Gravesight's Application [ACCEPTED]

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Gravesight's Application [ACCEPTED]

Post by Gravesight »

Greetings Red Rose,

My name is Gravesight, a drunk humble paladin, seeking to join the ranks of Red Rose.

Character/Player Information

My Tibia adventure began in 2003/2004 on Lunara, where most of my high school friends played. However, I was never much into PvP, so when the non-PvP server of Nerana was created in 2007, I tried it out, and it became my home for many years.

Gravesight is my first (and only) character on Antica. Although I created the character a few years ago, it was only a couple of weeks ago that I actually took my first steps on the mainland of Tibia. Poor guy had only seen the inside of a training room for the last few years.

I've always treated Tibia more like a chat program with things to do on the side, so you’d often find me hanging out on the Thais rooftops or playing chess. I don’t have much to show for levels, skills, or achievements, but I made a lot of friends and shared many laughs - that’s what’s most important to me.

In the past, I’ve mostly led my own guilds. On Nerana, I led "Dark Entropy" for a couple of years. In 2012, after moving to Olympa, I founded a guild called 'Nerds with Sandwiches', which was active until around 2018/2019. I think a lot of you in RR would have enjoyed it, as our focus was on building friendships and bonding with the community. We loved helping others, organizing events, and just enjoying the company of friends. Our recruitment process was a bit different though - as it was pretty much "Tell us your favorite joke!"

In 2017, with the birth of my oldest daughter, Zelda, I left Tibia, thinking it was for good this time (hah!). So when the character bazaar was introduced, I sold my character. At the time, it seemed like the right decision, but oh man, I kinda regret that now. Recently, I was suggested some videos on YouTube about Antica in the old days, and the urge to play again hit. I figured, "Why not try Antica?", so with a decently skilled paladin already, I thought it was time for Gravesight to see the light outside of the training room.

Outside of Tibia, I’m 34 years old, living in Sweden with my girlfriend and our two daughters. I work as a software developer and am passionate about board games, with a modest collection of around 100 games (though my girlfriend might argue that a room full of games is excessive). I also enjoy city-building games such as Cities: Skylines and Banished, and I love playing some Sid Meier's Civilization V. I’ve also played quite a bit of World of Warcraft, funnily enough PvP was what I enjoyed the most in that game.

Why do you want to join Red Rose

Peer pressure? No, no, just kidding. (Although I was told I would have to start to pay for all the beer I drink unless I became a member and that would financially ruin me).

Jokes aside, as mentioned earlier, I quit Tibia in 2017, but I’ve made a few returns since, none of which lasted very long. You know how it goes, most friends have moved on, the guild I cared for is gone, and English Chat… well, let’s not dwell on that. Without the community and social aspect of the game, there wasn’t much to keep me playing, so when I began again, I didn’t have high expectations. I didn’t expect to find a community resembling what I had known before, and I certainly didn’t think I’d play for long (usually, my returns last 3-4 days before I quit).

But then, a couple of weeks ago, I visited the island of Fibula and was greeted by members of Red Rose. There I found what I had loved about Tibia - a warm, welcoming community, new friendships, and genuine camaraderie. In the warmth of your guildhall, I witnessed something I thought long lost with Tibia.

I never expected to still be playing, much less buying another month of premium. For the first time in years I want to keep playing and I believe I have Red Rose to thank for that.

Of course I want to be part of this amazing community. It's a rare sight these days. As Beyonce would say, if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it.

Roleplaying Story


I often reflect on that name. Once, it was spoken with awe — a sign of my deadly aim, as whatever I set my sights on would surely fall. But with great power comes a heavy burden.

The name feels more like a curse these days. A curse worn with silent stoicism. For every enemy I felled, a shadow was cast upon my soul. Each victory, each life taken, left a scar - a grave. Over time, the graves multiplied, until my sight became clouded, not with age, but with the weight of the past.

I began to see the world differently. Where once there was laughter and friendly faces, there were now only remnants of what used to be. The vibrant colors of life had faded, replaced by somber hues of decay. The cheerful laughter of comrades turned into distant echoes, and the warmth of companionship became a cold, unreachable memory.

Every step I took reminded me of what was lost, and every glance back was met with the empty gaze of forgotten days. The world I once knew was gone, leaving behind only graves in its wake. At times, it felt as though I had disconnected completely from the world. I would retreat into that darkness, only to re-emerge sporadically, hoping to find a spark of what once was. Yet each time I returned, the world seemed more distant, more alien.

But fate has a way of surprising even the most desolate of souls.

During one of these fleeting returns, when I wandered the shores of Fibula, I stumbled upon a group of souls who welcomed me as if I had never left. They were members of Red Rose. Their friendship was genuine, their camaraderie real. In their warmth, I found the vibrant colors of life returning, the echoes of laughter growing stronger. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I saw beyond the graves, beyond the shadows that had haunted me for so long.


The name no longer feels like a curse. It is a reminder - a testament to what I have seen, what I have lost, and what I have found again. The world may have changed, and I with it, but in the hearts of my newfound friends, I’ve rediscovered something precious. With them, I see a future where the graves of the past are not just reminders of loss, but foundations for new bonds, new memories.

The journey is far from over, and for the first time in a long while, I look forward to what lies ahead.

A Personal Touch

I've visited Fibula almost daily the last couple of weeks just to hang out and I've had the pleasure to talk to some of you already and I hope to meet a lot more of you in the future. I'm also sorry for emptying your beer casks.

I know Tibia has a soundtrack these days (crazy, huh?), but I still prefer watching TV-shows. And since I have no clue how to add a personal touch so I figured I'd go with the "stick out"-approach and list my top 5 TV-shows, because I haven't seen anyone do that in any other application.
  1. Battlestar Galactica
  2. The Wire
  3. Firefly
  4. Travelers
  5. The Expanse
I also like making lists, so...

I don't know what more to say, but I love chatting so don't hesitate to pm me in-game whenever. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I play mostly during the evenings after the kids are asleep (unless I fell asleep reading to them, which happens).

Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

// Gravesight
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Re: Gravesight's Application

Post by Valkera »

I can really recommend the book series of The Expanse! The narrator of the audio books is really great. :) And Banished! Been a while since I played that. Damn that game is good! Half the beauty is that there aren't a billion DLCs for it. Neat and simple! :lol:

Glad to see your application, friend. I hope you'll grace us with your presence! Btw, tell us your favorite joke!
Valkera of Red Rose
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Re: Gravesight's Application

Post by Mihiron »

Thank you for your application. Please message whenever you see me online.
Natures Lord
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Re: Gravesight's Application

Post by Natures Lord »

Heya Gravesight!
Message me in game, thank you for your application

Best regards

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Re: Gravesight's Application

Post by Core Wetterwachs »

Good luck, feel free to catch any RR members to chitchat.

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Re: Gravesight's Application

Post by Rhateus »

Ahoy Gravesight!

Thank you for your application!
Try and reach out to me when you see me online.
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Re: Gravesight's Application

Post by Regin »

I'm glad you decided to apply! Good luck 8-)
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Re: Gravesight's Application

Post by Rebrand »

Feels meant to be that your Happy feet stumbled by our guild hall that day 😊

Very Good read and happy with your list of tv shows, 1 & 2 are bangers, I might have to send two your way later.

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Re: Gravesight's Application

Post by Dama Blackheart »

It was great to read your application Gravesight! I had a great time, I can't wait to get to know you better. :D
Dama Blackheart
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Lord Kaelas
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Re: Gravesight's Application

Post by Lord Kaelas »

The thing about the old days, they the old days.
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