Thais Hostel IV: Black Clouds

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Midnight Slayer
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Thais Hostel IV: Black Clouds

Post by Midnight Slayer »

Previous entries in the series:

Thais Hostel: The Murder of Annie White.
viewtopic.php?t=5591&sid=7c9c1b9d9679a6 ... 6402c4715d

Thais Hostel II: Owin's Revenge.
viewtopic.php?t=5611&sid=7c9c1b9d9679a6 ... 6402c4715d

Thais Hostel III: The Black Chariot.
viewtopic.php?t=5677&sid=7c9c1b9d9679a6 ... 6402c4715d

Thais Hostel IV: Black Clouds
By Master Slayer / Midnight Slayer


The door of the Hostel cracks open, slowly, with whistles of the wind singing through.

Marziel enters gliding to the counter as if his feet never touched the floor. He stands across from Frodo who hasn’t greeted him yet. Marziel remains silent with a grin. Frodo, stunned by the blood shot eyes and appearance of the new guest, is too nervous to speak first.

Marziel turns his sights to the wanted poster pinned to the wall and reads the note by Inquisitor Henricus.


A call to arms for all Inquisitors to apprehend or kill on sight:
  • Owin of Grimvale, a dangerous shapeshifting were-creature wanted for the murder of Kulag and the suspected murder of Annie White.
  • A young elf marked as a demon wanted for trespassing in the King’s Royal Archives and evading the arrest of the Red Legion. The elf was last seen on Harbour Street.

Marziel turns his eyes back to Frodo who remains nervously quiet.

Marziel: Greetings! I am Marziel. I’m here for Natalie Nightcourt and Phoebe Monroe. They are awaiting my arrival.

Frodo is working an additional shift at the Hostel and doesn't want any more guests especially after encountering some of the violent scenes that have taken place the night before. His new guest is quite intimidating, even when polite, leaving Frodo in a compromising position.

Marziel can see the hesitation from Frodo and his worrisome expression. He stares at him imagining different ways of killing Frodo while waiting for a response. After a moment, Frodo slides open the counter drawer. His hand shakes as he removes the key and places it on the countertop.

Frodo: Upstairs, second to the last room on the left.

Marziel slides the key into his hand. He turns without a word and glides to the staircase.


A storm is coming. Houses are lost in shadows from murky black clouds forming above. A thick gloomy fog lingers in the ominous late night streets of Thais. Rolling thunder echoes in the distance as if the Gods were clashing in the sky. A special late night play will be hosted soon at the Open-Air Theater. Red Legion guards and Inquisitors are on high alert patrolling the streets, and have formed a post at the west exit leading to the theatre.

Eleanore lays unconscious and slumped in the alleyway behind the Hostel. She is seconds away from death with Drarice knelt by her side. Before Elenore is swept away in darkness, she is struck with a sudden intense wave of spiritual energy rushing through her body and washing away her pain. Drarice, with his healing touch, seals the knife wound on Elenore’s neck and stops the bleeding.

Elenore remains unconscious in a dream.



In the Hostel, Annie White sees the elf boy’s eyes begin to blink and open.

Annie White: Wake up little elf!

Natalie and Phoebe walk over to the bed and watch as the boy wakes up. The door to the room is unlocked and Marziel enters. The vampire brides both turn away from Midnight and rush to greet Marziel. Marziel sees the elf laying in bed with bandages and a vampire girl sitting next to him.

“Could this be the demon boy from the wanted poster?", he thinks to himself.

He looks over Annie and sees fresh puncture wounds to her pale neck. He concludes she was turned by one of his brides.

Natalie Nightcourt: My lord, Marziel!

She slowly steps into his personal space placing her hand on his chest.

Natalie Nightcourt: The night is only at her darkest when you are here.

Marziel can smell the blood of a corpse nearby. He turns his head ignoring her compliments and opens the closet door. A Thais guard is slumped over covered in blood with multiple bite marks deep in his neck. The inside of the closet is out of Midnight's view. Mazriel closes the closet and summons his vampire brides to the hallway. Mazriel steps to Phoebe standing inches away from her face and quietly speaks.

Marziel: Did I not make myself clear that we must not reveal ourselves while in Thais?

Phoebe Monroe: I am sorry Master, we were simply…

Marziel: Not another word from either of you.

Marziel reaches into his robe and hands Phoebe the rolled script to the play. While placing it in her hand, he gives them both a scowling stare before sending them off to the theatre.

Marziel: Rehearse your lines and wait for me. Now go.

The vampire brides head down the stairs and leave the hostel. They pass by two guards who are distracted by something in the alley, and slip away in the fog heading toward the theater. Marziel re-enters the room with Annie and Midnight.

He notices the book on the counter next to the bed. The title reads “BANOR”.

Marziel thinks to himself, “Why would a demon have a book about Banor?”. He picks up the book and shows it to Annie.

Marziel: Is this yours, my dear?

Annie White: No. It belongs to Midnight.

Marziel: And you are?

Annie White: Annie. Annie White.

Marziel recalls her name from both the encounter with Eleanore and the wanted poster in the lobby. He sees great potential in Annie. She is a young impressionable vampire that he can manipulate and bend to his will. The boy, however, is a curious case.

Marziel: Why are you wounded?

Annie answers for Midnight.

Annie White: He saved us from this… evil man that became a beast! Oh, I was so worried!

Marziel, now further confused, has strong doubts about the demon accusations against the elf. While he tries to piece together the scenario in his head, a commotion can be heard outside. Marziel walks over to the window and looks down in the alleyway.



Two Red Legion guards approach a shadowy figure knelt down by Elenore.

One of the Red Legion guards steps forward and addresses the stranger,

Red Legion Guard: What have you done to this poor woman?! Do not move! You are under arrest!

Drarice Blackheart remains silent and stands to his feet facing them in the alleyway.

One of the guards approaches Drarice and grabs him by the sleeve of his robe. He looks down at the slain woman then back to Drarice before claiming,

Red Legion Guard: You will rot in Thais jail for your crimes, you murderous scum.

Drarice swiftly grabs the guard by the throat with his other arm. The second guard rushes forward to his partner’s defense, holding his spear up to Drarice’s face. Drarice can feel a dark force tugging at his emotions begging him to snap the guard’s neck.

Drarice Blackheart: Step aside or you can lay in blood with her.

Red Legion Guard: The Red Legion does not take orders from murderers!

Drarice Blackheart: I saved her life but I can end yours.

Drarice tightens his grip on the guard’s neck.



Annie White: What’s your name mister?

Marziel, watching from the window upstairs, turns his attention back to Annie White.

Marziel: My name is Marziel.

Annie recognizes his name and perks up.

Annie White: Oh wow! You’re the writer, aren’t you? I am waiting for my friend Elenore. We will be heading to the play together with Midnight. Isn’t that right little elf?

Midnight nods in agreement.

Marziel: Elenore Silverhand?

Annie White: Yes! Do you know her?

Marziel: I’m afraid she will not be attending the play.

Annie becomes suspicious.

Annie White: That is unlike her to say the least. She wouldn’t miss it.

Marziel: I’m afraid so, and she told me you wouldn’t believe me.

Marziel reaches into his robe and reveals Elenore’s ring.

Marziel: She asked me to give you this to confirm the message.

Marziel places Elenore’s ring on the counter next to Annie. A look of disappointment falls on her face.

Annie White: What was her reason?

Marziel: She wasn’t feeling well.

Annie hangs her head low.

Marziel: Are you alright, my dear?

Annie White: She is my friend. I wanted to go to the play with her.

“Oh Vampira…”, he says to her quietly with a smile.

He lifts her chin up with his sharp black fingernail.

Marziel: I can be your friend.



In the alleyway, Drarice finally looks down to where the coin landed while gripping the guard's neck. Banor’s bow glimmers from the coin.

Drarice Blackheart: Exori Frigo Hur

Drarice sends a chilling wave of ice forward, freezing the guards hands and feet. Their spears drop to the ground and their boots remain frozen in a sheet of ice covering the stone walk. After disarming and immobilizing them, Drarice turns his back to the guards and kneels down to lift Elenore.

Red Legion Guard: You lay a hand on her and I’ll…

Drarice turns his head with fury in his eyes.

Drarice Blackheart: You’ll what!? Thank me for saving your life too? In my younger days you would have met your grave already. Consider yourself spared.

Elenore lost in her dream can see a light above while buried deep down in a dark void. An angel appears from it with one of its wings black and damaged. The angel wraps his arms underneath her and lifts her from the darkness carrying her away.



The commotion outside becomes louder.

Marziel: I have a chariot outside that can take us to the play. Why don’t I escort you there?

Annie looks over to Midnight.

Annie White: Only if Midnight comes with us.

Marziel looks over to the boy.

Marziel: There is a bounty on his head. We will have to disguise him and sneak him in.

Marziel walks over to the closet with the slain guard, and opens it. He reaches for a black cloak with a hood for Midnight. He walks over to the bed and hands the cloak to the wounded elf.

Marziel: You’ll be needing this.


Last edited by Midnight Slayer on Tue Dec 24, 2024 10:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
Midnight Slayer
Novicium of the Red Rose
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Aug 20, 2024 5:47 pm

Re: Thais Hostel IV: Black Clouds

Post by dillend »

I need Thais Hostel V now :shock:
My friend, you never cease to amaze me, I love your stories!
But...seriously,i need Thais Hostel V now...
Posts: 42
Joined: Mon May 20, 2024 4:03 pm

Re: Thais Hostel IV: Black Clouds

Post by Drarice »

Once again fantastic writing, each story you publish is a pure joy to read!
Longing for the next chapter!!!
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