Nushky's Application [Denied]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Nushky's Application [Denied]

Post by Nusky »

Character information:
Hello, it's me I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet.

My name in-game is Nushky and actually I'm 23. My real name is Pol (or Paul how starbuck's company use to write it). My residence is in Barcelona, Spain, so feel free to enjoy our perfect weather during the whole year. Nowadays I'm stuying Industrial design & Industrial design engineering and I really like to spend time with my friends inside and outside the game.

Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us?:

Since I started playing Tibia, now like 6-7 years ago, I also wanted to know all about everything, but not in the similar way as "typic" people, but in the way to know all the smail details about the game and the people I started to meet in-game. Those details helped me to grow in the correct way of my mind: Helping my friends, enjoying the game and unveiling day after day the secrets of tibia that make this game great. I became good friends with a lot of nice people since we were in Rookgard. These people and I shared a lot of well-comed moments. Unfortunately for different reasons I had to quit the game for 4 years. Since last summer, on night staring to the stars, Tibia returned to my min and I gave it a second oportunity. A lot of changes since my first chapters... I feel like a noob because I couldn't do almost anything without asking. But again I had met nice people who helped me to rediscover the game I played years ago. All was going well, quests, addons, hunts, a lot of goals to reach, but ending the summer, the one who was supposed to be my best college in-game stole almost all my items/money, so under a state of anger i quitted again until 2 days ago. (27-11-16).

Otherwise, since I started playing I always read about the history of Tibia, a history where the guild Red Rose has left a lot of achievements. But not just for the goals u have reached, I always heard about the loyalty, behaviour, experienced people, knowledge, tournaments, contests... even the RED ROSE SHIELD. In a nut shell, Red Rose it's been a real family throught the years. Your history whose I find most interesting, so I've always dreamed of one day becoming a part of this big family.

Red Rose has always been a legacy and will keep being: The determination, endurance, strength and the best Inspiration for me to keep growing.

I'd like to join the Red Rose Guild because the guild has something that I enjoy: History based on your Respect.
I'd like to join the Red Rose Guild because the guild has something that I enjoy: Respect based on your History.

My rpg history:

Creation date: sometdaty in Jul 2015.

I started like a totally noob with some friends that used to live next to me. Starting growing up we collaborated to be a great team with the luck that each of us was a different class from the others. That was perfect for th. Throught the time, and because I used to play more, I felt that I was advancing lvls faster than them, but that was not a reason to cut the relationship, even better. Because of my lvl I helped my friend blocking harder monsters until almost they reach my lvl.
Once in main land I was feeling like plenty years ago, when I get there for first time ever, Mounts, runes, spells, creatures.. All was new for me again and I was completely lost.
Darashia was my family land during first lvls, roots, minos etc.. All beginnings are difficult, and the money doesn't come for no reason so you know: bagloots, running across the deserts, mountains, tumbs, ice, fire, water leveling as fast as I could but always with some breaks with friends to have funny moments with them.
At lvl 70 we started to complete some quests because we liked to discover and getting acces to new areas (like The New Frontier Quest) and trying to get some outfits/addons without paying for them, achieving them step by step, day by day.
Among the time we reunited a good quantity of money that allow us to improve our equipments with the items we were saving money for, since we were low lvls.
After a good quantity of missions, I focused my eye on mounts, and yes, I spent a lot trying to get some of them by my self but pacience is a good quality of mine, so I get my goals acomplished.
Thanks to our team work, we met a lot of nice people; parties, histories, games, walking around tibia, celebrating big lvls, preparing meals and dinners with someones, decorating our houses and always keeping growing together.
But a devil action was ready to come at the end of the summer. The one who was suppose to be my friend, cleaned up our shared house and since that day until 2 days ago I quitted as I said before.
I hope thats just a new beginning and who know if I'll see my wish accomplished.


Lately I have insomnia problems, I've seen my face on a sheet of paper by the side of the devil
that's why sometimes I drink alone, a I laugh other I cry some improved and others I f**k ...
for all i thought about the suicide, get drunk in a glass but I lost my balance.
I envy you, I was able to rob a bingo, to have a beer in the park from Monday to Sunday.

I'm not addicted to drugs or to your manure, other I tested and burned in hell
others did not understand but they saw that I don't want to and f**k in the attempt
I bit the hook, is a I want and I can't, to drunk and crying on the floor, rejecting the consolation
and suddenly , I was alone on a bridge and I saw all different and I started to talk with my mind.
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Re: Nushky's Application

Post by Knightguard »


I suggest contacting as many Red Rose members as possible. Good luck!

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Re: Nushky's Application

Post by Chikilina »

Be greeted, Nushky.

Application noticed.
We already met in-game, so keep contacting other guild members.

Kind Regards,
Propraetor of the Red Rose
Darien Dawnbringer
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Re: Nushky's Application

Post by Darien Dawnbringer »

Application noted.

Feel free to talk to me in game if you see me.
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Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"

01:20 Cotelaria [214]: F*ck you, you f*cking f*ck.
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Re: Nushky's Application

Post by Gryphis »

Ashari, young one.

I have merged your two posts to make it easier to follow for others who read your application.

When you see me online, send me a message. I'd like to speak with you.

Kind regards,
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Nushky's Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Greetings Nushky,

please feel free to contact me in-game for a chat.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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Adventurer Ceori
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Re: Nushky's Application

Post by Adventurer Ceori »

Feel free to contact me ingame !
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Re: Nushky's Application

Post by Man of electric »

Try to find me ingame.


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Re: Nushky's Application

Post by Nusky »

It has been a wonderful month, talking with some of you, and even visiting some houses :)
I just wanted to wish all of you Merry Xmas and a Happy new year.

Enjoy your live :)

Kind regards.
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Re: Nushky's Application [Denied]

Post by Gryphis »

Nushky, as we have not heard from you for a long time and you are a member of another guild, your application has been denied.

We wish you all the best in your Tibian career.