William's Application [Withdrawn]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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William the Brave
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William's Application [Withdrawn]

Post by William the Brave »

My dear Roses! I offer you my most humble greetings. I come to your forums with great interest in your guild. Below I have written some brief information about myself, I like to keep things short and practicle for the convenience of us all, but I am surely open to elaborate if needed.

A brief introduction

My name is William and I am 23 years old. I am of Swiss/British Nationality. I currently work as a volunteer at the Save the Children foundation, we aim to raise awareness of global issues and try to create the biggest impact possible for change. Humanitarianism is something that lies deeply within my core value, we as a species our goal is to evolve and I try to do my part in advancing that threw these and other means. When I am not at my work I attend nightschool at my local Uni in Basel where I study Neuroscience. Other than this some of my interests are Mathematics, Physics and Psychology.

Tibia Life

I first started playing Tibia in 2001, I was always fascinated by the mysteries the game had to offer. I often spend countless hours in hopes to unlock the secrets of the game. Aside from this what keeps me still playing is the community, I really enjoy meeting different people from all over the world and sharing our tales amongst eachother, what lies to me dear are the friendships I have made within this game and I am always looking to make new ones and being an open ear for those in need.

In-game I spend most of my time within the halls of Kazordoon, I enjoy helping new arrivals around here. They always seem to get lost :lol:
Kazordoon has always been my home since I started playing the game. There are many fascinating things to be discovered within this great city, one of these great mysteries is of the illusive Basilisk, which apparently roams within the deep mines. I have yet to encounter this great beast, hopefully one day it shall meet it's faith, countless of poor adventurers have not been seen since wandering within the mines as of late. Few have been found alive, most apparently ending up in petrified state, or so the rumor goes.

When I am not in Kazordoon you will usually find me wandering around the streets of Liberty Bay, my second home. A great city for a Knight to make his living. Not far from the town lies a great mountainous region, filled with Wyrms and other ungodly beasts alike. Fortune can be found there but I would advise you to take me with you :D

William has seen his fair share of battles and is a rather torn up old warrior, amongst all traits he values Bravery the most in others, not to be confused with foolishness :lol: He believes in defending the helpless and he will most certainly go out his way to help a friend out in need.

Why do you want to join Red Rose?

The guild has a rich history, and a bunch of colorful characters within it with many interesting stories to share. I hope to create many new tales of our own and embark on new adventures with these like minded folk. I see your guild as banner of Tibia, a beacon of what this game can be with a good community. We share many of the same values and beliefs, and I believe I would fit in within this environment.


I hope you will see kindly to this Knight's short tale and offer him an opportunity. Looking forward to talking to you guys ingame. Also I am sorry for my poor english, it is not my best language :D
Darien Dawnbringer
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Re: William's Application

Post by Darien Dawnbringer »

Hello William, feel free to contact me in game if you see me for a chat. ^^
"In fearful day, in raging night,
With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"

01:20 Cotelaria [214]: F*ck you, you f*cking f*ck.
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William the Brave
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Re: William's Application

Post by William the Brave »

Will do, see you ingame mate :D
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Re: William's Application

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

Application noted.

Smashing Pumpkin
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: William's Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Greetings William,

thank you for your application.

Please feel free to contact me in-game.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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Re: William's Application

Post by Chikilina »


Feel free to contact me in-game.

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Re: William's Application

Post by Gryphis »

Ashari, young one.

I will be awaiting a message from you.

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William the Brave
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Re: William's Application

Post by William the Brave »

Hello folks,

Spoke recently to Pumpkin and Avora, looking forward to meeting the others.

I am usually on at around 8pm CET, hopefully I can catch one of you!

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William the Brave
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Re: William's Application

Post by William the Brave »


Thank you for your request.

You have received an entry in your rule violation record for an offensive post, which is a violation of the Tibia Rules. We have carefully reviewed the entry.

It was based on a report which has been transmitted directly to us from the game server, so there is no way to change or fake it. For this reason, statements in the chats and in the forums as well as names, comments and signatures are considered to be valid proof.

Here is an extract from the chat log or post on which the entry was based:
Im glad they voted out for brexit

The entry in the rule violation record was justified. I am afraid we are not prepared to remove it. Please read the Tibia Rules at http://www.tibia.com/support/?subtopic=tibiarules carefully and follow them at all times to make sure your account will not be punished again.

Kind regards,
Tibia Customer Support

Hello chaps,

I have been banished. looks like im done with tibia haha. its been a good time, time to move on.
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Re: William's Application [Withdrawn]

Post by Gryphis »

Thank you for telling us, William.

I will close your application.