The Application by Tizzy Fira [Accepted]

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Tizzy Fira
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The Application by Tizzy Fira [Accepted]

Post by Tizzy Fira »

Hello dear Red Rose!
I have wanted to join you for a long time now, and decided that now will be a good time to make a try :) And now that im done with my application I can finally post it too. Sorry for being so late with it.

I started playing this game in October 2007 due to some friends from real life. They told me that I should try, and when I did I totally fell for it ;) created my char Tizzy Fira a couple of weeks after I made my account, and it has been my main since then (my friends didn’t tell me that it mattered what server I chose, so when I came to main and was going to meet them in dp they weren’t there xD so Tizzy is not my first char). I have always tried to be as friendly and as peaceful as possible, so no pking and wars for me.
My closest (and also rl) friends are: Reako, Mighty lainus, Ragolio nale, Jabix waro. Kiru Morth is also a good friend of mine, but hes not rl.

I have not been in so many serious guilds, and I have even forgotten some of them :O But the ones I remember are: Graffa and Chaotic legion are the serious ones. And then there is some less serious that was disbanded after some weeks/months: Mensa, Blood essence, Swedish honour, Swedish meatballs and some more I think..

My favorite thing to do is to hunt (preferably teamhunt) while chatting with friends. It doesn’t really matter what we hunt, the fun thing is doing it together. When im hunting alone I use to hunt Cyclops on mistrock, but I have thought about hunting something else now. Cyclops was good in lvl 55 when I started hunting them, but after 25 lvls with only Cyclops it gets a little boring ;) another good thing to do is to just chill in dp while talking to friends, or play around on the streets. Also I love trying to solve unsolved quests like serpentine tower or something, even though I know ill never solve it ;) I like to play as much as possible, but only if its fun.. I don’t play just to get levels or so if its boring, I see no point in it.

I know that you are one of the oldest guilds in whole tibia. You’re not into any wars and stuff and do not like pking (without very good reasons). Very serious guild and do not just take everyone who wants into your family. And that’s good, then you will just have serious players who really want to be in it :) Not many guilds like this left in tibia anymore, and that’s sad. But its good to see that you guys have managed to keep this old guild alive :D

I want to join Red rose because I love all the members :D they are always so nice and friendly, and if you want to chat they always seem to have time for it :)I also think it would fit my playing style, where everything is not just about levels and skills and stuff. You can do other things like parties and teamhunts, or just stand somewhere chatting and having a good time. So it would be really awesome to become a part of you :) Another good thing with being in this guild, or almost any guild, is the lesser chance to be pked (though this is NOT a reason for joining, just a +)

Aaaand now its time for my awesome story! (Don’t judge me by this, I suck a writing stories xD)

Once upon a time on the island called fibula there lived a man called Tizzy. He was the bravest man on the whole island, so his job was to make sure no dangerous monsters got out of the dungeon. He also spent his days hunting around down there to regulate the amount of rotworms down there. If they became too many the island would not hold for long, since they dig all the damn holes everywhere.

This day he was down there on his normal hunt. Everything was exactly as it used to be. The water was wet, the big dead tree was dead and the rotworms were ugly. But there was one thing this day that made it special. When Tizzy passed the dead tree for the 27:th time he heard some strange sound coming from the tree. He leaned closer to hear what it was. Voices?! That can’t be! Before he had the time to think more the tree broke and the hollow inside could be seen. Inside were two pretty beaten up figures that was all bloody. Tizzy got so scared that he nearly pissed himself! He ran as fast as he could to the exit and out of the dungeon. He ran directly home to his house and hid under his bed.

He didn’t dare to go out until some hours had passed. When he got out he saw those two figures again, but this time standing and talking to some of the villagepeople. They waved at Tizzy to come, and he went over to them. The two figures, that actually were humans, explained to Tizzy that they used to live on a small island just north of Fibula, but a huge spider had somehow came to the island and killed and injured the whole family. The survivors had used their escape tunnel to get out of there. They asked him if he could go and look for survivors. And brave as he was he thought “Pff.. a spider? Of course I can kill it, Im Roxor you know”

He gathered some stuff including his favorite shiny longsword and then went down into the dungeon and after killing some rots that got in the way he entered the hole where the tree had been standing. He followed the tunnel, just as the two survivors had told him. When he came out of the hole in the ground he couldn’t see the spider, but he could see the house, or what was left of it.. suddenly he saw a big shadow behind him! THE SPIDER! It grabbed Tizzy with two of its legs and then ate him!

And then the spider lived happily ever after, until it starved to death.

Well this was what I could come up with. I hope you like it! :D

If theres anything I have missed or anything else that you want to know, you are free to message me ingame, or i can add it here :)
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Re: The Application by Tizzy Fira

Post by Chikilina »

Application noticed. Nice to see you here!
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Re: The Application by Tizzy Fira

Post by Sir Balder »

Greets, Tizzy,

Nice to see your application here now, I enjoyed reading it. I was a bit surprised by the end of your story...I guess we have to hold the Crossfire in the giant spider's belly now! <smiles>

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Re: The Application by Tizzy Fira

Post by Soltaxxy »

Hiho, i look forward to meet you in-game! I loved your story, what can i say? Epic! :lol:
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Re: The Application by Tizzy Fira

Post by Skyzo »

Application read,,
Good Luck :!:
Skyzo, the Banshee.
Proud member of the Red Rose.
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Sir Balder
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Re: The Application by Tizzy Fira

Post by Sir Balder »

Welcome Tizzy!
