Dhai Khan's Application (Accepted)

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Dhai Khan's Application (Accepted)

Post by dhaikhan »

I first played tibia when in secondary school, by the age of 14.
By that time, me and my brother were deep into reading an old book that Dad gave us, Lord of the rings.
We were young and it was easy for us to fantasize about living in a world like the book was describing, we took turns to read during the night until getting sleep and talked about what would it be if we were living in a world like that, dragons, knights, magic, elves...

Prior to reading that book, we used to fight a lot each other, somehow... lord of the rings did bring a connection among us and strengthened our bonds, there was no time anymore for fights, just to talk and talk and imagine living in middle-earth.
On a good day, I heard my friends at school talking about this PC game and payed close attention to it, Tibia.
These guys were describing lord of the rings?
They were talking about... middle-earth?
GOD! Dragons? Dwarfs? Elves? Ancient swords?

As soon as I came back home, me and my brother started investigating about it... we downloaded it spent many hours trying to figure out how to create an account and log in to the game. Living in Mexico by that time created a language barriers for two naive teenagers so we really had a complicated time getting into the game, but guys... we did it and it was a weekend. We spent MANY hours playing Tibia that first weekend with no real objective or plans. We shared the same character and got killed a billion times by all kind of creatures but we really enjoyed it, we were happy!

Time moved forward and with the help of friends, after learning a bit of English and spending more time in the game we managed to not get killed on daily basis and extend our explorations.
Soon dad got another PC, we created another character and we played a bit more seriously for years in Antica, our home server.
I remember a time when this character Beauty Mys, could be found on Fibula almost on daily basis, we created a friendship with that character and we got protection. That character was part of the Red Rose, she talked about the shield, about the guild rules and about how amazing was it to be part of such a great guild!

1. Character/Player Information

I lost access to my old accounts but during the years. I got into college, years later got married, got kids and stopped playing for long hours.
Most of my old friends stopped playing as well or left Antica so we did the same, we have played in Kyra wich then turned into Kenora and it recently changed name again. We also played in Belobra for some time.
Recently, my brother suggested us to go back to the game now that things are settling a bit, I moved from Mexico to the Netherlands and life is looking better.
My brother graduated from college now and we have enough time to play for a couple hours a day so we decided to buy a character.

I plan to play in Antica with this character:

Dhai Khan (Former name: Vardoom)
Knight - Level 265 - On Antica

I have not been in any guild for the past 10 years maybe, back in the day I joined for some time Nuevos Corsarios but got out when decided to play from start un Kyra.
About my playstyle, I really like to explore dungeons and travel between cities. Get to the locations mentioned in the tibia lore and the stories and find out what's interesting from there.
When I play with my brother we try new hunting locations, since we are not hardcore players I know I'm lacking some pvp skills but I'm sure I can get the hang of it with some practice if needed.
Tibia has changed sooooo much but I'm getting used to it.

2. Why do you want to join Red Rose

Nostalgia and respect.
All my old friends have only good comments about RR and its members.
RR was definitely a talk topic with my brother many years ago as if joining was something impossible to achieve but we really never tried until now.
I do not consider myself special, I just want enjoy the game again in a similar fashion that I used to enjoy it a while back.

3. Roleplaying Story

From the beginning, when the Kazordoon mountains were formed, they were considered a strategic territory due to its location. For several decades, the orcs besieged the surroundings of the mountains in search of some way to access them and defeat the dwarves and seize the territory, the insides of the mountain were just a composition of caves an tunnels were dwarves lived.
The dwarves, being skilled miners knew enough about the mountains to be able to defend themselves against enemy attacks.
Many years passed and the battles did not stop, the orcs persisted assuming that at some point the supplies of the dwarfs would run out and they would surrender but that did not happen, the dwarfs looked strong and in good spirits.

One cold dark night, an orc general named Grimgor, with the rare ability to turn invisible, followed a small group of dwarfs who made their surveillance round and unknowingly they guided the orc to the entrance of one of the hidden passages and it was this wat that Grimgor managed to enter the bowels of Kazordoon, an act that, as far as is known, had never been achieved before.

Grimgor began to draw a map on a piece of sheepskin parchment that he brought with him, he began to realize the traps that the passageways hid, suddenly he began to hear the voices of what they looked like hundreds of dwarfs, Grimgor, shocked by the number of enemies before his eyes, began to go back and followed the map he had drawn, once outside the mountains his soldiers were waiting for his return.

That same night the orc army went before their king to tell what the general Grimgor had seen.
The king, realizing that the population of the dwarves exceeded the army that he had sent to the siege, ordered that all the orcs who could fight join the forces of General Grimgor and it was thus that the general returned to the siege of Kazordoon with an army of all kinds of orcs and so the battle began.

After many days of brutal fighting the orcs managed to push the dwarves back even further into the heart of the mountains, almost at the end, when the orcs were nowhere near victory, Kurrak who at the time was one of the few remaining dwarf generals alive, ordered his troops to block the main tunnel entry along with a sizable army of dwarf geomancers, an ancient race of dwarves that the orcs thought to be extinct, subduing the orcs and driving them away from the mountains.

Years passed and the dwarves, by order of their then leader Kurrak, began the work of building a city in the mountains to settle on the site, and it was thus that the City was founded, mined between the rock and impenetrable, Kazordoon became the first fortress created by lesser creatures.

4. A Personal Touch
This game, this server, this guild... strongly remembers me of a time when life was easy, back at my parent's little home, I can almost smell the hot chocolate that my mom offered us on the weekends to wake us up and start our day (start playing tibia of course) and playing alongside my brother.

I hope to see you around guys.
It would be an honorto play with such legends as you are, whether I make it or not, after writing those lines I feel good expressing my self.

Stay safe, cheers!
Last edited by dhaikhan on Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:59 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Vardoom's Application

Post by Rye Ane »

Hello there!

Thanks for your application and interest into the Red Rose guild!

As we are a RP Guild, we ask that applicants write a small story about their Tibian Life. Feel free to check some of the threads that say 'accepted' to kind of see what I mean :)

Also, please try and find me in game and I will do the same. ^^
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Re: Vardoom's Application

Post by dhaikhan »

Done, added RPG story, hope you guys like it.
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Re: Vardoom's Application

Post by Othelen »

Greetings Vardoom!
Thank you for your application! Feel free to reach me in-game for a chat :)
Best regards,
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Maia Lunalight
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Re: Vardoom's Application

Post by Maia Lunalight »

Hey, Thank you for your application!

Let's talk ingame :3
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Re: Vardoom's Application

Post by Mihiron »

Thank you for application.

Send me a message in game so we can have a chat.
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Re: Vardoom's Application

Post by Rouge the Rogue »

Hey, best of luck with your application!
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Re: Vardoom's Application

Post by dhaikhan »

Thank you guys, I'll try to catch you online to have a chat!
Natures Lord
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Re: Vardoom's Application

Post by Natures Lord »


Catch me in game for a chat :)


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Don Griffo
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Re: Dhai Khan's Application

Post by Don Griffo »

Greetings Dhai Khan, I would like to meet you and have a chat. Thank you for your application and good luck.
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