[Life Thread] - Paul Peregrin

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Paul Peregrin
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[Life Thread] - Paul Peregrin

Post by Paul Peregrin »

Paul Peregrin


Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 39
Height: 1,75 cm
Personality: Lawful, Prudent, Kind

        Borned in a poor family in Venore. His parents died in a swamp troll attack when he was 15. From this age he started living with his godfather, who teached him magic and started him as sorcerer. After Paul completed 22 years old, he left Venore behind and started to live as a nomad searching for a fulfilling life amongst nature, roaming between Femor Hills and Kazordoon, camping on the surroundings of the big mountain.

        One day, he met Patricia, who would eventually become the love of his life. Patricia was a human, adopted by dwarfs. Paul fell in love with her cheerful way of living and for some time they lived a happy simple life in Kazordoon farms. Sadly Patricia fell sick 5 years later, and eventually died.

        After this terrible loss Paul returned to his nomad ways, but much of the brightness in his eye and soul were lost. They were buried alongside Patricia.

        Paul migrated to the south, and is trying to survive by hunting and selling goods in Venore and Thais. He also is trying to find his way back to the studies of the arcane arts, searching for some meaning and cherishing for his soul. Regards the troubles faced in the past, Paul tries to be a positive person and search for beauty in life, as this is what Patricia would want.

Chapter I


         During one of Paul's travels, he met Maia Lunalight. An adventurer who was living in Kazordoon at the time. They talked for a fair bit, and Maia showed Paul the HQ of the Iron Felowship and the Forge Master's Quarters, two central points of the Kazordoon community.
        It had been a long time since Paul's last vist Kazordoon. doon. He was feeling a bittersweet nostalgia, but it was time to go and let the mountain behind one more time. He left with a certain hope in his heart. Maia told him of a new congregation of men taking form north of kazordoon. Maybe with this new brotherhood, he will be able to grow roots and develop his arcane studies. But for now, it was just a glimpse of hope. While this new community unravels, Paul headed to the wilds as he nedeed to earn some money before gathering with Maia one more time in this new brotherhood.

Chapter II

Comming soon...
Last edited by Paul Peregrin on Wed Apr 26, 2023 2:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Life Thread] - Paul Peregrin

Post by Rouge the Rogue »

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Re: [Life Thread] - Paul Peregrin

Post by Equoez »

Well done, looking forward to the first chapter of the story!
E. Zoldan
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Re: [Life Thread] - Paul Peregrin

Post by Othelen »

Exciting! Thank you, Paul :)
I am also looking forward to read the first chapter.
Best regards,
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Ooh Steady
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Re: [Life Thread] - Paul Peregrin

Post by Ooh Steady »

Looking forward to your next chapter as well :)
Paul Peregrin
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Re: [Life Thread] - Paul Peregrin

Post by Paul Peregrin »

Hello Guys.

Its been a while. Hadnt much time to play recently.

Anyways, chapter I is updated. Will try to write a longer chapter in chapter 2.

Hope you all like it.
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