The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

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Avenlia Silvershade
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The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

Hello, brothers and sisters!

It has been a while. Before I get to the point of this thread, I will give you a quick update about my life. Right now I am working part time as a software engineer while finishing my master thesis (which I have postponed the deadline for until May). I really miss being a part of the guild life and a part of the Antican community! Even so, I am not in a place where I can allocate enough time for that. But I want to play some Tibia when I have a free hour or two, which leads me to the point of the thread.

I've started a character on Tavara. I play with a friend, and we have decided to play these characters under some restrictions we call the Ironman challenge. It's not a new concept, but If you are not familiar with it it's basically a set of rules you enforce upon yourself to make the game more hard (or interesting). I'll list them below. I remember engaging in some Tibia fan forums in the golden days, and it was pretty common to have character update threads. So this is one of those. I will post some pics and some updates along the road, and maybe share some knowledge of what has worked for us and not. This thread is mainly for my own amusement, but I guess it is a way for me to at least in some way engage with you guys, and maybe some of you'll even find it interesting. I leave it in the public boards, as no internal guild matters will be presented here.

Players have different opinions of what counts as the Ironman challenge, but these are the rules we decided to play by.
  • Trading with other players is not allowed. So basically no market.
  • Picking up items from the floor is not allowed.*
  • Quest services or getting help to run a quest is not allowed.
  • Buying things that affects gameplay from the Tibia Store is not allowed. We decided to play with prem.
  • We use all Tibias features that does not involve engaging other players. So offline trainers, prey, imbuements, etc. is all allowed.
(*Unless the item belongs to the area. So picking up a mace in a Rotworm cave is fine, but not vials in dp.)

In other words, it's like playing a new character on a new server, without any other players. All equipment has to be looted or store bought. We haven't really talked about what to do with cooperative quests like desert quest yet. In my opinion it should be fine, but Tavara is a pretty empty server, so it might be hard to put together a team anyway.

I don't know how many times I have started a new character. This will bring some novelty and challenge to the process. I have always liked the early levels the most, because of the progression. In this way that phase is prolonged, and I think we shall have great trouble doing certain things. It will certainly be more grindy, but from our first session I already felt that the childish joy of looting stuff really increased by a tenfold. I'm not sure how long we will do this, or how often I will update the thread. But I hope as long as its fun!
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    Avenlia Silvershade
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    Re: The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

    Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

    Day 1
    After creating our chars we played for about three hours last night, which got us to level 16. For the record, I play druid, and he plays knight.

    Hunting spots

    8-13: Edron Trolls & Goblins, doing the Daniel Steelsoul tasks to get that extra exp and gold. Bought a moonlight rod in store. Then tried the croco task, which made us in way over our heads. He has decided to go with the axe, which has made our task a little harder. We forgot that we could go to isle of destiny to get a steel axe, so until level 20 he uses the battle axe.

    13-16: Libery Bay rotworms. I suspect we will be staying there to at least 20.

    If you have any ideas for interesting hunting spots I'll be glad to take some advice! It would be a nice thing if we could also incorporate some more interesting and unorthodox places. Also: where is a good place to create a prosperous loot bag around level 20-30? Thought about Dara minos, but it seems a little small.

    Will probably update after the session later today as well.
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      Avora Skyfallen
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      Re: The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

      Post by Avora Skyfallen »

      Sounds like a cool mission.

      Tarantulas in Port Hope could give good exp, but it might be better to venture there after level 25~ (Same thing with Dworcs in Port Hope)

      On the topic of lootbags...
      Lib rotworms is pretty alright for a good lootbag... The places that come into mind are:

      Dara Minos
      Dara Rotworms
      Any Dwarf Cave in Kaz
      Yours sincerely,

      Marcus Skyfallen.

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      Avenlia Silvershade
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      Re: The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

      Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

      Tarantulas is a good tip. I think its going to be necessary to do the task to hopefully get knight legs.

      I'll try lib loot bag today.

      Thanks for the feedback!
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        Re: The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

        Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

        Day 2:

        16-20: More Liberty Bay rotworms. Loot bag value around 3k, and then about 2.5k in cash, plus creature products. So pretty decent for an hour of hunting!
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          Re: The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

          Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

          Awesome Avenlia! I've done a similar challenge myself, it's actually very good (in terms of money & exp) to go to Yalahar. The minotaurs there are actually great for creating lootbags and getting some really good and relatively quick money which you can later invest in some potions.

          Prior to going there you could do somewhat of a pilgrimage and collect the items for the cheap boat-rides if you've accumulated some money already so you also have an easy way to travel around cheaply. This is just a good way to "boost" yourself a bit in the early levels.

          I'm curious to see some updates!

          Smashing Pumpkin
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          Avenlia Silvershade
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          Re: The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

          Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

          20-21: Crocodiles
          21-25: Tarantulas
          25-29: Barbarians

          The Snapper from the crocodile "Killing in the name of..."-task dropped plate set so that was nice. However, The Hide from the tarantula task didn't drop anything of major value. We were hoping for k legs, or at least a terra hood, but nope! Barbarians seems to be pretty decent exp for us, and we end up around 0, or even a bit of profit there. Probably going to stay there a little longer!
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            Avora Skyfallen
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            Re: The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

            Post by Avora Skyfallen »

            Nice progress.
            Happy to see that the lootbag payed off.
            Yours sincerely,

            Marcus Skyfallen.

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            Re: The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

            Post by Rob'Doomsday »

            Looks like fun!
            I would join you if it was in antica.
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            Re: The Tavaran Ironman Challenge [char progression thread]

            Post by Restivo »

            Smashing Pumpkin wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:40 pm Awesome Avenlia! I've benefited from these weight loss pills and done a similar challenge myself, it's actually very good (in terms of money & exp) to go to Yalahar. The minotaurs there are actually great for creating lootbags and getting some really good and relatively quick money which you can later invest in some potions.

            Prior to going there you could do somewhat of a pilgrimage and collect the items for the cheap boat-rides if you've accumulated some money already so you also have an easy way to travel around cheaply. This is just a good way to "boost" yourself a bit in the early levels.

            I'm curious to see some updates!
            Those rules seem brutal. Is there some kind of a league or a competition where you could go against other people while doing this? I bet that'd be fun if it's possible to organize.
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