Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox) [Accepted]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox) [Accepted]

Post by Jonillovace »

1. Character/player information

Name: Joninox

Profession: paladin

Creation date: I don’t really remember the exact year but… I think it was around 2014 I created this character, I hope im not wrong because i wouldnt like to lie, gotta say that I also checked if I could see the creation date on the tibia page but I think its not possible, i sent cipsoft a mail so they could send me my creation date, i hope they can respond soon (i promise will tell you guys the exact date as soon they respond me.)

Friends/foes: Im not a very popular tibian but.. ive made a few of them, without counting any of the RR members I will say “To Glory” and “arwyn mage” are the only ones I have made so far, talking about the foes I don’t really like to have problems or trouble with anyone, so that’s why I prefer to be kind to people rather than making enemies.

Previous guild: through a research I found that my character was in a guild named “twisted mindz” (I honestly didn’t remember until today that I searched for it), I also found that this guild doesn’t exist anymore.

Playing style: I really like to play with others, not only by myself, I think it’s because it’s more fun to play, do quests and share with a team than just going solo.

Some RPG info: well one of the games that come to my mind is Undertale, which is not very much compared to tibia but it’s nice. Got to say that in tibia I am still learning a lot of things because honestly when I use to play like 6 or 7 years ago I didn’t know how things really work in the game very much.

Some information about me: my name is Jonathan Vazquez, I was born in San Jose California on march 20th 1997 (so that makes me 23) but I have been living for quite long here in Mexico, I am a last semester university student of mechatronics engineering (hopefully graduating in a couple of months if coronavirus doesn’t get in our way). I work with my dad helping him with his irrigation store, but some other days I help him out in his avocado orchard too (which I like to do).
One of the things I love to do is to practice sports (when I was little I use to practice tennis, now I practice gymnastics and tumbling), I also love food, pets, future funk music, video editing, hanging out with nice people, traveling, technology, reading and watching the stars at night.

Dislikes: Insects/Rude, racist, cocky and dishonest people/People that makes fun of other persons (in a mean way) /Coronavirus (btw it ruined my birthday).


2. Why do I want to be a red rose?

Well I know that the Red Rose guild is the most respected, known and nicest guild among all of the other guilds around the tibian community, not only taking about the Antican server, but talking about all of the existing servers created by cipsoft, founded in 1998 RR still being the best and most honorable of all the guilds, I also know that RR guild won the first tibian football league and possessor of the RR shield, which was a gift given to the guild by the tibian gods (or tibia cipsoft developers). (all of this I truly believe it and admire it very much)
Hmm… well, honestly I don’t consider myself like very special because I’m still very newbie in a lot of things, but… I do consider myself as a simple disciple who is always open to learn something new and be taught by others always. Listening, doing it, and waiting for the next order.
Why should you choose me? Hmm.. I am not sure of how to respond this question at all, im pretty sure there are a lot of other skilled and high level players that are way better and superior than me in all aspects… but, I just want you RR members to know that my loyalty, time and service will be always open to your willingness.

3. Game history

Once upon a time, 4 gods decided to bring up a group of bits, bytes and pixels to create a simple being sprite which they called “Joninox” but they decided to put him in a ship without waking him up until it reached land, one day, the ship suddenly got into the land and Joninox woke up (this was the very first time Joninox opened his eyes), he saw everything around him but didn’t know anything about the ship, the sand, the sky, but the most important thing… he didn’t know anything about his creation and his purpose in that mysterious land. Joninox started walking and suddenly, he saw a house and got inside, suddenly a man appeared and told him, “who are you?” Joninox responded: “im not sure really.. I woke up in a ship a while ago so… I don’t really know anything about me”, After hearing this words, the man knew it was another creations of the gods so he decided to tell him some stuff (the man told him about how gods create one chosen every 20 years and that they do it so they can bring up balance to the world, he told joninox also that the name of the island where he was which is rookgard and also.. that there was another island created only for the chosen ones… Mainland Tibia). After telling all this important information to Joninox, he taught him some moves, how to use a rope, a shovel, and Joninox favorite thing… how to eat. After being some days learning everything in the man’s house, he finally said: “Joninox, I think you are prepared for the challenge that will allow you to finally move on” Joninox said: “what is it”, the man responded: “go to the basement of this house and I need you to kill some beasts that have been bothering all this years, they appear every time a chosen appears, a new kind eveytime, as a proof… you have to bring me an evidence of the creatures”, Joninox determination was burning, he didn’t say anything… he just went directly to the basement hearing the soft words of a good luck though the wind. After 5 minutes Joninox came victorious with all the legs inside his arms they appeared to be giant purple legs, after Joninox gave him the evidence, the man said: is time for you to move on. After food, Joninox and the man were sharing their last goodbyes, so Joninox told the man: “thanks for everything” the man gave him a spear and a big hug, and joninox started walking, when Joninox was 30 meters away from the man house, the man shouted: “THANKS FOR GETTING RID OF THOSE COCKROACHES, MY NAME IS SANTIAGO BTW!” Joninox responded: “THANKS TO YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU TAUGHT ME, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART!”, those were the last words and the last time Joninox ever saw Santiago.
Joninox kept on walking until he got to a small village where he found a monk who told him that he needed enough strength so the odds could be in his favor and could teleport him to the chosen island. Joninox discovered the island deepest places, always with the spear Santiago gave him in his hand, he fought trolls, orcs, spiders, rootworms, skeletons, minotaurs, and even… a demon skeleton. (1 week later), Joninox got enough strength, and the monk noticed it, so he told him that it was his time to go and to bring the balance to the main world, so he told him to go with an oracle that was in a floor above the library, when Joninox got there the oracle sensed a nice heart and determination in his eyes and told Joninox: “I will make you a loyal and brave paladin, I know you will do good because I have sensed your heart and determination”, so the oracle teleported him into the main island city, thais.
Joninox had no idea of what happened but… he knew exactly what was his purpose in that new mysterious land… to get stronger and defeat the forces of evilness. While he was walking, he found more persons, just as him… a chosen one. One of them approached to him and started to speak with him and told him all about PKS, GUILDS, BETTER, MISSIONS, QUESTS, ADDONS, MOUNTS, CREATURES, BOSSES, I mean… everything about the world of tibia.
With all this new information, Joninox started to gain every time more and more power, but he saw that there were chosen ones that were fighting in the side of evilness so Joninox decided to never do it, so he took the way of good. One day… when he was ordering his depot stuff he started to talk with a guy named Sir mats, which taught Joninox a lot of things but everything was focused on the good side, not the bad side, he took him to a lot of different places of hunt and they always had really nice chats about his friends and some other stuff, Joninox enjoyed being with him and making cakes with him, Joninox also saw all of his friends with such admiration and respect because it was nice to know that every single one of his friends were goodhearted and nice chosen ones (created also one day by the gods Joninox was created) everything was going really well until one day, Joninox fell in a sleep caused by his creators, the gods… which told Joninox the last words before putting him into sleep: you will now need to rest for a long time, you will know why we did this when you wake up, now.. rest our child.
60 years later Joninox woke up and he couldn’t remember all of what he lived, he just had some fragments and remains of the life he once experienced… of the monsters he once defeated… and of the friends he once made…
(last words of the narrator: his story is once again about to start; he has met some very good friends now… without ever forgetting those two R’s that are still in his mind)

4. Personal touch
I really hope with all my heart that this application is just not a simple application for you guys, I want you to know that I wrote every single one of this words with special care, dedication and time to you all, I mean… I could just say all this words I just wrote in a superficial way but... I would really like to show them with my acts and not only by writing them, and also… Im not searching only to create just a simple and superficial friendship with you all, but a big and strong bond with the goal of not being only friends ingame but also to be able to meet you guys one day personally in the real life, just as this 4th point says, I want to be able to have that personal touch with all of you. Thanks for your precious time!

Written by: Not a very special person, Just a guy, just… me.

Palabras sinceras del corazón, palabras de un sencillo pero verdadero amigo.

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Re: Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox)

Post by Darien Dawnbringer »

Hello Joninox,
I'm glad to see you applying for the guild.

Please, feel free to contact me in-game for a chat, and as many roses you can.

I wish you the best of luck.

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Re: Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox)

Post by Melody Noir »

Hello Joninox, please feel free to message me when you see me online.

Best wishes on your application!

Warm regards,
Melody Noir
Magistra Noviciorum
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Re: Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox)

Post by Jonillovace »

Driundar wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 5:19 am Hello Joninox,
I'm glad to see you applying for the guild.

Please, feel free to contact me in-game for a chat, and as many roses you can.

I wish you the best of luck.

Thank you so much Darien 🙏🏽 😊
Last edited by Jonillovace on Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox)

Post by Jonillovace »

Ashyrstar wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:28 am Hello Joninox, please feel free to message me when you see me online.

Best wishes on your application!

Of course I will ashy, thankyou so much 🙏🏽🥺
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Re: Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox)

Post by Mihiron »

Hello Joninox!

Thanks for your application.

I hope we can chat on game soon.
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Re: Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox)

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Greetings Joninox,

thank you for your application.

Please make sure to find me for a chat.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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Re: Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox)

Post by Varoos Moon »

Hello there!

Feel free to conntact me in-game. Good luck with your application!
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Re: Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox)

Post by Jonillovace »

Mihiron wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:23 am Hello Joninox!

Thanks for your application.

I hope we can chat on game soon.
Thankyou very much Mihirion! :)
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Re: Application to join Red Rose Guild (Joninox)

Post by Jonillovace »

Avora Skyfallen wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:15 am Greetings Joninox,

thank you for your application.

Please make sure to find me for a chat.
I will, thankyou so much Avora!
There is no other jester like me! <winks>