Gothmog Application

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Gothmog Application

Post by Gothmog »

Greetings Red Roses lords and ladies, its with deepest respect and honor that here, I humbly present my application:

I'm Gothmog, a divine warrior that once again has the oportunity to walk the ancient and historial lands of Antica. In order to rescue the old values, proud, honor and respect... also willing to learn the new ways, eager to explore the new Lands that emerged and have been discovered. The times I used to walk these lands our World was much smaller, calmer and quieter.
With the great Holy Tible under my arms, I come to spread the word of Banor, our ancient Hero!

The Gods have whispered in my ears and filled my existence with the Divine Essence. After waking up in the VOID, I seen... everything was dark.

In a empty dark room, filled with smokes dancing in the air, I was floating, the only focus of light was distant. I tried to aproach it, floating slowly... when I was getting closer I seen a big round crytal ball standing in a dark pedestal. I looked around and I couldnt see nothing else.

I heard a calm voice in my head "Look, closer!" Afraid, I got closer and I felt a strong energy pulsing from the crystal ball. Trembling I touched it. The moment I touched, a strong force pullled my hands in the magical crystal ball and I felt emptiness in my heart, my eyes have became blank as my eyes rolled up. I couldnt sense anything else, just traveling inside my mind.

I started to see cleary, the images... images of what once was the great city of Thais, ruled by the heirs of Banor himself, now a pandemonium of murders, robberys and lust! I seen kidnappers and robbers hidden in the trees on the Venore Road waiting for their next victim! I seen Mercenary assassins trying to invade the Bridge of Kazoordoon looking for the Dwarves treasures. I seen the Followers of Zathroth, hiding deep in a crypt sacrificing a woman in a bloody dark ritual for more Power. I seen a group of financial broken merchants doing a treaty with a Demon Lord, offering their Soul for prosper in the Material World... poor them... they dont imagine what will happen. I seen hordes of Demons roamming around violating the Divine symbols and killing innocents. I seen so much things that I wish I didnt!...

For hours it happened! I was almost fainting with my mind and soul broken... The gentle, deep, feminine voice spoke in my head again:

"The situation in the material plane is getting worst everyday. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good humans to do nothing. Seek for the righteous and unite! Spread the word of Banor, the Divine Warrior and fight all the Evil of the Tibian lands. Inspire and protect the weak! This is the Gods command for you. Now, noble Gothmog, Do you accept your fate?!"

With tears in my eyes and feeling the touch of Banor in my heart I said back "Yes, so be it!"

After that I felt a big explosion pulling me up and throwing me down again. When I opened my eyes I couldnt breath. I was laying on my back with a white clean tunic.

A ghostly image of a impeccable dressed woman started to float in my direction, smiling. She flew in front of me and putting her hands her mouth with her palms turned up, she blow a cold and strong breath on his nose and he started to breath again!
After recovering his concience he opened his eyes and started to breath very fast, getting used to being in the material plane again. He felt the coldness of the white marble on his back. There was a pressure on the top of his chest. He quickly sitted and notice there was book. It was easy to reconize it. He grabbed it and once he reconized it he smiled, tears started to roll down his face. In a position of reverence and respect he opened and started to read:

"Banor I praise your name.
Be with me in the battle.
Be my shield, let me be your sword.
I will honor the godly spark in my soul.
May it flourish and grow."

After reading he felt confort and peace. Nothing else was needed... ~



Hello my friends, my name is Lucas. I used to roam around these lands on a different name. My first account was created in august/2001. Recently I came back to check some things and had the pleasure to meet again an old friend (Valkera Blackheart). I was surprised and happy to see the quality and activity on the Red Rose and decided to come back play again and try to join this legendary guild.

Long time ago I used to be part of the Mercenarys (mostly), Satori and Black Dragons. Gothmog will be my new main, so all my focus and activity will be in this character. My focus in this new journey will be make friends, focus on the guild and mostly on roleplaying. I will play at night for 1-2 hours daily on week days and weekends that activity should raise. I dont plan to be a powergammer, I'm too rusty for it. I plan to hunt daily but easier stuff, nothing too hardcore.

Friends I know in RR: Midnight Slayer, Valkera Blackheart, Dama Blackheart (I meet recently but I already consider a friend), Kajala/Dunja, Sir Balder, Sir Crowley, Rob'Doomsday, Sara Lionheart, Mild.

Any doubts and questions you might have, you can ask me in game or here.
May the blessings of Banor light your path!

Gothmog ~
~ Follower of Banor ~
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Re: Gothmog Application

Post by Valkera »

You were among the first people I looked for when I returned to Tibia, but I couldn't find a trace of you and I thought you gone forever. Then, as if out of nowhere, I find you standing next to me again like you did 15 years ago.

Welcome back old friend, it warms my heart to see you again.
Valkera of Red Rose
Magistra Noviciorum
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Rye Ane
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Re: Gothmog Application

Post by Rye Ane »

Hello there!

That was an incredible story to read! Try and find me in game for a chat and I will do the same :)
Leader of the Red Rose

"There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them."
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Re: Gothmog Application

Post by Natures Lord »

Thanks for your application!

Well done, lets connect in game.


My thoughts move.. my arrow fly.. one and the same..
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Dama Blackheart
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Re: Gothmog Application

Post by Dama Blackheart »

I loved the choice of images to illustrate this beautiful in-game experience! Feel free to get in touch with as many roses as you have the chance to ;)
Dama Blackheart
"For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love" 🎔
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Midnight Slayer
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Re: Gothmog Application

Post by Midnight Slayer »

I first met Gothmog around 2003 and we have known each other for quite a long time. We were both part of a close circle of friends in that time and I was excited to see his return and had a great exchange with him.

I hope you all see the same amazing person that I do! :)

Sir Balin
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Re: Gothmog Application

Post by Sir Balin »

Nice Reading, i did enjoy it. Hope to see you ingame :D .

Thank you for your Applicantion.
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Re: Gothmog Application

Post by Rhateus »

A friend of Valkera is a friend of mine! Welcome back Lucas and thanks for a great read!

Please reach out to me in-game when you see me online. Would love to have a chat with you!
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Re: Gothmog Application

Post by Gothmog »


Thanks for the replies old friends and new ones to come. It will be a pleasure to reach you all in game and strenght our bounds. Looking forward to it.
~ Follower of Banor ~
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Re: Gothmog Application

Post by Rebrand »

This was a story to follow

Happy to log everyday and get to know you better. If your family with Valkera and Midnight, your family to me.
Chocolate Bear
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