[Character Sheet] Sir Balin

Character history and background.
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Sir Balin
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[Character Sheet] Sir Balin

Post by Sir Balin »

Name: Balin
Family Name: unknow
Gender: Male
Age: old enough to drink a beer
Place of birth: Kazordoon exterior mines

Balin was just a little dwarf, he liked to play chasing animals or fishing in the nearby river. His father was a miner in the mines west of Kazordoon and together with his mother they lived in a cave south of the main entrance. From there, if the sky was clear, some days he was able to glimpse the great colossus. Past it lived the great families of the dwarves. For Balin they were a mystery. He was used to listening to the conversations of the miners. Most of the time he heard them. They passed by talking about precious stones or how the next tunnel would surely find gold, they all dreamed of being rich, finding the great treasure, all those topics were boring to him, he wanted something more, but he didn't know what it was.

One day, when Balin was playing to chase some rabbits, he wandered further away from home than he usually did and ended up finding something he shouldn't have. A group of adventurers appeared out of nowhere, Balin hid and watched them from a distance, accustomed to dealing only with dwarves, it was the first time he saw other races, his curiosity grew and intrigued by these people he decided to follow them. The adventurers climbed a mountain, opened a mysterious door and arrived at a room with four altars, in which they placed four skulls and pufff they disappeared. Little Balin, scared, ran away, his young mind had had enough for today. Questions were beginning to arise in his head, what was that, what had happened? Until now I had only heard about picks and shovels, gems, metals... It wasn't something he was interested in, but it was the only thing his father usually talked about.

The days passed and Balin couldn't get that image out of his head, so he decided to return to that strange place. The door was closed, so he just had to wait for another group to pass by. Surprisingly, the influx of people to that place was quite common. Following in the footsteps of those people, it was quite easy for him to reach his destination… His eyes opened completely that immense tower was brandished before him, paradox tower he heard one of the adventurers, that, that was the first time that Balin knew magic, and it was not the last. The days passed, and Balin continued going to that place every day, researching and learning, all of it was wonderful.

Balin's restlessness led him to talk to his parents, he told them about his dream, finally something filled his interior, curiosity, his desire for knowledge, he wanted to be a magician, he wanted power, but something was still missing. Unfortunately for Balin, his father did not approve of his decision, his father dreamed of a son who would help him dig his fortune, his mother, however, wanted the best for her son, she knew that Balin did not want the life of a miner. Luck seemed to be on his side, and in a nearby cave lived an old retired geomancer, who accepted Balin under his tutelage.

It wasn't long before Balin got bored, that magic... it wasn't enough, it had nothing to do with what he had seen. Balin's words made his teacher mad, strict and square, he did not listen to any reasons other than what he already knew and he soon decided to stop teaching him, they argued and Balin left forever.

But the misfortune had only just begun, when he returned home, a group of minotaurs attacked his mine, Balin tried to use what he had learned to defend his people... but it was not enough Balin fell to the ground just when a group of adventurers appeared, the horned fox heard from one of them before losing consciousness. When he opened his eyes the ground was filled with the bodies of those minos... and of his people, his companions, his family, killed at the hands of those minotaurs. Now it was clear to Balin “I need power, much more power, to defend those who cannot defend themselves”.

The time had come, with his family dead, he decided to exile himself from Kazordoon. He did not know the way to reach his objective, so he took the southern path, where those adventurers came from, if they had defeated those minotaurs, that was where he should start.

A few days later he arrived to the human city Thais, what happened then was quite fast, a small dog ran towards the middle of the street, he was about to be run over by a runaway horse, Balin jumped and grabbed the dog saving him from being run over.

As soon as he had composed himself, two guards grabbed him by the shoulders. Come with us boy.
“Hail the King Tibianus this boy just rescued Noodles”
“Noodles? My Noodles? Thank you very much, what is your name boy?”
“Balin my King” said a guard.
“balin my king”
“And how can I reward you? What do you want most?”
“I want to be a magician, I want to control the power of magic”
“Oh, just that?” “From today you will be known as Sir Balin.”
Guards! Prepare a ship to rookgaard for our young friend, your wish will come true soon boy. Good luck.
For justice and honour
Sir Balin
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Re: [Character Sheet] Sir Balin

Post by Equoez »

Thanks for the story Balin, great way to relax after work... Have you had your revenge on the minotaurs yet? :)
E. Zoldan
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Re: [Character Sheet] Sir Balin

Post by Mihiron »

Im sorry for your family Balin
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Sir Balin
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Re: [Character Sheet] Sir Balin

Post by Sir Balin »

Equoez wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:21 pm Thanks for the story Balin, great way to relax after work... Have you had your revenge on the minotaurs yet? :)

Oh...you will have to wait for the next part :P
For justice and honour
Sir Balin
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