Sanraiz Application. [Denied]

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Sanraiz Application. [Denied]

Post by Sanraiz »

Hello I am Sanraiz I have 16 years old and Im from Poland and my name is Matthew.

I can't speak english very well but i have big heart :D

Hmm I won't describe my character. It's never mind i think :p
I live in Lodz, I like playing football and volleyball.

I wanna join to yours guild, cuz i was read about RR and i thought i hope can be in :)

I don't know what i can say. My character has got 6 days. I'm 40 lvl now. But it's only game and i wanna have fun in Tibia:p
Yours Guild can give me it i think. I will loyal to the end. My character is like I am and it's very important to me.

Not much to say:)

Thanks for this moment to read my application.

Matthew, Sanraiz
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Re: Sanraiz Application.

Post by Kajala »

Dear Sanraiz,

your application has been noticed. Please wait patiently for an answer.

The longest journey starts with a single step.
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Re: Sanraiz Application.

Post by Kajala »

I am sorry, but your application got denied.

With kind regards,
The longest journey starts with a single step.