Tom's Application [Denied]

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Tom of antica
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Tom's Application [Denied]

Post by Tom of antica »

1. Character/Player Information

My name is Tomás, I'm from Brasil, and I play tibia since 2005, I mostly played on pacera since then, all of my beloved friends used to play there. I work on a bank as a cashier, I'm 27 years old, and I have a degree on business management, on the other side, in Tibia, I'm fascinating on drinking a good dwarven beer, reading books, explore the world by traveling by the sea. My first character was created during my birthday party on 2005, the character's name is Tom de pacera, and have been my mainly character over these years, an elite knight, brave enough to pass days under the jakundaf desert inside that fascinating library. I also like to help the citizens of Tibia to endure their adventures.

2. Joining Red Rose

Well, The Red Rose is an incredible guild with amazing principles, which I think I fit well, I admire the guild's history and how the guild still lives the rpg, it brings me back to the old good times, where most players were seeking for adventures, friendship and discovering all the mysteries of Tibia. It would be fantastic to become a member, to make part of your history, and help you to keep writing it over the years.

3. Roleplaying Story

This is the story about a hat, not any common hat, MY citizen hat, as a citizen of Tibia, i like to wear it everywhere ( I even go to bed with my hat, my brother says that i'll loose my hair for wearing it all the time, but i don't mind, then if i got bald, I'll have the perfect excuse to wear it)
My adventure starts years ago, on a cold, and windy day while I was fishing on northport, everything was going well until I saw something gold far away on the water, at first I thought it was some kind of treasure, but suddenly it started to get bigger and bigger, and it was coming in my direction, then I saw it, a big shiny GOLDEN WHALE, I was completely scared and didn't know what to do, the wind became even stronger as a storm approaches, and blew my hat over the water, I had nothing else to do but run away from that place, I was lucky Bruno was there and helped me to get inside the clanhall, the storm only stoped on the next morning, I woke up and run to see if I could find my hat, but it was lost forever, maybe with that whale.

I went to Hannah and told her what happened, but she denied giving me a second hat!! I got furious, and determined to get me another hat, so I did what any mature person would do in this situation, I looked for Bozo, hoping that he helped me to prank her on avenge. But instead of that, we ended up on a conversation about someone else who could give me one extra hat, but my way wouldn't be easy, Bozo told me about a friend of his, who stills live in Rookgaard and was willing to make me a hat, but only if I found my way back to the Village no one returns without any Royal guards of King Tibianus found out. Since there is a silent war between Thais and Carlin, I decided that the most secure way to start my search for the never tried before route back to Rookgaard, would be the city of Carlin.

One day, when I was reading one of those thousands books of Carlin's library, I found a peculiar small notebook that was telling about an old land called Tibiantis which would be perfect to trace my route trough, I went to Yalahar to get more information about the old and sunken land, I haven't reach for these information, because Yalahar is a very well guarded city, so I went to Liberty Bay, where I've met an old pirate named Captain waverider, who knew someone who could take me to Rookgaard safe and sound, for a price, very high indeed. The captain who could trace a route was Captain Jones, he commands a ghost ship, and agreed to take me to Rookgaard if I gave him a Magic Longsword, of course I have no power to put my hands on this sword, but I convinced him I was able to give it to him.

I went to Kazordoon, looking for an old friend, a grumpy Dwarf called Uzgod, me and him used to drink a lot together, before he started to forge weapons to sell , he was the only living creature on Tibia who was capable to forge a replica good enough to convince the ghost pirate, and in name of our friendship, he agreed to forge it, the sword was perfect, only an elf could tell the difference, Uzgod warned me that this replica shouldn't be used in a battle, because it would probably break at the first hit. I came to the pirate and showed him the sword, he was stunned, I could see in those spooky eyes he planned no good.

So we sailed to Rookgaard, invisible by the eye of man and sea creatures, and finally I was there, the first human who got back to that land. I spoke to Norma about Bozo, and she fulfilled her promise, gave me a hat, asking no item in return, what she wanted was to send a package for Bozo, I still wonder what was inside of it.
I came to the pirate and we sailed back to mainland, when we arrived Darashia I handed him the sword, he told me he planned to take down Venore. I honestly don't know what happened when he found out the sword was a fake, but I've heard he have been haunting some ships, probably looking for me. I still can't go to Darashia by the water, I'm too afraid what he might do when he puts his undead hands on me. Today, well I wear my new citizen hat as proud as I could be, and Hannah now thinks that all I have done was finding my old hat by accident while fishing in northport.

4. Personal touch

I would really enjoy to be part of the Red Rose, I have been playing Tibia since 2005, and never imagined that being a member of it was possible, when i heard about it, i got determined to join you, if I get accepted, I'll honour the oportunity given, and always be happy to make part of this epic guild.

Thanks for reading it,
Best Regards, Tom.
Last edited by Tom of antica on Mon Dec 24, 2018 3:46 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Tom's Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Greetings Tom,

I wish you good luck with your application.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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Re: Tom's Application

Post by Cotelaria »

Greetings, Tom! Thanks for applying, I hope we can meet ingame soon. :)
Kind regards,



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Darien Dawnbringer
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Re: Tom's Application

Post by Darien Dawnbringer »

Application noted, please if you see me in game feel free to chat for a while
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With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
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Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"

01:20 Cotelaria [214]: F*ck you, you f*cking f*ck.
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Re: Tom's Application

Post by Skyzo »

Good luck, Tom.
Skyzo, the Banshee.
Proud member of the Red Rose.
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Tom's Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Dear Tom of Antica:

I'm sorry to let you know that your application has been denied.
Would you like more information, feel free to contact any Council member.

We wish you the best of luck on your Tibian endeavour.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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