Greetings all
My name is Sal Paradis (Andrew in RL) and I am a royal paladin who has been adventuring around the world of Antica since around 2005. At the beginning of 2010 I retired my bow and never looked back until somewhat recently. I returned to Antica this past September after 14 years of slumber to a world I knew so well while being completely new to me in so many ways. I have been extremely active now as an adult playing pretty much daily due to my lifestyle changing and finally being at a point where I am more interested in staying home with my wife and playing games than being out at the pub xD. I began my journey then as a young and excited paladin eager to play and learn from the legends around me. My first guild I can remember being a part of was called Hikari. At my young age I was so excited to have a group of friends to rely on and to be able to aid and support whenever needed. I made some good friends back then that I have long lost contact with over time but was so excited to see a few of them in the ranks of Red Roses now
Eventually the Hikari guild dissolved and I was in some other smaller guilds that I honestly can’t remember the name of. After some time on my own I forged some strong friendships with and became a member of the Nightmare Knights. This time of my life probably had the most impact on me as a player and how I play now. I was never a power gamer or technically skilled as a teenager, I was fascinated with the history and collecting of rares and being a trader for years instead of spending my time grinding in the plains of havoc day after day. I spent so much time back then learning from Karr Chaos, always being enthralled by his stories. I even held his shop in Venore when he was playing on another server and remember how much he helped me to achieve a goal I had as a kid, to be an owner of the legendary Winged Helmet (man do I regret selling that for 3.5KK before I retired!!!) I also spent countless hours honing my skills hunting and questing with the nightmare knights until around 2008 if I remember correctly. At the end of my first journey here on Antica I was a member of Hokuten, another legendary group that was a lot of americans that were not too far from me geographically so it was great to have a crew like that to be around. At the end of 2009 I was making changes in RL that made me decide it was time to retire and move on from this realm. I had a few other characters / accounts back then that I no longer have access to but luckily when I returned I still was able to retrieve this character I created in 2008.
As an adult playing in 2024 I have been having so much fun revisiting places I haven’t seen in 14 years and have made more progress as far as EXP goes than I ever did on any other character I played with the new ways this game works. The only thing I have found is missing is a core group of friends and community to play and grow with, which is why I am here writing to you all
Rising from what seemed like a neverending slumber, this aged paladin looks into the mirror hardly recognizing himself or the world around him. Everything seems so new but also familiar at the same time. The bow that was hanging on his wall fits in his hands so perfectly yet he has no recollection of ever using it before. These armors and clothing don’t seem to fit yet they have his name inscribed inside. He emerges from his peaceful resting place to the world he grew up in but hardly recognizes anymore. Feeling so lost and confused not knowing where to go and what to do first. Thinking of all of the treasures that he once abandoned as he walks the streets of Venore. He soon realizes that the memories that survived and the times he spent here as a youth are the true treasures that he will carry with him forever.
To be continued….
Just want to say thank you so much for your time and consideration of me to be a member of the Red Rose. It would be an honour to join your community and contribute and help as much as I can. I received an invitation to the 26th anniversary event this coming week and am super excited to attend and meet you all