Dama Blackheart's Application [ACCEPTED]

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Dama Blackheart
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Dama Blackheart's Application [ACCEPTED]

Post by Dama Blackheart »

1. Character/Player Information:

Greetings, sisters and brothers of the Red Rose. My name is Dama Blackheart, I'm an ambitious young knight who has recently gained a few levels quickly and feels ready to take on the big wide world. Tibia was introduced to me by a very special person in 2017, so it was impossible not to love the game right away, but at the time I was still finishing my studies, so we only played a little ot. I returned to Tibia Global in 2019, where I had a long walk through almost all the Brazilian worlds, and after a few wars fought, I started my retirement in 2021, which ended in April 2023, when I installed the game again.

2. Why do you want to join Red Rose:

I already knew that I was passionate about Tibia lore and the in-game rpg aura, but I never had the chance to experience that in the brazilian worlds I've been to. Although in the past I've loved the powergaming style of play, that's not all that keeps me playing this game after years, and I know that Red Rose is the right place to introduce me to this universe that only exists in this ancient world.

3. Roleplaying Story:

Heavy heart, lump in the throat

"If you not sure, why you need to do this now?" Kai grumbled to Dama as he waited sitting on a rock, carving small arrows into a wooden stick.

She pretends not to listen at the moment, as she finishes jumping and waving to her family at the end of the Greenshore bridge. Mom and dad seem happy, her little cousin doesn't seem too excited about the idea, but since he inherited her Carlin Sword, it seemed like a fair trade.

Dama kicks off Kai's boot and throws some backpacks at him, while she starts walking in a southerly direction.

"You know that's what I want, and I can't wait until next summer for you to join me"

"You'll be dead next summer if you go alone now. Think about it, we have everything we need here, why go anywhere else?" He tries to catch up with her as he packs all the luggage on his back.

She laughs, because she knows it might be true. But staying in the same place she had been all her life no longer made sense and it certainly wasn't what she imagined for her future. In fact, Dama had everything she could need in the safety of the small village where she was born. They had a comfortable little house with plenty of access to meat and fish, which her father sold every day. Her mother was a great local cook, who always brought her new recipes to the neighbors. During her childhood, she played with many children under the trees, but when Kai moved into the basement of her father's store when they were 15, the connection to this friendship was instantaneous. Kai was a young woodcarver who came from Outlaw Camp after his father was murdered and he and his mother were left alone. His talent at such a young age allowed him to gather resources to impress Dama's father, who was touched by his family's story and offered a small room in exchange for his services. And nine years later, he still carved little arrows when he was anxious to help calm down.

Stone jungles, huge buildings, scary monsters, how many things would she miss out on if she settled for a life like that? trust your heart is what she emanated inside her mind.

As they walked towards the southern exit of Thais, Dama insisted that Kai tell her, for the thousandth time, about his fancy life in Venore.

"I already told you that it was only near Venore, it wasn't even in the city and maybe if you get there one day, you'll see for yourself that it wasn't fancy at all" He sounded out of patience, irritated as he waited for her to give up, turn around and go home. The attempt to improve the mood didn't seem to be working, she thought. But after a while, he gave in and gave her what she wanted. He realized that he had to seize the chance, when could he tell this story again, if she was leaving? So he began the story, to accompany the walk.

Time is merciless and runs fast when we just want it to slow down, and it was late afternoon when they arrived at the gate. And she was flooded once again with the same feeling she had earlier, when she was leaving the village. The air caught in her throat and she immediately dropped her shield and hugged Kai.

"Well, I guess that's goodbye..I wanted to escort you on your first night, but I have to go back and I know you'll take good care of yourself here in the surroundings." A sad voice sounded in her ear.

"Just for now, in the future, I promise I'll bring you good stories to make up for all this. I didn't expect you to have the courage to spend the night away from your bed" She gives him a little punch on the arm.

Kai watches Dama pick up her shield and luggage and disappear over the horizon as the night announces her arrival. He would have to find another way to deal with it, as he walked away into the city of Thais, returning without Dama to a place full of memories of her.

The first two weeks was better than Dama could have imagined, she was managing to put into practice everything she had learned from her father about killing and skinning animals and her plan was to stock up on food until she got as close to Venore as she could, and there she could see what she was going to do. So far, she had only killed deer and small rabbits, and tonight would be no different. She was already preparing to skin that chubby rabbit when she heard a noise among the trees. She slowly drops the rabbit and places her hand on the hilt of her sword, which rests on her back, ready to strike while she tries to remember where she put her shield...

With a leap, a deer runs out from behind the trees and narrowly collides with Dama, who falls backwards with fright, stumbling over branches and stones on the ground. Angry, she knows this wouldn't have happened if she'd just lit her fire earlier that night, but before she has time to beat herself up about it, a wolf appears in front of her, teeth bared, blood in its eyes. f**k, he was probably after that deer. She stands up and places her sword in front of her, while looking around Where did I leave that stupid shield?...There! She noticed the moonlight reflecting on her shield, just a few steps from where she was standing, but fear paralyzed her. She couldn't move, only look into the eyes of that slowly approaching beast, surely he could smell her fear. As a defensive move, she began to swing her sword towards the wolf, while taking small steps, and just as she was about to stretch out her arm to reach the equipment, a great ferocious growl echoed through the dense woods. It was so loud that the wolf suddenly stopped moving in Dama's direction and seemed to look at something behind her. She took advantage of the fact that the animal's attention was no longer on her and grabbed her shield. Looking over her shoulder, she saw a large dark shadow, a brown bear! Her whole body was saying Run and that's what she did, if she was fast enough, she could cross the forest and reach the creek, where she thought it would be easier to lose them.

But of course that was a stupid idea and, in less than 10 meters, the wolf catches up with her and knocks her to the ground, biting her ankle. Dama screams, torn between agonizing pain and the instinct to survive, kicks the wolf in the face and crawls back a little, trying to think of what to do now, only one of them will survive the night. She uses all the strength she has left to draw her sword and bring it down on the animal, but something hits the wolf before her blade. It was the great bear, grabbing the wolf by the jugular and throwing it to the ground. The sound of its neck breaking was the last thing Dama remembers before passing out.

Drops of water fall on her face, waking Dama from her sleep and, as she tries to get up, her injured ankle reminds her of last night. She is in a cave. How did I get here? There was a wolf and... wait, where's my stuff? No equipment in sight, or food. Great. With a little effort, she stood up and crept around the walls until she saw the imposing bear guarding the entrance to the cave. She was easy prey, wounded and defenseless. Perfect prey. But his eyes didn't seem to want to kill. At least not at that very moment. He walked out of the cave and turned to her, as if to say: "Aren't you coming with me?" - She hesitates, but takes small steps towards him, who remains calm and still, and as she gets close enough, realizes her equipment next to the immense being.

"You brought me here? How.. Is it possible?" All right. So now I'm also talking and waiting for the bear to answer me. Maybe I'm really dead. If he's not gonna kill me, I'm just gonna grab my stuff and get the f**k away from here. Even with fear, she takes her equipment, puts it on her back, but with that ankle she won't be able to carry it around. And the bear seemed to noticed that, before Dama could put the equipment back on the ground, with one swift movement he put his head under her and lifted her up, placing the girl on top of him. And the fear gave way to a good feeling, she hugged the bear and they set off together from that point, the forest had sent a special friend to accompany her in the real dangers that were yet to come.

4. A Personal Touch:

Here's a quote I like from one of my favorite series: "Whatever you do in this life, it's not legendary unless your friends are there to see it." I think that sums me up pretty well.

Thank you, Roses <3 :D

Dama Blackheart
Last edited by Dama Blackheart on Sun May 05, 2024 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dama Blackheart
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Re: Dama Blackheart's Application

Post by Natures Lord »

Hello there dama,

Thank you for your application, try to reach med in-game!


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Re: Dama Blackheart's Application

Post by Regin »

Thank you for an excellent application! Reach out to me if we ever login at the same time 😊
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Re: Dama Blackheart's Application

Post by Equoez »

It gladdens me to finally see your application here Dama! Don't be a stranger, reach out to my fellow Roses and make new friends. :) Best of luck!
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Re: Dama Blackheart's Application

Post by Rye Ane »

Hello there!

Thanks for the application and I hope to find you online sometime soon.

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Re: Dama Blackheart's Application

Post by Mihiron »

Thank you for the application Dama.

Im usually online at night, please message me if you see me.
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