Greetings Friends. [Denied]

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Gin Pevishan
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Greetings Friends. [Denied]

Post by Gin Pevishan »

My my.. You all are such an interesting group, to say the least. And some of you.. so familiar.. hmm.. But alas! I am an old man and you must excuse me a bit of rambling! Let me see here, yes, let me see. What did you need to know again? My birthdate! Well... that is.. I can't seem to.. To be honest, I can't seem to remember, it was awhile ago though! Yes, some time. Years and years. Have to excuse an old man if he forgets!

Ah.. hmm.. My friends.. another tough one.. Perhaps though, you maybe know of them. Well there was Red Un, that crazy drunken excuse for a dwarf! And then of course Old Hester, yes, her and her circus! And young Tath Thibas, I haven't seen him in so long. My, my.. How things change. You walk away for what seems like a few days and suddenly it's as though years have gone by! Or.. have they? You can never tell really, time just isn't what it used to be you know. Perhaps though a certain Sir Balder might remember me?

My enemies? Well.. I don't seem to recall any. Not really the fighting type don't you know! Heh.. not to say I wouldn't have to give you a whack with my staff if you steal my stuff. But.. eh.. you're not thieves are ya? No. I think not. So.. As I said, no real enemies that I know of. Unless there are some secret ones. Hunting me from the shadows! Heh.

Anyways, me, I like in Kazordoon. I blame it on all those dwarves I used to hang around with. They've got me addicted to that dwarven ale! Mostly do freelance work, taking care of those uppity mine workers for the emperor. Though if you've something you'd like me to take care of for ya, I'll not think twice! Heh.. heh..

So now, what do I know about you. Well, I know you have too much darn reading too. Hurts the eyes you know. Need to get them back in shape. That I do, that I do. Heh, that aside, I seem to recall some sort of tradition you've got. Being an old and proud group. Yes, yes. Good group too, stick up for the average tibian and all. For the fair play, and having fun. Don't you lot have some sort of belief about dogs? I'm curious about that, someone'll need to explain that to me. Yes. Like I said, good group you are. Hail Banor and all that. Heh.

Now you want a story!? About me?! Oh blast it. I'm too old to tell stories. Well, doesn't that sound like an oxymoron? Heh. Let me see, let me see.

Ah, here we go.

So there I was right? Sitting at the bar of ole McTrivers Pub and havin' a glass of his finest wine. Meanwhile, behind these thugs are gettin ready, you know, surroundin' me and all. One has at the back of my head with a bottle, but I'm ready for him. I drop off my stool last second, the bottle whistlin' pass my brow like the wind atop a mountain. I catch myself in a crouch and come up hard and fast, leave a splinter o' glass in his gut. Sour him up right fine that did! I reach and grab my staff and see they got five more men and I'm in a pickle against the bar. Not a soul interested in helping me out. Bloody curse being a necromancer if you ask me. Couldn't borrow a penny if I offered em a gold piece back!

Anyways, so I has my staff up right? One of 'em leaps at me, an' I catch his blade on my staff and twist him off balance. Bring up the other hand and thwack him one on the side of the head with the butt of the staff. I twist, and catch hold of a wrist as a knife slips past me. Channel the guys life energy right out and through, blast it back in his own face! Heh, he drops like a whore's pants. Pardon! Got a bit into the story there, heh.

Anyways, next guy catches me across the back with his club and I go down to the floor. But I'm quick hey. So I quick roll, dodging a sword thrust and use my legs to trip a guy and bring him down with me, leave my belt knife in his neck. Let him bleed on his friend's foot a little. Grab my staff again in time to parry the club. There's only two of 'em left and they ain't too cocky now. So I get time to get back to my feet and give 'em a good look down. They think better of me and get going. Heh. So much for them street thugs. Never will you meet such frightened folk I tell ya.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that. If not, let me know, I've got a few more as might do!

But it's late so, time for this old necromancer to get to bed. Heh. I hope to talk to you soon.
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Re: Greetings Friends.

Post by Sir Balder »

Hello there Gin,

Of course I remember you. Thanks for the application and the nice story - please feel free to contact members for a chat.

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Re: Greetings Friends.

Post by Black Falcon »

Hello there! I like you're story, although I'm not a huge fan of barfights... <g>

Good luck!
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Re: Greetings Friends.

Post by Skyzo »

Thanks for post!!
I hope to know more about you :mrgreen:
Skyzo, the Banshee.
Proud member of the Red Rose.
Gin Pevishan
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Re: Greetings Friends.

Post by Gin Pevishan »

I will certainly be looking for you all in-game! My online times are not certain since I am working and will be starting next semester for college soon. But I will keep in mind to look for online members when I'm on!

Hope you're all having a good day and a great new year!
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Re: Greetings Friends.

Post by Xandrja »

Hello Gin Pevishan :

After reading your interesting story the only question that it came to my mind is : Are you an old Necromancer or a close relative of Jacki Chan? Wow, I'm sure that I'll stay away from your staff xD

Good luck!


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Re: Greetings Friends.

Post by Nirdor »

I hope I can join you on a bar tour sometime Gin, I'm also addicted to the dwarf ale.. Especially Red Un's.. hrhr

A crazy axe fighter and a mead lover.
Nirdor from Farajdvheim, Eanor.
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Gin Pevishan
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Re: Greetings Friends.

Post by Gin Pevishan »

Xandrja, I admit to having a bit of hand-to-hand training in addition to my other training as youth. Not to mention the various things one picks up as a traveling adventurer!

And Nirdor, I seem to remember you having a fondness for it. But then again, who didn't enjoy the forbidden fruit of Red Un's cellar!
Gin Pevishan
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Re: Greetings Friends.

Post by Gin Pevishan »

Hello friends. My apologies as I was called away for the weekend and have just now returned. I hope to talk to you all some more soon!

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Re: Greetings Friends.

Post by Skyzo »

I hope see you soon =))
<Hugs Gin>
Skyzo, the Banshee.
Proud member of the Red Rose.