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Post by Berimba »

Hail Red Roses,

Me and KobashTan Bokaj The Demon had an small adventure in the desert dungeon this afternoon and we have colected the full Desert library for the Red Rose Library. Came to Bokaj's mind that Rob was colecting some books and we though that would be nice send them. :)

We will send those great books to Rob's depot.

Tor'Roshak of the Mercenarys!
Berimba, The Dark Magician

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Re: Books

Post by Dezonn »

Oh Rob will be really happy with this!!

Thanks Berimba ;)
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Re: Books

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Wow thanks a lot! :))))
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Sara Lionheart
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Re: Books

Post by Sara Lionheart »

Oh, nice! I love books!
It’s an even bigger achivment considering you had to drag that old fool around :D

Thanks allot Mercenarys!
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Re: Books

Post by Berimba »

Hehehe, glad you liked it and will be for a good use..
and Sara it's always a honor to go out for some adventures with the old Bokaj :)

Also please tell Dunja to check her PM please. :)

Thanks in advance,
Tor'Roshak of the Mercenarys!
Berimba, The Dark Magician

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Re: Books

Post by Kajala »

Dear friend and neighbour Berimba,

what great news to get those books for our library! Thank you, and also give a big thanks to Bokaj. It must have been a heavy backpack you both had to carry or even to push!
I can't wait to read them myself. :D

(I checked the pm, thank you. :) )

Yours, Dunja
The longest journey starts with a single step.
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