Application for Picture [Denied]

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Application for Picture [Denied]

Post by Picture »

Hello everyone!

I am Murilo, a 28-year old Brazilian player currently based in the Netherlands. I have been playing Tibia on and off since version 7.3, around August 2004 - date when my account was created. Even when I had my breaks from playing I still kept on checking news and updates about the game, I love this game so much, I just can't let it go from my life.

I've graduated few years ago as an electrical engineer but few months before graduation I got a job opportunity in a different area and that required me to move to Europe, and I accepted it. I have a very unusual job but hopefully I can example this properly here: I work for a company that signs teams competing in what we call esports (video game competitions) and I manage a big website on esports that is run by this company.

In my free time I like playing Tibia, playing other games with friends, learning languages (currently learning Dutch since I'm living in the Netherlands but I have previously studied Russian, German and Japanese), walking around with my camera for photo shooting, and petting random dogs and cats I find during my walks. I love travelling as well but unfortunately that's quite difficult to do in the past months. I also actively contribute to official fansites TibiaWiki and TibiaMaps.

Regarding me joining Red Rose, first I have to say that I always looked up to Red Rose and it would be an honour to represent it wherever I go. Second I think my knowledge of the game as well as my empathy with those learning and advancing in the game make myself a good fit to the guild and its characteristics. I'm also very keen of the social aspects of Red Rose and perhaps I could be part of the upcoming parties... :D. On top of everything said, I would be happy to help contributing to Red Rose's legacy throughout many more years.

As a Tibia player I've been part of many different worlds. In order they would be: Harmonia, Guardia (Bona nowadays), Menera, Lutabra, Gentebra and now Antica. I love appreciating small things of the game like map changes or new "unuseful" items, however by doing more "casual" things together with a busy life with work and school, I never really reached high-numbered levels, but now I recently started a new character from scratch on Antica and I'm more than motivated to explore even more what Tibia has to offer (I also have a lot more free time, haha). Together with this new beginning on Antica I keep on playing my Rookstayer character on Bona and I'm also putting some effort to try and become a tutor, so if you have Help channel open you might see my name there from times to times.


Moving on, now it's time for my story. Unfortunately I'm not as good and creative as other applicants here so my story is based on true facts: the clumsy beginning of my own journey in Tibia.

As mentioned before, I started playing Tibia in 2004. My cousin found out about the game in school and quickly told me about it. Both of us always appreciated a good gaming session so the idea of playing online with multiple other players was astonishing. As soon as I could I downloaded the game, created my account and here was my first struggle. What name should my character have? My cousin's character was called Knight Mexerica (mexerica is one of the words meaning "tangerine" in Portuguese), so I then decided my name based on his: Knight Sobreiro. Sobreiro is not a real word in Portuguese but it is related to the English words remnant, remainder or leftover. Anyways, moving forward, once level 8, after facing rats and avoiding bugs at all costs (the old bug sprite really scared me) I got to Oracle and had to choose a vocation. You probably thought here "But isn't your name "Knight" already?", and yes, that was the case but my cousin went to mainland first as a knight and until then I had no idea Tibia had vocations, so I was leaning a bit on choosing a different vocation. That day Knight Sobreiro became a druid.

Oh man! Wands and rods didn't exist and the big lack in knowledge about the game made me, a druid, play the game as knight. I used to train sword fighting, I didn't use runes because I didn't understand them and my English was nonexisting, making a lot of things even harder for me. I died many times and very often suffered "bullying" from other players because of my nickname and vocation disconnection. After a while playing this character, one day I died to a lured Cyclops in Thais and decided it was about time for a new beginning.

Riccizinn was created setting a point in my Tibia journey where I would be smarter about things. I had planned everything that I wanted to do with the character including quests, items to buy, where I would hunt, etc. I also made sure to not include anything related to a vocations name in the character's name to avoid any potential trouble. This was the brightest moment in Tibia for me, I believe. I had friends helping me with the game, we would explore every spot of the game, challenge ourselves in unknown caves... Perhaps the best memory of all of them is us doing the Postman Quest for the very first time, without spoilers or any guides. We took days to complete it but it was so worth it. But unfortunately one day the glory days were disturbed by an inconvenient. I saved enough money to buy a blue robe and I was so happy about it, so happy I called my friends and invited them to come over to my place the next day to see my newest acquisition (we were mostly living in the same neighbourhood). They got to my place, I logged in my account in front of everyone and, to my surprise, my character was carrying nothing. All my items were gone together with all my savings. I literally cried about that and decided I was done playing Tibia.

Fast forward, I eventually come back with a new character on Menera, then I move to Lutabra, then Gentebra to play with former guild mates from Menera, and since I moved to Europe, playing in South American server became troublesome and I made a decision to restart on an European server. On a different topic but still related to the story, I've been contributing to TibiaWiki and trying to save as much about old Tibia there, like pre version 7.0 content, which made me connect with a special person online, Elosyadar, the Old One, a former Wizard of Tibia who taught about the old Magic Sword Quest. I gathered everything he shared with me and made a page about it on the wiki. I asked him which European server he'd recommend playing and he said: Antica or Secura. So here I am, a new Tibian on Antica, Picture, and hopefully a future member of Red Rose.


I appreciate your time for reading this and I hope you giggled a bit with the mighty druid Knight Sobreiro story, haha. What I wrote is a bit "sad" but it is what it is. I like to remember these things as think about them as experiences that helped me as a player and as a person.

Anyways, I wish you a nice week and I'm always happy to chat, feel free to reach out.

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Melody Noir
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Re: Application for Picture

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Hello, Picture. Please feel free to message me for a chat when you see me online.
Warm regards,
Melody Noir
Magistra Noviciorum
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Ryzn Warrior
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Re: Application for Picture

Post by Ryzn Warrior »

Hello Picture
Feel free to message me in game
I will most likely be on Ryzn Warrior
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Re: Application for Picture

Post by Picture »

Thank you! Just had a small and nice chat with Melody Noir. Looking forward to meet more of you. :D
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Rye Ane
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Re: Application for Picture

Post by Rye Ane »

Hello there!

Try and find me in game and I will do the same :)
Leader of the Red Rose

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Re: Application for Picture

Post by Cotelaria »

Greetings, Picture.

Thank you for application, please contact me ingame whenever you find me online for some beer and some chat. ;)

Good luck on your application!
Kind regards,



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Re: Application for Picture

Post by Mihiron »

Thank you for your application, feel free to catch me in game for some chat.
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Varoos Moon
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Re: Application for Picture

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Feel free to contact me in-game.
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Maia Lunalight
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Re: Application for Picture

Post by Maia Lunalight »

Hiii ^^

Thank you for your application,
feel free to contact me in-game :3
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Application for Picture

Post by Avora Skyfallen »


Good luck with your application.

Please feel free to find me for a chat.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.
