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Adventurer Ceori
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Post by Adventurer Ceori »

It looks like they finally got him...
<clenches fists>
that monster who took everything I hold dear..
DaaMn you Orc Spearman!
if just I had been stronger!! <hits table>
One day I'll acquire the Spiked sword and wipe your kind from Rookgaard..
Last edited by Adventurer Ceori on Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
May your sails catch the winds and tides be ever with you.
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Adventurer Ceori
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Re: Regret

Post by Adventurer Ceori »

I know it's a bit cliche, but it's an Idea I got while walking trough the nostalgia island :) these legs brought up a lot of ''now'' good memories
Orc Spear men were truly fearful on Rookgaard.
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Re: Regret

Post by Gryphis »

Hahaha! Beautiful!

All the memories... and chasing that blue blob around the Wasp Tower...
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Adventurer Ceori
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Re: Regret

Post by Adventurer Ceori »

Yeah, Orcs had a lot of variation compared to other creatures :)
Never went to Ulderek's Rock due to fear of orc leaders and dragons :?
And I completely agree on making Rookgaard a nostalgia Island
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Re: Regret

Post by Lamark »

I get shivers down my spine at the very mention of Rookgaard. Those orcs kicked my ass so many times I don't even want to remember. What's the most memorable place you had you ass handed to you like that?
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Regret

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

That's epic Ceori, love it.

As to Lamark's comment. I honestly cannot remember. I get my ass handed to me maybe once every 20 years!

Although I do remember an incident with a Demon Skeleton beneath the White Flower Temple in Thais back in.... 2001 or maybe 2002...
My Sorcerer at the time was around level 10-12 and I thought I'd go exploring down there.
I remember loosing my Guardian Shield to that dredful skeleton. Luckally, the Guildmaster was kind enough to go avenge me and get me my Guardian Shield back.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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