Seaf's Application [Accepted]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Seaf's Application [Accepted]

Post by Seaf »


1) Character information
This char, Seaf, was created 99, when no acc system nor other servers existed… I have some old friends in Tibia, and some new from former guilds… As good friends I consider Lafon, Lehap, Pegozovio (both inactive :S) Lehna, Ephor, Hagbard, Rob and so on… as in real life there are just a few really good friends, most of em I named above…

I have been in just one guild before my retirement, the IQQR or IQRS, can’t remember it’s name and as I wasn’t really active in the guild, its no surprise… After coming back from retirement I joined the Cult of the Black Prophecy because of a rl friend, wasn’t really active there neither… it turned into Legionaries, we were in war with Black Dragons, then I left, since I prefer peace over war… then I joined Anticas Freelancers (Fantasy Evolutionist was the leader), Circle of Mages, which I liked since we had young people who joined… I was able to teach them the one or the other thing about and now I am applying for RR…
At the moment I hardly hunt since my internet sucks, I mostly chat and sometimes train a bit, if I find someone online… When my internet gets stable again, I am looking forward to hunting, hunting with friends, guildmembers etc… There is no special hunting ground atm, anywhere, where I don’t need any supplies at the moment :P

2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose/ What do you know about us?
Hmm, why would I like to join… To be honest, I was thinking about joining the RR long time ago, but some friends made me join other guilds and so on… maybe I didn’t do what I wanted in the past, but I do what I desire now and in the future… I want to become a RR member because this is one of the few guilds that has a spirit, there is more than just high levels and what not. In my eyes Red Rose stands for friendship and history, and since I think I can offer you both, I would like to join… I would like to be part of Red Rose. And furthermore, RR exists as long as I play this game, and I hope RR will even still exist when I vanish some day… I just want to join 1 guild anymore… and I think RR is the right decision… actually… I don’t think, I know it’s the right decision…

Well, what do I know… hehe... I remember getting killed by a RR member back then for killing a dog on thais x-road, at that time I was 15 years old and I didn’t have a clue what this was about… Wasn’t the best start I guess… ;)
I know that gods talk through dogs… that the guildhall is in Fibula, that RR always stood for events… you protect your members and act in the name of Banor… the application system is a long procedure, but you want to be careful with new members which I can understand and support… had bad experiences with new members in my former guilds as well… :/

I could copy and paste loads now from the site… but I guess this isn’t ment by “what do you know about us…


My name is Seaf and I was born long, I mean really long, ago at Quentin’s beloved Temple in Thais… Good old Quentin, the priest who baptised me on the name Seaf… I didn’t like my name in the beginning because of … I don’t exactly remember why… but anyhow, this is another weird story…
Quentin was the one who told me what to do, where to go… he said, “Go! Go and explore the big world out there… Good luck, be safe and behave…” Well, and guess what, I did go, I went out of the temple for the very first time… I landed on the hard streets of Thais city… Seems Quentin really wanted to get rid of me… What a sad moment in my life… but again, this is another weird story…

Anyhow, there I stood, in the middle of Thais x-road… a scared little human… and I immediately fell down a hole… damn I was so small, I even fell through the rails of the sewergate… I met the Devil himself in the shape of a Rat… couldn’t do much but dig a 6 feet deep hole and lay down my scratched body…

The next thing I remember was Quentin looking at me and laughing his ass off… We had a discussion and what not, but this is another weird story…

Anyhow, after fighting those Rats, and sometimes beating them, sometimes running back to Quentin for a healing, I found some gold pieces and had no idea what to do with it… Therefore, I went to this pub next to this sewer gate, called “Frodo’s Inn”, and I said to myself, why not drop by for a drink or two… or three or eleven… I was drunk and got used to it and all my money was invested in Frodo’s Inn and I was an alcoholic back then and what not… but again, this is another weird story…

After reha and several, no numerous visits at the AA’s, I was clean and explored more of the countryside… there I met strange monsters such as Orcs and Beholders, down a staircase some Ghouls, up a ladder… OMG not again, Devil himself… but this time in form of a Damon… Yeah! You read correct, a DAMON!!! This cave was no good for me… and I decided to go south, through a tunnel to a wonderful, peaceful Island… Fibula… wonderful, some strange animals running around… Minotaurs… funny things but pretty friendly, sold me some drinks and I nearly relapsed, but once again, another weird story…
After a beggar ripped me off and I payed 800 gold coins for a key, the rotworm dungeon was my new home…

I grew stronger by the time and explored more of the huge lands of Tibia… I have been to the northern sea, but didn’t like it there and I have been to the eastern sea, didn’t like it either nor the southern or the western… and therefore ended up in the middle of the continent… Kazordoon… a lot of caves are there… and those funny, little, tiny ichy twichy men hushing around… They called themselves Dwarves… this made me laugh and I thought to myself, why not stay at this place for a few weeks… It wasn’t just a few weeks, not just a few months, it was three years I spent there… Sadly my eyes aren’t the best anymore since the caves and mines are really very dark and after returning to the surface, it was impossible for me to see anything because the sunlight was far too strong… and sunglasses didn’t exist back then… and my eyes would definitely be much better nowadays… but as you might have guessed correct, once again this is another weird story…

Anyhow, I had loads of time to think about my future, what shall I become? Am I satisfied with those tiny funny men or do I want to go for something bigger, I mean really BIGGER?! Guess what, I decided to go for the bigger thing and went on discovering new areas, like a huge Orc city, or Minotaures City and I have been in the middle of a desert… I met different men, who tried to sell me some stuff unofficially or tried to steal me… I defended myself and most of em ended up six feet under… No power to criminals!!!

I kept heading south and I ran into a bunch of spiders, but not usual spiders… huge spiders!!! and if I say huge, I mean huge, higher than a house… I said to myself “Time to run!!!” luckily they were pretty old and not the fastest anymore, which made it easy for me to escape…
Anyhow, the Spider wasn’t far away from me and suddenly I fell down a hole with big green fire-breathing monster in it… It wanted to have me as dinner, I suppose, but as mentioned before, I was already skilled and managed to bring it down… after going down for another two floors and fighting more of these green monsters I met a red one, and once again, the Devil himself was back again in the shape of a big red Dragon… This time he called himself Demodras… and guess what… two deep fire breaths and I was grilled beef and his dinner… In case I ever meet him again, I will ask him to grill me one of those dragon hams… they must taste wonderful if they are well-done… well, again, I drift off-topic… sorry…

However, I saw all kinds of creatures… some called them Heros, but they aren’t really strong at all… weird, isn’t it? I even met a Demon again, and survived with the help of a few friends…
After meeting numerous monsters, seeing numerous dungeons and discovering several secrets in the lands, I am once again homeless…

To cut the long, weird story short, I am looking for a home to stay, live and maybe die…

In my reallife I am persuing teaching certification in German and Sports in Graz, do some martial arts and meet friends... I just broke up with my gf like 1 month ago, have a flat on my own now and try to be active as much as possible… as much as possible, because I study and work at 2 jobs at the same time…

anyhow... I am 26 years old... and started tibia 98... maybe some of you know me from earlier times... I quitted about 6 - 7 years ago... and started again like 4 years ago...

I expect to get to know new friends, have fun in guild channel and maybe go for guild hunts... although... I am training my character atm

Thanks for your attention... and I hope you are not annoyed about the long application...



PS: dere = short form of “habe dere” which is the short form of “Habe die Ehre” which means something like “It’s an honour”
dere= hello as well as good bye… at least in my language…
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Sir Balder
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Re: Seaf's Application

Post by Sir Balder »

Greets Seaf!

Thanks a lot for your application, it was very entertaining and informative to read it. We'll speak more in-game!
Seaf wrote: PS: dere = short form of “habe dere” which is the short form of “Habe die Ehre” which means something like “It’s an honour”
dere= hello as well as good bye… at least in my language…
I have always wondered about this expression of yours, finally I got the explanation :geek:

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Black Falcon
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Re: Seaf's Application

Post by Black Falcon »

Very nice application, and it's good to see you here! :)
I was also wondering about "dere"... but now I know! Thanks for the explanation ;)

Good luck Seaf!
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Re: Seaf's Application

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Nice to see you here my friend, and very nice application =)