CODICES of the Red Rose

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CODICES of the Red Rose

Post by Sir Balder »

The updated version of the Red Rose Codex (October 2024):

Image The Red Rose Codices Image
The Five Codices of the Red Rose contains the laws and rules that the Red Rose lives by.

Image The Red Codex is the supreme codex, and it lays out the base structure of the guild.

Image The Green Codex contains specifications and descriptions on how to join the Red Rose and about Noviciumship and Mentorship.

Image The Blue Codex contains specifications and descriptions on the governing bodies of the guild and the active ranks of the Red Rose, their respective rights and duties, and how to rise between ranks.

Image The Grey Codex contains specifications and descriptions on the inactive ranks of the Red Rose, and the specifics surrounding exclusions of full members.

Image The Purple Codex contains other rules and specifications not covered in the other codices.

Image The Tome of Titles contains information about titles you can obtain, and about the unobtainable legacy titles.
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Re: CODEX of the Red Rose

Post by Valkera »

Image The Red Codex (aka. the Rose Codex)

Chapter 1: The Red Rose and its purpose
  1. We are a lawful Tibian guild.
  2. The island of Fibula is our home, and where our guildhall is located.
  3. Our purpose is to:
    1. protect our own, and to spread and strengthen the good alignment in the name of Banor.
    2. do all in our power to protect dogs – the messengers of the gods – against all harm.
  4. To achieve our purposes, we employ the following strategies:
    1. Leading by example; inspiring and encouraging good and friendly behaviour by always treating fellow Tibians with respect, humility and helpfulness.
    2. Aiding other Tibians in need of help.
    3. Hosting events, quests and guided tours.
    4. Organising formal and informal meetings for our members and friends.
    5. Building friendships between members.
    6. Building and strengthening bonds with friendly and allied guilds.
    7. Contacting dog-killers and ask them to change their ways.

Chapter 2: Membership
  1. Any lawful Tibian may apply to join the Red Rose.
  2. Full members of the Red Rose may vouch for lawful Tibians to join the Red Rose.
  3. Only those who complete their noviciumship may become full members of the Red Rose.

Chapter 3: Organisation
  1. The Red Rose has two deliberative bodies:
    1. the Assembly
    2. the Senate
  2. The Council is the executive body of the Red Rose.
  3. The ranks of the Red Rose are:
    1. Full member
      1. Leader (pl. leaders)
      2. Praetor (pl. praetores)
      3. Aedilus (pl. aediles)
      4. Eques (pl. equites)
      5. Inceptor (pl. inceptores)
    2. Novicium (pl. novicia)
    3. Secondary character
      1. Auxiliarius (pl. auxiliarii)
      2. Novellus Rosae (pl. novelli rosae)
    4. Retired member
      1. Propraetor (pl. propraetores)
      2. Rosa absens (pl. rosa absentia)
      3. Novicium absens (pl. novicia absentia)
    5. The Rosebuds consists of auxiliarii of full members, and are treated as thus.

Chapter 4: Understanding the codices
  1. Disputes on how to interpret the codices is settled by the Council.

Chapter 5: Changing the codices
  1. Changes to the Red Rose Codices must be approved by the Assembly with a two-thirds majority.

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Re: CODEX of the Red Rose

Post by Valkera »

Image The Green Codex (aka. The Novicium’s Codex)

Chapter 1: The application
  1. A lawful Tibian wishing to join the Red Rose may apply to do so.
  2. The application must be posted on the appropriate board on the Red Rose forum, and fulfil the criteria found in the guidelines posted by the Inscribator.

Chapter 2: The vouch
  1. A full member of the Red Rose may vouch for a lawful Tibian wishing to join the Red Rose.
  2. The full member must post their vouch on the appropriate board on the Red Rose forum and notify the Inscribator.

Chapter 3: The review
  1. The Inscribator must announce all applications and vouches to the rest of the guild through all actively used communication channels.
  2. Once an application or vouch is announced, all full members are encouraged to voice their opinions about the candidate in the appropriate forum thread.
  3. The review forum thread is open for 7 days. The Inscribator may prolong this period up to, but no longer than, 14 days for vouches and 21 days for applications.
  4. After the review period, the Inscribator decides if the candidate is invited to a Crossfire or not.

Chapter 4: The Crossfire
  1. A candidate who has been successfully reviewed shall be invited by the Inscribator to the Guildhall of the Red Rose for a Crossfire.
  2. All full members are encouraged and expected to fire questions at the candidate (hence the name Crossfire).
  3. The candidate is expected to show an understanding of the Red Rose Codices, of how our guild works and operates, about Antica, and Tibia in general. The candidate may also be asked questions about their own person, personality traits and any other questions the attending full members see fit.
  4. When the Crossfire is done, the Assembly convenes to vote on the candidate’s performance. A two-thirds majority is needed for the candidate to join the guild as a novicium.
Chapter 5: Rejections
  1. If an application or vouch has been declined during the process outlined in chapter 3 and 4, the candidate may not re-apply with any joining method for at least 180 days.

Chapter 6: Re-joining the Red Rose
  1. Former members who left on good terms may ask to re-join.
  2. The Assembly decides whether the former member must follow the ordinary process outlined in chapter 1-4 of this codex, or if the former member may stand before Assembly.
  3. A former member who stands before the Assembly needs a two-thirds majority to be readmitted to the guild.
  4. The Assembly must decide if the former member is invited back to their former rank, as an inceptor or as a novicia.
  5. Former novicia must begin their noviciumship anew.

Chapter 7: Noviciumship
  1. Novicia are members on a trial basis.
  2. Novicia must pick a mentor within their first week, or else a mentor will be assigned by the Magister Noviciorum.
  3. Novicia may not be mentored by the one who vouched for them.
  4. Novicia will be issued tasks by their mentor and the Magister Noviciorum, and are expected to complete these tasks within the given time.
  5. Novicia are expected to follow the instructions of their mentor and the Magister Noviciorum – if they do not contradict common sense or the goals of the guild.

Chapter 8: Mentorship
  1. Mentores (sg. mentor) are experienced full members who have accepted to guide a novicium in their quest to achieve full membership.
  2. Mentores must be approved by the Magister Noviciorum.
  3. Mentores report to the Magister Noviciorum on a regular basis about the progress of their novicia.
  4. Mentores are expected to give fulfilling tasks to their novicia that will help them progress and further their understanding of the Red Rose and its purpose.
  5. Tasks given by mentores that are deemed unreasonable may be nullified by the Magister Noviciorum.
  6. Mentores who do not fulfil their duties or otherwise deemed unfitting, may be dismissed by the Magister Noviciorum.

Chapter 9: Becoming a full member
  1. When a mentor deems their novicium ready to become a full member, they must make this clear in their next report to the Magister Noviciorum.
    Should the Magister Noviciorum agree, a recommendation will be given to the Senate to be voted on.

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Re: CODEX of the Red Rose

Post by Valkera »

Image The Blue Codex (aka. The one on ranks and hierarchy)

Chapter 1: Full member ranks
  1. Inceptor is the first rank a full member achieves after noviciumship.
  2. Eques is a rank rewarded to Inceptores for their devotion and exemplary work to further develop the guild.
  3. Aedilus is a rank rewarded to paragons of the Red Rose ethos.
  4. Praetores are equites or aediles chosen to serve in formal matters and share council with the leaders.
  5. The leaders are equites, aediles or praetores who have been selected to serve in the Council. Leaders are praetores, only with special tasks.

Chapter 2: The Assembly
  1. All members may attend the Assembly, and have the right to speak.
  2. Only full members may vote.
  3. The Assembly’s main decision-making functions are, but not limited to:
    1. Editing and maintaining the codices.
    2. Awarding titles as stated in the Purple Codex.
    3. Ratification of diplomatic treaties.
    4. Making declarations of war.
    5. Inviting new candidates to the Crossfire.
    6. Judging a candidate’s performance at a Crossfire.
    7. Candidates invited to a Crossfire outside the ordinary process needs a three-fourths majority to be accepted.
    8. Deciding on other topics brought before them by full members.

Chapter 3: The Senate
  1. Full members, propraetores and rosa absentia may attend Senate meetings.
  2. Only full members may vote.
  3. The Senate’s main functions are, but not limited to:
    1. Deciding on promotions for novicia.
    2. Exclusion of a member.

Chapter 4: The Council
  1. The Council is the executive body of the Red Rose and shares the burden and duty of leading the guild.
  2. Any leader can act as the official guild leader of the Tibian guild system.
  3. Only leaders have the right to vote.
  4. Praetores and propraetores are invited to share their wisdom and opinions. Their votes are always advisory and may not affect the outcome.
  5. The Council’s main functions are, but not limited to:
    1. Daily administration and maintenance of the guild and its properties.
    2. Promotions of members.
    3. Resolving issues between members.
    4. Resolving issues with other guilds and players.
    5. Negotiations of diplomatic treaties.
  6. The roles of the Council are:
    1. Orator concilio / Speaker of the Council
      Plans, convenes and leads meetings in the Red Rose. Responsible for moderating the forum and other administrative functions.
    2. Inscribator / Recruiter
      Processes applications and vouches, and first in line looking for new prospects.
    3. Magister Noviciorum / Master of Novices
      Is in charge of the Novicia and their Mentores.
    4. Praeparator / Event organiser
      The chief planner of big and small Red Rose events and is responsible for coordinating the guild’s efforts and resources to this end.
    5. Legatus / Diplomat
      The chief diplomat and is responsible for resolving issues with other guilds and guildless players, and to resolve issues between guild members. The Legatus also has the main responsibility for the guild’s finances.
    6. Strategus / Warlord
      Should war be declared, the Strategus’ responsibility is to plan and coordinate the guild’s war effort.
  7. If a leader is, for any reason, inactive or otherwise unable to fulfil their duties, other leaders may carry out necessary decisions for the healthy functioning and growth of the guild.
  8. If there are less than three active leaders, the active leader(s) may carry out necessary decisions for the survival of the guild.
  9. A leader may appoint up to one member of eques rank or higher to be their Hand.
  10. The Hand assists the leader with their duties.
  11. The Hand may act in the leader’s absence, but may not appoint their own Hand.

Chapter 5: Conventions and legality
  1. The Assembly, Senate and Council may convene either in-game or through other communication platforms such as, but not limited to, the guild forum or Discord.
  2. For an Assembly or Senate to be lawfully convened, at least five full members must attend.
  3. For a Council to be lawfully convened at least three leaders must attend.
  4. For the Assembly, Senate or Council to lawfully convene, all legally attending members of the respective bodies must have been reasonably informed of the date and time.
  5. All votes are decided by a simple majority rounded down, with the exceptions made by the Red Rose Codices.
  6. In the event of a majority of blank votes the vote is invalid, and the issue must be postponed.

Chapter 6: Secondary characters
  1. Auxiliarii are the secondary characters of members.
  2. Novelli rosae are characters living on the island of Rookgaard.
  3. All members may have up to three auxiliarii.
  4. All members may have one novellus rosae
  5. Worker characters such as librarians, bartenders and so on do not count towards the member’s limited auxiliarii.
  6. The Rosebuds consists solely of auxiliarii of Red Rose members.
  7. Characters in the Rosebuds do not count toward the member’s limited auxiliarii.

Chapter 7: Rights and duties
  1. All members, including the Rosebuds, are entitled to the full protection of the guild as outlined in Chapter 8: Protection of the guild.
  2. All members have the right to access the properties of the Red Rose.
  3. Full members have the right to access the libraries in both the guildhall and clanhall.
  4. Equites and above have the right to access the Eques room in the guildhall.
  5. All members are expected to represent the good alignment and lead by example.
  6. All members are expected to attend Assembly meetings as far as possible.
  7. All members are expected to follow the instructions of the Council.
  8. All members are expected to leave the properties of the Red Rose in a clean and proper state.
  9. All members are expected, to the best of their abilities, to regularly read and interact in the communication platforms currently in common use in the guild.
  10. Full members are expected to attend Senate meetings as far as possible.
  11. Praetores and leaders are expected to attend Council meetings as far as possible.
  12. Praetores are allowed diplomatic talks.
  13. The Council can, when necessary and for limited time periods only, close a property or a room in a property, in contradiction to the paragraphs above.

Chapter 8: Protection of the guild
  1. If a member dies during guild activities, the guild bank will pay for lost blessings.
  2. If a member dies at the hands another player, the guild bank will pay for lost blessings.
  3. If an issue arises between a member and a member of a different guild, the Council is expected to solve the issue as peacefully as possible.

Chapter 9: Conflicts and actions
  1. The Red Rose is a neutral guild, and all actions of every member must reflect this alignment.
  2. No member should ever initiate a fight or attack a player without a white or red skull.
  3. Members are expected to seek shelter and safety if possible.
  4. Members are expected not to escalate any conflict without the consent of the Council.
  5. Members are expected not to threaten or antagonise other players for any reason.
  6. Members may fight back should they be the target of another player’s aggression.
  7. Member may fight to protect a fellow member who has been the target of another player’s aggression.
  8. Member may fight to avenge their own death, or the death of another member, for as long as the aggressive player is still skulled. Although this is not desirable.
  9. Any conflict’s goal must be to keep yourself and fellow members safe.

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Re: CODEX of the Red Rose

Post by Valkera »

Image The Grey Codex (aka. The one on those who go away)

Chapter 1: Ranks of retirement
  1. Full members who retire will be given the rank rosa absentia.
  2. Praetores and leaders who retire will be given the rank propraetor.
  3. Novicia who retire will be given the rank novicia absentia.

Chapter 2: Retirement
  1. A full member who decides to retire for a shorter or longer term must notify a leader, so that their rank can be changed.
  2. A full member who does not log in for three months is to be considered retired and will have their rank changed.
  3. Novicia who needs to go inactive for an extended period may request to be moved to the appropriate rank. The request may be either accepted or denied by their mentor and the Magister Noviciorum. Novicia may only hold the rank of novicia absentia for a total of six months throughout their noviciumship. The Magister Noviciorum may under extraordinary circumstances make exceptions to this rule.
  4. Novicia who are absent for more than two months without a valid reason will be excluded from the guild.
Chapter 3: Returning from retirement
  1. Retired members may declare themselves active at any time and have their previous rank reinstated.
Chapter 4: Exclusions
  1. A member who does not fulfil their duties, follow the rules and laws set by these codices, or in any other way, willingly or unwillingly, works against the goals and purpose of the guild may be excluded from the guild.
  2. Only a lawfully convened Senate may exclude a member with a simple majority.
  3. The member in question has a right to defend themselves at the convened Senate meeting.

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Re: CODEX of the Red Rose

Post by Valkera »

Image The Purple Codex (aka. The Potpourri Codex)

Chapter 1: The Red Book
  1. The Red Book is where all aggressions towards guild members are noted, along with explanations.
  2. It is the Council’s charge to respond to entries in the Red Book, and to keep the book up to date.
  3. All members have a duty to report any aggressions towards them in the Red Book.

Chapter 2: Traded characters
  1. A traded character must wait a minimum of 30 days from the date the character was traded before their name may enter the guild roster.

Chapter 3: Rose titles
  1. Rose titles and their conditions are set in the Tomes of Titles, found in the Knightly Chest in the guildhall meeting room, and on the guild forum.
  2. Only the Assembly may add, adjust or remove rose titles and/or their conditions from the Tomes of Titles.
  3. Rose titles are unique and cannot be held by more than one member at a time.
  4. No member may hold more than one rose title.
  5. Claiming a rose title
    1. A member may claim a rose title by petitioning the Assembly.
    2. The conditions must be met before a rose title can be claimed.
    3. Screenshots or logs must be presented as proof that the conditions are met.
    4. If conditions are met, the Assembly approves a claim by voting.
    5. Should two or more members claim the same rose title before the same Assembly, the Magister Noviciorum will call for a contest between the contenders. The contest should be related to the contested rose title.
  6. Bestowing a rose title
    1. A member may petition the Assembly to bestow a rose title upon another member, with the same conditions as outlined above in paragraph 5.
    2. Should another member claim the same rose title that is being petitioned bestowed, the active claimant always wins.
  7. Rosa absentia and propraetores who have been inactive for more than 12 months may be equested to forfeit their rose title should a new claimant arise.
  8. Members that wish to display a rose title instead of another must write their Leader or Hand title, in their character comments, Tibia forum signature and Red Rose forum signatures.
  9. Only the Council may revoke rose titles.
  10. Legacy titles have historic values to the guild and are held by old and respected members of the guild. These titles may not be claimed by other members and may not be revoked by the Council. The legacy titles are outlined in the Tomes of Titles.

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Re: CODEX of the Red Rose

Post by Valkera »

Image The Tome of Titles

Legacy titles
  • Pater Rosae Rubrae: This title belongs to Silvarion in honour of his inspiring work as a Red Rose forefather and leader.
  • Senior Warlord: This title belongs to Beuwulf for his courage as the sword of Red Rose.
  • The Priest: This title belongs to Pepelu in recognition of the many marriages he blessed over the years.
  • Sleeper: This title belongs to Bulok... he's lazy. And snores ever so loudly.
  • Football Coach: This title belongs to Neppot, who led Red Rose to victory at the Tibia Ball League.
  • Creator of Fibula: This title belongs to Sir Lostboy (Lostboy), the creator of Tibia's most legendary island.

Rose titles
Members only →

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