote, after a while he also learned how to heal some small injuries after the fight, and prepared small stones for knights and paladins which cure them and let them coming home by themselves even if they were injured.
Neblan was brave, we wanted to fight with others just have different style to do it…
He became a member of the elite King team since he was able to heal almost everything that time. Travels from town to town were much safer now, people didn’t starving hunger live was easier and everything because of one little boy that didn’t want train… That was the hope they needed that time.
Neblan started a school for DRUIDS – everyone who wanted to learn how to live with the nature was invited. Not many member was there just few during all these year, but the number was growing every decade. Soon Neblen become one of the oldest members of the city. That time King nominated him as an Elder Druid.
Years go pass and people live much longer do to specifics Neblan prepared for them, but he still wasn’t satisfied. There were monsters like old red dragons or even legendary demons that kill a lot of them during travels or when they tried discover new lands. Neblan got an idea, since they fight with fire he decided to try deal with nature forces like winter and he success!! Now he was able to deal decent damage like he always wanted, he was able to heal and kill at the same time - he was almighty… well almost… soon he find out that winter or nature power is useless for other demons. He was sad, but still tried to find a way to protect Thais citizens.
During all these years of teaching in druids school he recognize one student that was good in magic but has no skills to heal anyone just himself. They spend a lot of time together trying different styles. Neblan was old and experienced he knew that it’s a matter of time when this student discover something that no one else discovered so far. That’s happened after few years. Neblan was about nature and winter elements and that boy was about everything but mostly energy and fire. After some time he become master of magic.
This is how one man can change the world. It’s just a legend but who know… nowadays we have these four vocations live and fight together and live is easy but it wasn’t that always…

4. A Personal Touch
I think I put everything in the first point. More than that you can alway ask in the game.
Last edited by Neblan on Fri Jul 01, 2016 5:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Darien Dawnbringer
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Re: Neblans Application

Post by Darien Dawnbringer »

Application noted, feel free to contact me in game for a chat
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Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"

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Re: Neblans Application

Post by Neblan »

Thx, will be in the game later today 1h from now probably, when my put my daughter to sleep. WIll try to msg you. If you are off line i will try other time.
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Re: Neblans Application

Post by Gryphis »

Ashari young one,

You are applying to one of the oldest guild in Tibia. We put emphasis on tradition and roleplaying, because they are at the core of Red Rose.

If you'd rather resign than put time into writing a full application, it's not fair to ask people to take their time to read through it.

I'll keep this thread open for one week, should you change your mind.

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Re: Neblans Application

Post by Neblan »


I understand that this guild has the history, rules and lots of requests for join everyday and you deny lots of them due to different reasons and this might be one of them. Its OK, your guild your rules, but...
Its not about the time I have to spend on the story its about the skill I do not have. Everyone has different skills and missing others. I am missing the one that entertain people with words. Just want to make things rather speak about them. Never was good with speeches or stories - this is something i am not able to skip :/ thats why i said that if this is obligatory I will resign so you don't waste your time for me. I am honest with this and will not pretend anything here or copy -> past from Google just to make that point completed.
Thanks for feedback. I will understand if my request will be rejected.

edit: what are the expectation for the story? what should it be about - any directions so I can at least try... ?
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Neblans Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Greetings Neblan,

A roleplaying story can be any kind of story. If you're lacking some inspiration or if you're not compleatly sure how to put one together, I suggest that you have a look at some of the other applications.
You will see that most people write with regards to the origins of their Tibian character, or an adventure they went on.

What Gryphis said stands.
The core of the Red Rose is built around the old ways of Tibia.

I wish you good luck.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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Re: Neblans Application

Post by Chikilina »

Greetings Neblan,

Your application looks incomplete.

Good luck,
Propraetor of the Red Rose
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Re: Neblans Application

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

Application noted.
Good luck on your story.

Feel free to contact me inname.

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Re: Neblans Application

Post by Neblan »

the story - i added it in the first post. Didn't sleep because of it :p hope you like it, enjoy. Sorry for grammatic...
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Adventurer Ceori
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Re: Neblans Application

Post by Adventurer Ceori »

Feel free to write me ingame ;)
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