[Character Sheet] - Drarice Blackheart

Character history and background.
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[Character Sheet] - Drarice Blackheart

Post by Drarice »

Name: Drarice
Family name: Blackheart
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 332 years
Culture: Yalaharian

A dark birth:
Drarice was born into the world of Antica in 2011 and quickly became a druid of darkness and chaos. As a young druid, he was consumed by the power he found in the shadows, and together with his companions, he lived for the thrill of the hunt, the chaos, and the feeling of absolute power. There was a deep, almost insatiable hunger in him to dominate and rule, and he quickly became someone to fear.

The unexpected disappearance:
One day, without warning, Drarice disappeared. Some say he saw something during his dark journey, a glimpse of something he couldn’t yet understand. Others say he may have started questioning the meaning of his own darkness. Whatever the reason, he left Tibia and remained gone for almost 13 years, while his memory lived on in tales both fearsome and filled with adventure.

The return and the call of light:
When Drarice unexpectedly returned, it was a different druid who reappeared on Antica. The dark and chaotic spirit still echoed within him, but this time there was a new presence – an unexpected longing to do good, to become a protector. His old allies and enemies were puzzled. "Is this really Drarice?" they asked themselves, and their doubts reminded him of the long, challenging path he had chosen.

From shadow to balance:
Drarice no longer embraces chaos entirely. His goal has changed, but he constantly struggles with his dark inner self. It’s a battle between his old self and the new, more balanced path he now seeks. He sees goodness as a path upwards, but one he walks with slow, heavy steps. With every decision he makes, he tries to bring himself closer to the light, even though he knows the way is long and filled with temptations from his old self.

A dark humor with glimmers of light:
Drarice still has his sharp humor, but now there’s also a warmth, a subtle light in his words. He’s quick to remind others of his "back in the day" methods with a sarcastic smile, but now with an undertone of hope to show the world that change is possible. The younger adventurers are fascinated by his stories, but he always makes sure to let them know that even the darkest souls can choose a new path, though one that is long and challenging.

Drarice is determined to protect the things he hold dear and bring about nature’s balance. It’s his mission to make amends for his dark past, even if the road is long and often shaky. Every day he spends in the realm is a reminder of the struggle he’s fought within himself and the bright future he is now, slowly but surely, trying to move toward. His friends sees his journey as an inspiration – a reminder that even the most lost can find their way back if they’re willing to fight for the light that waits at the road’s end.

Drarice’s attire is as versatile as his journey, shifting frequently in both style and color. He changes his outfit often, moving between cloaks, robes, and armor, each choice a reflection of his complex, evolving nature. His colors range from deep forest greens to shadowy blues and dark purples, sometimes even touched by lighter, ethereal hues symbolizing his shift toward the light. His ever-changing look leaves onlookers uncertain, a reminder of his past and the path he’s now forging anew.
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Rye Ane
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Re: [Character Sheet] - Drarice Blackheart

Post by Rye Ane »

An excellent read !
Leader of the Red Rose

"There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them."
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