Lord Las's Application [ACCEPTED]

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Lord Las
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Lord Las's Application [ACCEPTED]

Post by Lord Las »

Dear Red Rose, thank you for taking the time to read my application.

1. Character/Player Information:

Hello! I am Lord Las, a master sorcerer roaming around the streets of Tibia. My journey started back in 2002 right before christmas on Lunara. With my highschool friends we would spend hours and hours online. Ive since then played on and off, but always get pulled back into the game. Last year I started playing on Antica with one of my highschool friends, and this year I decided to remake my old character.

2. Why do you want to join Red Rose?

The Red Rose seems like the one of the few places in Tibia that still values what I value most in Tibia. Friendship, caring for each other, helping each other, sharing moments, not just trying to be the highest level possible, but actually enjoying the community and all of the many things Tibia has to offer.

In the last few months I've had the luck to meet a few people of the Red Rose, some of them I thankfully call my friends today. These friendships make me want to be a part of the Red Rose, because I am sure there are many new adventures to be started, stories to be told and new friendships to be found!

Lastely but not least. I have heard about Red Rose over the years, even early on when I started to play, on another world. I know some of their legacy, and it would be an honor to be a part of it and learn more about it!

3. Roleplay Story:

There are many tales in this story, but I shall tell you of my beginning. This is a story of how I mastered magic.

My story began in the sewers of Rookgaard, chasing rats with a club for their gold and cheese. But I was not hungry for cheese, I was hungry for magic! It was not long before someone showed me how to get to the top of Al Dee's shop, this had to be magic, right? There was no stairs, and he was able to fly all the way to the top. He would kindly show me his powers of magic, all I had to do was surrender a few pieces of gold. The kind stranger said his spell and magicly a few boxes would appear. I was now on the roof, it was magic! This kind stranger however forget to teach me the way down, and ever worse, it seemed like the kind stranger had dissappeared along with the boxes. But not to worry, I would wait for him to come back.

Minutes turned into hours, and hours turned into days. After a few days someone finally wandered up the roof and saw my distress and he kindly offered me a way down. I rewarded him graciously with all the gold I had left, having already eaten all of the cheese. He thanked me and we were both on our way. I was never to see him again but his spirit lived forth within me, helping other strangers get down from rooftops as my adventures in Rookgaard continued.

After conquering the challenges of Rookgaard, a young mage was born and my travels took me to Thais. Roaming around the streets, looking for adventures, gold and friendship. Thais became my home and the trolls in the east became my enemies. Their scorpions would often get the best of me, the road to the temple was long and their poison was fierce. I was however determined to strike back. Those trolls surely have never met a mage like me and it was not before long that I mastered the art of antidote. Their cave was now mine, I would roam around for hours in their lair, taking all of their posessions back to Sam to start my fortune. Or so I thought. I would go deeper and deeper, and it was not long until I found out there was a slimy creature hiding in the dark in their long caves. But was it just the one? I could have sworn there was only one, but now there where two.. three.. what was going on? Where are they coming from. As my torch faded I hastly tried to get out of their caves, but I could not move. As the cave became darker and darker, I finaly saw a light appearing as I was awaken by Quentin.

The word on the street spread that there was a creature hiding deep in the dark of caves that the trolls dug. My mind was set, those caves had to become mine and this slimy creature was the last enemy I had to face. Those trolls would never respect me if I could not best their blobbling pet, bouncing up and down, waiting for his prey, luring one in only to multiply and leach on their life.

A stranger approached me and told me he would teach me the art of missiles, magic ones. Was it true? Would this stranger really teach me actual, real magic? Would I find myself on a roof again? I decided to take a leap of faith. I followed the stranger into the home of Muriel. Muriel was a kind man who would gladfully teach me the words, all I had to do is ask for it!

Armed with my mace, my magic missiles and my courage, I would once again enter the lair of the beast. My mind was set. I've spend all my gold on this mission, but the reward shall be great. Imagen an enemy so fierce, so great, that it could actually summon his fellows? He must be rich. I imagened the bags of gold that I would take from him, I imagened all the magic Muriel would teach me in exchange, all the travels I would be able to make.

I lit my torch and quickly descended into the caves, trolls tried to block my way, but they were no match for my missiles! As I roamed further and further into the cave, my torch started to flicker, it was getting harder to see but I knew exactly where I was going.

There I was, standing eye in eye with the creature, blobbing around, bouncing of the walls and calling for his brothers and sisters. In my head I heard the strangers last advice before I took off into adveture: "be sure to kill the first one, as those called upon will vanish without their leader". I took my missiles, aimed and shot. And again, again, and again! As his health colored red, my eyes colored gold, thinking of the riches my nemesis would leave me.

He dropped, it was done. I finaly mastered this beast. Those trolls would finaly realise who ruled in these caves. They would know, as they would see me leave with big bags of gold and treasures, dragging the body of their slimy friend as I would pass them.

I hasted towards the body, leaned into the field of poison and reached out into... nothing. There was nothing! There was only silence, there was not gold, no treasures, only a little green cloud dancing around in silence. My torch started to flicker, it was time to go, I had to get back, back to the streets of Thais, where I would listen to strangers, telling me about their adventures, leading me into the unknown.

4. A personal touch

I love meeting new people and getting to know them, sharing new experiences with them and bonding over old tales or new adventures alike. To engage in meeting new people I have been working on a story concept in Carlin lately, involving the tales of an old thought to be gone dragon. With the good care of friends she has made a full recovery and has decided to share some of her secrets with us every now and then. Who will know where these secrets will lead us?

I'm hoping you have enjoyed reading my application and I'm looking forward to meet you soon.

Kind regards,
Lord Las
Natures Lord
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Re: Lord Las's Application

Post by Natures Lord »

Thank you for your application Lord Las, was a pleasure!


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Re: Lord Las's Application

Post by Regin »

Thank you for your application. Excellent read!
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Re: Lord Las's Application

Post by Valkera »

It is good to finally see your application here my friend! :)
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Re: Lord Las's Application

Post by Rye Ane »

Thanks for your application :)

Would love to find you in game for a chat
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Re: Lord Las's Application

Post by Steeve Lillywhite »

Nice read Lord Las!
Glad to see you apply :)

You have already done it, but feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!
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Re: Lord Las's Application

Post by Othelen »

Hey Las,

It's good to see you around here :)
I'm happy to see your application.

Best of luck!
Best regards,
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Varoos Moon
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Re: Lord Las's Application

Post by Varoos Moon »

Hi again, mate!
Catch me in game :)
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