Kiruzune's Application (Accepted)

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Kiruzune's Application (Accepted)

Post by Kiruzune »


My names Kim and contrary to popuplar assumption, I'm male. I'm 27 years old and am an aprilfoolsborn :D
Working as an Administrator now, but lowkey I sort of got pulled into this. I do not really have the knowledge I probably would need, but my job still thinks it's more then enough. Got my own house, dog and cat, who are very dear to me... And that's about it I guess. Pretty boring :|


I've been introduced to Tiba when I was around 12-13 years old, in a boarding school where other "big kids" back then played it. Yeah it doesn't take much for me to get interested. Not having my own pc I only played it when I could in the community room and well, comes without saying but my account got stolen by the oldest trick in the book, a usb stick with a ghosting script. If I recall correctly, I made a new one, a "friend" helped me level up in rookguard, then led me into hole with rotworms I died and quit...

Though, Tibia kept on living in my mind ;) and around 2013 somewhat I hopped back in. Sadly though I never had the friends to play it with, much less did I have any idea. I didn't know good hunting spots, no communities, what quests are good, or how to properly play my class (which you can guess by my other many characters I have is mainly Knight, since I'm lazy). After some time has passed there I left again. Only coming back in occasionally, leaving again for the same reasons. I was also not very keen on pvp, as I enjoy playing together much more by a margin. The reason why I join Antica, even though it's Open-PVP is that it has the most active player base, and it has been around since the start. I'd rather die a few times, but have an active world^^

Recently I hopped back in action again. This time however I know how to use the internet properly, how to search and look up my questions.
And since my biggest issue was having noone to play/talk to, the urge came to join a guild. And it had to be one that was active, had a reputation and credibility and would help me out in Tibia. Even if I'm from the days of Rookguard, I still feel like I'm just beginning to understand Tibia now, when I'm getting older. :?

I was browsing through all the big names, Satori, Mercenarys, Messiahs of Bedlam... yeah I don't need to list them all, I think it get's the point across^^ Though reading through the Codex and "read before you apply" made me more than interested in at least trying to apply here. Even if it might not work out, the least I could is give it a go.


A little bit more about myself. I like playing games. Mostly old games. To name a few:
Gothic, Terraria, Diablo 2, Pokemon (Gen 3 is my fav, closely followed by 2), Caves of Qud
And when I'm not playing, I draw. If you're really interested, you can find my art on Twitter @Kiruzune_Arts.
Also I'm doing archery from time to time.

That do be about it!

1. Char / Player Information

As I mentioned above it was around 2013 I believe, where I created the account I used nowadays. The character that I used now, Kiruzune, was created little more than a week ago. I know this might be a big red flag, but I really intend to go into this fresh and new. And with much more experience!
I play Knight... Like almost exclusively. Yes I do have other vocations too, but I train them mostly offline, if I ever feel the need that I want to play a different class. I'm lazy and the knight just always felt like it really goes along with how I play most of the time.

So yeah I'm a Knight^^ an elite knight at that! :D

2. Why Red Rose?

Again I mentioned it above already^^ It just spoke to me when I read through the forum posts. I would love to have people to talk to, also occasionally help me out too. For myself, I always try and help out other people, but most of the time they help me out more... :?
From what I have seen on the forum, you guys all seem quite nice 'n cool, specially friendly. Nothing really stood out to me right now that would have been a bad or a no go.
On the other hand, occasionally I do rp myself and also play dnd with some people that I grew very fond of online and I think that might have been a final push to just give it a go.

3. Roleplay Story

As it is incredibly late I thought I take a slice of life rp that we saved away since it was hilarious (in my eyes). I didn't know the other person btw, and it was not a troll either, they were very serious, I just didn't cater into her character's infatuation with mine own.

Once upon a time I was in a slice-of-life fantasy RP. Nothing fancy, just one of those drop yourselves in and live life in a medieval fantasy world. No saving the world, no worrying about a great cataclysm, just live life and do whatever it is that your job requires of you. If you're a thief in the thieves guild, go steal some stuff to earn brownie points from the higher ups, if you're a town guard, go solve that crime or try to catch players that are part of the thieves guild. If you're a beggar, sit there and beg for food. Fun stuff.

The time around I was playing as a scholar from a race of cat people that were classified as fairies. (Based off of actual Cait Sith, celtic mythology) My character had come from the fairy realm to study the realm of mortals so that he could have a better understanding of the world outside of his own. He was a very curious character that was eager to learn and wanted to study as much as he possibly could, as the mortal realm fascinated him to the point where he'd spend days pouring over history books and ancient scrolls so as to learn about these strange new people and all their different countries, languages, cultures, and the like.

During his travels, he found himself sitting near a well in the castle courtyard of the castle town. It was at this point that he was approached by a shape-shifting girl.

The conversation between them gone as follows.
  • Girl: Hello there.
    Scholar: Hm? Oh, good morning to you.
    Girl: What are you exactly?
    Scholar: Well that certainly is an odd way to start a conversation. I am a fairy. Part of a branch of the Sidhe.
    Girl: I see. I'm a shape-shifter!
    Scholar: Oh...Alright.
    Girl: I could become a female of your kind.
    Scholar: Interesting, but why would you?
    Girl: I would if you wanted me to.
    Scholar: I'm sorry, what?
    Girl: Like this.
She then proceeded to write about how she transformed into a female of his kind, and then spent a paragraph describing her character and making mention as to how a male member of the race would find her to be incredibly cute and adorable, if not that, then gorgeous.
  • Scholar: Oh...Yes...I see.
    Girl: Now I look like one of your kind. 'cept my fur's not black.
    Scholar: No...It isn't...
    Girl: By the way, I'm Bella Dragonsong. What's your name?
    Scholar: Oliver.
    Girl: Oliver what?
    Scholar: Just Oliver. That's what the people of this realm call me.
    Girl: Okay, Oliver...I have a confession to make.
    Scholar: What's that?
    Girl: My twin sister is just like me.
    Scholar: I am unsure as to what you wish for me to do with this information.
    Girl: It's important because I'm a princess.
    Scholar: Huh?
    Girl: My sister committed a crime and I was blamed for it. So I'm on the run from some evil soldiers.
    Scholar: And you're telling me this why exactly?
    Girl: Because I know I can trust you.
    Scholar: But you just met me.
    Girl: But I still know you're a good person inside.
    Scholar: I could be a mass murdering madman for all you know.
    Girl: No, I know you aren't.
    Scholar: You're right of course, I'm not. But my point still stands.
    Girl: Oliver?
    Scholar: .....Yes?
    Girl: I just want you to know that whatever happens, I love you!
    Scholar: EEH?!
    Girl: I know it's really sudden, but I had to tell you.
    Scholar: It certainly is sudden! Very much so in fact!
    Girl: If you don't return my feelings, I understand. I can always turn myself in to my pursuers.
    Scholar: Wait, why do you seem to think you love me? You don't know me, you didn't even know what I was! We just met!
    Girl: You're wrong! I do know you! I know you to be a good person!
    Scholar: But you don't know me! You don't know what I like, what I dislike, what kind of life I've lived up to this point!
    Girl: None of that matters though! What matters is that you're a good person and that I love you!
    Scholar: So my feelings and personal life don't matter to you? I would hardly consider that to be love if that's the case.
    Girl: So you don't love me?
    Scholar: No. I quite literally just met you. In every sense of the word!
    Girl: Oh...Okay. I'm going to go leap off the tower then.
    Scholar: What?! Why?!
    Girl: Because nobody wants me. And I can't live without your love!
    Scholar: But there is no love to be had here! We just met! Ending your life over something like this is folly!
    Girl: I understand. May I kiss you before I go?
    Scholar: I would rather you didn't! I'd also much rather you didn't end your own life!
She then wrote that she kissed him on the cheek despite what he had told her.
  • Girl: Goodbye, Oliver. I love you!
She then proceeded to have her character run off and throw herself off of a tall tower. Killing her character in the process and leaving my character incredibly bewildered and wondering what just happened in the past minute-and-a-half.

Welp, that's all.
Hope you enjoyed this, and for anyone that wants a quick TL;DR:

"Hey I just met you, and this is crazy! But I'm a princess, so love me maybe?!"

4. Personal Touch

If you haven't figured it by now, I can't stop talking :lol:
Wish this was also a trait irl, but... yeahhh... noo... I'm all silent when it's in person and much rather take a backseat.
I'm always online, everyday, every hour, unless I'm currently imprinting my keyboard on my cheek, which I guess I'm close to do.
Cause it is past 4 am as I'm writing this.
But I took my time, I hope that I can at least spark some interest, maybe even a conversation.
Coming back to always online, I use Discord nonstop and always reply there asap when I can. So if anyone is interested...? ^_^ You can ask me for the tag ;D

Uhm... my rp's really depend on my current mood! ;)

...sadly I do not know anyone of the guild itself, but you can take your time to get to know me better! (Which of course I read that you do if you really consider me and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my brain is melting at this hour-)

Hope it's also not to much... and riddled with grammar mistakes, it do not be me main language.
And hope you enjoyed reading of course! :D

Oh and everyone calls me Kiru for short!

Best wishes, Kiru~
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Re: Kiruzune's Application

Post by Othelen »

Greetings Kiruzone,

And thank you for your application!
Feel free to reach out in-game for a chat :)

I did enjoy your application very much, but personally I still somewhat miss a traditional short roleplaying story directly related to your chatacter though - even if you filled it's space :)

Best of luck!
Best regards,
If you tremble with indignation at every injustice... then you are a comrade of mine.
Justice, Truth and Right!
Rosa Absentia and retired Hand
Founding member of the Senja Fellowship Community (SFC)
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Re: Kiruzune's Application

Post by Kiruzune »

At heavens door.
Alternitive 4. Rp ala traditionale ;D

It was a day like any other. Kiruzune, a new elite knight resupplied at the local potion shop in Yalahar. He was just tasked, as many others before him, to go and collect the stationed knights reports at there passage gates in each quarter. As he only knew the foreigner quarter, he did not know what to expect, but he was excited to check them out. Maybe too excited, as he forgot to buy something very important. A grave mistake he will soon face the consequences of.

He took a few bites to eat, then ventured to the only quarter he knew was accesable to him. The walk was to the first passage was a breeze. A few people tried to rob him of his riches, golbins threw stones and orcs spears at him. But he evaded and blocked the those attacks with ease, barely paying attention the assaults at hand.

Kiruzune casually walked up to the gate, followed by an avalanche of enemies from different races, cultures and skill trying their best to even make a dent in his armor. As they hardly were worth his attention he focused on the stationed knight there, clearly drunk and reeking of booze, Kiruzune asked about his report, in return getting an alcohol stained wet piece of parchment shoved through the bars. With a blank expression, Kiru shoved the piece straight into his backpack and asked for a passage to the other quarter, whilst knives, spears and rocks flow past him, some reflecting and bouncing of his armor straight into the tiny space the knight is stationed in. Even in state the knight was in, he surprisingly managed to get Kiruzune through to the Arena Quarter.he is a knight! He can take a beating. And he can always escape when things get too heated.

Kiru not even saying his goodbyes, amazed by the sheer difference in the environment he was in, walked straight ahead. Not all to soon was now surrounded again by various creatures from different regions. And again he hardly had to pay attention to them. Their attacks simply bounced of him. But finally he saw something of interest. Different elevations leading to creatures he never seen before, creatures that looked far more dangerous than anything he ever had to deal with. Excited and filled with adrenaline he looked carefully at each sign.
- "Dragon Lord", one sign read. Looking up the hill it was not all too hard to miss, as the entire place was burning, air was barely breathable and a roar that made him reconsider twice to even take a single step on this hill.

He made his way past the burning hill and read another sign.

- "Hydra"

Looking up from a safe distance however, he neither heard nor saw anything. He has heard stories about Hydras. Countless stories. Stories of people claiming to have slain one, neigh many. Some even more inexperienced than himself. Surely he can just escape when things get to heated. Besides, he thought to himself, they can't be too different to normal dragons. They are green, just more heads to deal with.

Foolishly he went up the hill, looking carefully trying to spot the mythical creature, but still no signs of any mutli-headed serpent on four legs.
"Maybe someone had killed it?" he thought to himself, while he treated forward. Then out of nowhere a projectile! Instinctivily the young knight raised his shield just barely in time to deflect a direct hit, but not without leaving a hefty bruize on his shieldarm. Caught off guard he suddendly tries to think of the spell to heal himself, when he heard stomps. Stomps that got louder quickly and in a matter of seconds he could see on of the heads sticking out of the trees covering the area, soon followed by the rest. Kiruzune immediately knew he stood no chance, and tried to run, only to find his legs wouldn't move at all. The shot he blocked paralyzed him. Gathering up the last bit of courage he had left, he turned around and shouted "EXORI HUR", throwing his weapon at the beast with all his might. But when he looked up, it barely he barely drew blood. No worse, he now enraged the serpent, which spewed a vile wave of poison towards him. Again he tried his best to deflect the attack though realized too late it was just a decoy, when out of nowhere one head slammed into his right flank, tearing apart skin and muscle.

With Kiruzunes blood spilled everyhwere, he yelped out "Exura Ico". It barely helped, but it was enough to get him out of his paralyzed state. Noticing his own life fading away he desperately tries to grab a health potion, though to his avail he noticed that he packed none. He forgot to buy stock up on them. In an last attempt he tried to make a run for it while he took on a defense stance, one he should have taken from the start. Another "Exura Ico", that instead of relieve followed up with a sharb sting from the back. In his last breath he dropped down the hill. At the brink of death he noticed he made it out alive. Though while thinking that he soon started to vomit blood. Feeling extremely sick he quickly reached into his backpack despite his wounds, knowing he could die any moment. He gulped down a potion and then barely managed to whisper "Exana Pox", bringing instead relieve a soon as those words crossed his lips. He remained lying at the exact spot he dropped out, not moving an inch until he was fully healed up. Not even as an annoying terror bird poked him from the side.


-It's a little bit exaggerated, but this somewhat has happened to me in this short lifespan of my character. I honestly thought I could at least stand my ground, somewhere in my tiny mind I thought for sure that I fought one before, but after this clash I definitely did not. I saw the health pool just evaporate. Wanted to take a health potion next to my mana ones, but yup I actually forgot to buy them. I barely managed my way out there alive. My adrenaline was pumping and I completely ignored the terrorbirb that walked up pecking away at me. I just stood there, swollowed potions and healed myself. I really thought I'm going straight to heaven and back to Port Hope, which was my set respawn at that time, as I did tarantulas there.

And I'm sorry! I thought writing from one of my Irl plays was ok ^_^'
I was very late at night and I took something I thought might give chuckle. (And my character Kiruzune is relatively new too so, I had to carefully think what part I could rp + the 4 am brain melt )

Hope you enjoy the read tho!
Natures Lord
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Re: Kiruzune's Application

Post by Natures Lord »

Thanks for your application!

Feel free to contact me ingame for a chat


My thoughts move.. my arrow fly.. one and the same..
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Re: Kiruzune's Application

Post by Othelen »

Thank you for adding a part of Kiruzune's story! :)
I am looking forward to our chat!
Best regards,
If you tremble with indignation at every injustice... then you are a comrade of mine.
Justice, Truth and Right!
Rosa Absentia and retired Hand
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Rye Ane
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Re: Kiruzune's Application

Post by Rye Ane »

Hello there ^^

Thanks for the application and interest in the Red Rose.

Try and find me in game and I will do the same :)
Leader of the Red Rose

"There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them."
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Re: Kiruzune's Application

Post by Kiruzune »

Thank you three I will try my best to reach out in game when our play time alignes!

Looking forward to it! :)

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Re: Kiruzune's Application

Post by dhaikhan »

Great reading, definitely caught my attention!

Feel free to reach me in-game for a chat

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Rye Ane
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Re: Kiruzune's Application

Post by Rye Ane »

Dear Kiruzune,

Your attendance is requested at our guildhall on Fibula, Sunday the 9th of October at 20:00 CEST (10 hours after SS).

Prepare yourself for some questioning and please bring the items stated in the codex.

Your future with the Red Rose will be decided.

Rye Ane
Leader of the Red Rose

"There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them."
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Re: Kiruzune's Application

Post by Kiruzune »

Dear Rye Ane,

a day prior, on 8th I get a visit of a friend from over across the sea. Coming over from the US he will stay here with me until the 13th of October, Thursday. I really am sorry, but I want to be sure that I'm 100% here at the given time, so I kindly ask for a different time window.

Anytime before or after works for me, it was just a very bad coincidence that those dates aligned and again I'm very sorry. If I knew, I would have told that I get a visit.

Sorry for the inconvience and my sincerest apology.
