The Lone Wolf

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Midnight Slayer
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The Lone Wolf

Post by Midnight Slayer »

The Lone Wolf
By Master Slayer / Midnight Slayer

The winter has been harsh this season.
Frigid winds embrace the small cabin.

Nature can be so unforgiving.

Her cold shivering touch whispers her way through the cracks of the shelter reminding me of her presence. The last block of timber in the furnace burns out. It would be unwise to ignore her summoning. Wrapped in mammoth’s fur, I head out to fulfill her challenge. The storm is unrelenting. Her fierce winds pierce through my ears. My boots are weighted down by the snow.

As I trench toward the tree line, I am halted in my tracks. A lone wolf stands in the path. The frost on his fur is illuminated by the moonlight. The wolf stares me down with his daring, yet majestic eyes.
"What does he want from me?", I ask myself.

I hold a firm grip to the frozen handle of my axe.

A menacing flurry of tempestuous arctic winds nearly topples me to the ground. I curse at the raging storm. The wolf remains unshaken; not even a shiver. The wolf stands his ground unintimidated. His fur is at rest and his posture is calm, showing no signs of aggression. I lessen my grip on the axe and compose myself.

Swiftly, the wolf leaps atop a nearby boulder and lets out a glorious howl to the midnight sky. He then, for a brief moment, stares deep into my eyes, as if he is speaking to my soul. The wolf then leaps off the rock and returns to his frost covered haven in the woods.

After gathering timber, I begin the trek back to the cabin. This time, with each gust of wind, I stop and welcome its icy cold grasp. Alas in my cabin, I re-stoke the fire of my furnace. I appreciate the warmth it lends and the journey to acquire it.

Nature can be so rewarding.


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