Don Griffo

Character history and background.
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Don Griffo
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Don Griffo

Post by Don Griffo »

First Name: Don Griffo
Family Name: Unknown

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Place of Birth: Carlin

He was born in Carlin, the first ray of light that his eyes saw was the fire of a torch that was hanging on the wall. His mother was a well-known botanist in the village, she gave birth to the boy in the underground tavern. His father was an archer from the city of Thais, the last that is known of him was that he was trapped in the Plains of Havoc.The boy had no memories of him, as the father was only present in the first days of his life, before he was lost in PoH. Griffo grew up in Carlin, his mother prepared potions for the bounty hunters who gathered in the tavern, the potions were a kind of enhancers, in exchange, they paid her with gold pieces, food, strange objects, among other things. His mother often asked her son to get her plants, seeds, nails, skins, hair, some fruits and other strange things of creatures for her potions.

The boy was good at exploring, but one day he arrived injured by a hungry wolf attack. His mother got scared and changed his mission, now he would be the one to deliver the potions. One day, like any other, Griffo took his bag full of potions, it was time to deliver. He arrived at the tavern and began to sell them, there was only one potion left to deliver, the bounty hunter was late, and told the boy that he could not buy the potion, he did not bring anything good with him for the exchange. Griffo thought about it a bit, but he was very adventurous, and pointed out something that the bounty hunter had hanging on his back, it was a wooden bow with metal reinforcements.The bounty hunter refused with a mocking laugh. But the boy was fascinated, his eyes began to have a reddish glow, the hunter thought it was the reflection of the torches, he did not give it more importance.

The boy promised to bring him two potions for the next 3 days in exchange for that bow. the hunter agreed, and Griffo arrived at his hut with his mother, the rewards for the potions sold, and his new bow. His mother was filled with nostalgia, that bow brought back memories of her husband that she never saw again.Griffo kept his word, he took the potions as he had agreed with the hunter, meanwhile he became more and more skilled with the bow. So much so that he decided to seek revenge with the wolf that had hurt him long ago. This time Griffo was victorious and came home with a Wolf Paw as a trophy. His mother could no longer deny it, the boy had the gift of the bow and arrow in his blood. Griffo began looking for more difficult challenges. He managed to create his first poison arrow with the poison of a snake he captured, and decided to face his first bear.

His mother was happy and worried at the same time, she feared losing her son as she had lost her husband in search of new adventures. Griffo grew up, he was already a teenager, his mother could no longer work the same way, the years came to her. Griffo was now part of other young bounty hunters, who came to the call of the inhabitants when they had problems with abusers or huge animals and received their reward, thus helping his mother.One day exploring a mountain named Femor Hills, he found a strange stone, the size of a coconut. A friend who accompanied him told him that in Kazordoon the dwarves could help him to know what that stone was. It was already getting dark, so he decided to go the next day.

Early in the morning, he set out on his way, with his bow, arrows, potions and his bravery ahead of him. He arrived in Kazordoon, he met a dwarf named Uzgod, a specialist in weapon forging, Griffo told him about the stone... It turned out to be made of an extremely sharp material, it could pierce armor... the dwarf made him an offer, a few arrows with the tip made of this material in exchange for objects with a strange name.Griffo was excited and agreed immediately. The dwarf invited him for a drink of refreshing beer while he got down to work. Within a few hours, the job was done. 20 steel arrowheads. The dwarf asked the young man how skilled he was with his bow and arrows. Griffo replied "test me" the dwarf was surprised by the answer, but accepted and told him about a creature that could be his test. It is a creature that lives among the mountains, said the dwarf. It won't be easy, are you sure to do it? the creature has many eyes, many arms and can summon the unliving. Griffo didn't understand, that was out of his reach, but he was very daring, he wouldn't back down. The dwarf noticed some doubt in the young man, but told him that if what he said about his skill with the bow and arrow was true, he would only need a good shot to defeat the creature. Griffo took his arrows and headed to the mountain that was on the outskirts of the city. After a moderate walk, the dwarf indicated that they were already a few meters from finding the creature, he advised him to prepare his bow and arrow, when suddenly the creature appeared. Griffo froze, he had never seen anything like that, the dwarf did not take his eyes off the young man's face... Griffo took a deep breath, pointed his bow, pulled the string, and the dwarf froze too... the dwarf saw that reddish flash, like if it were fire in Griffo's eyes, the arrow was shot and with a single shot the creature fell to the ground... Could it be the reflection of a torch? Or is there something else hidden in Griffo?

The end.
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Rye Ane
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Re: Don Griffo

Post by Rye Ane »

Great work my friend
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Don Griffo
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Re: Don Griffo

Post by Don Griffo »

Rye Ane wrote: Mon Mar 21, 2022 1:36 am Great work my friend
Thank you! im glad you liked it
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Faeryndil Sironoth
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Re: Don Griffo

Post by Faeryndil Sironoth »

Woah, great story Griffo!
Thanks for sharing it 😀
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Natures Lord
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Re: Don Griffo

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Thanks for sharing!

Well Done!

My thoughts move.. my arrow fly.. one and the same..
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Don Griffo
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Re: Don Griffo

Post by Don Griffo »

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, Othelen and Natures Lord. It motivates me to know that you liked it.
Esencia magnifica de una perfección indescriptible
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