I guess I'll start in the begining, by saying hello.
Alright, that's a start. So, while some may know I am somewhat a 4.0-5.4 Tibia Historian Myself, and I am actively part of Fossil project(research), which has set it eyes on restorting a long forgotten pages of history. Which brings me here in today, as where to look for ancient past if not in the nest of history -- Red Rose.
A while back, I have realized that there was a period from around 4.0 to 5.3~, ending at 5.4 where Guild Housing would have their own depot boxes, being able to access all the goodies they had. For many it was "obviously" moment, for me it was "oho-! Challange ahead" as I've set to find and recreate all the Guild Houses to their former glory. (or current glory? They DO have those nowadays...). With deduction and some lucky screenshots I was able to reproduce almost all depo positions. Such as:
Warriors Guildhall


Mercenary Tower

However, two more remain hidden away -- lost to time.
From many screenshots Red Roses of Past (or present!) took I was able to recreate the layout of walls and possible location of DEPO, however there is no evidence to actually support two things, which is reason why I am here.

First: Depo position, It is only my guess that this is indeed place where a depo would be. It's consistant with other designs. However, it seems a bit harsh (easier to trap someone) than others.
Second: The top right room door placment and interiour. I have no proofs how it looked or what exact beds/items/shelves did it hold.
So here I am, asking if anyone's memory could be of help. Or perhaps someone HAS screenshots that could help me estabilish the right position of the door and layout. So, here I am humbly asking for any help!
Additionaly, while I am here, I'd like to say that position of depo and layout of Dark Mansion upper and lower floors, Upper and lower floors of Spiritkeep were lost to time. If anyone has any memory of placment of depo in Dark Mansion would be, I would be eternally thankful.
Persist is Historical and free project, with no monetization and no plans to do so. Everything we gather is from our love of Tibia and it's past, so Roses I once again humbly ask for your help.