After many summers have passed and my arsenal started to collect dust, I once more decide to take arms to enjoy the adventurer's in the land of Tibia. I am no stranger to these lands by any means, but much have changed during years. My journey began around 2000 in Antica but I settled in a world that existed as Nova back in 2001, as we were told by our elders that this world could be ours to conquer. I've been known for many names, but for the sake of the story I will stick with Osiris Blackheart [Sami RL Name], because that is what I am known by today. Once I settled in the mainlands the core of Tibia was not as it is today, back then it was about relations, family, your guild and so much more went on beyond the actual game but the most important thing was, we made memories together, memories even until this day you can look back on and share with either joy or tears. I've been a habitant of Premia, Lunara, Isara, Danubia, Eternia, Secura, Refugia, Inferna and even more I might have forgotten. I've won wars and lost them, I even once let the worst get out of me and do a bad thing but I can honestly say that 90% of my life in Tibia I've been a good player in standards with the RR Codex. I today once more have settled in Antica, almost the only world IMO which still holds what Tibia used to be, might be and is, in certain places that values what once was important to keep this dream living. Since I recently came back and this character Curze I do not bear much history with this, I do like the RP, the community and hopefully I might form some long lasting bonds.
Why I want to be a part of Red Rose is simply because this is among the few if not the only one in Antica that seems to value and offer the things that for me makes Tibia, Tibia. Beyond that is that players that existed from back in the days, correct me if I am wrong is also a part of this amazing establishment, so it would be an honor to be a part of this and also push for these traditions in Tibia to bring back the core of what Tibia used to be. Also I attended in one of your events/gathering, and as I said there no matter how small or big the impact, its things like these I can look back upon and drives me to keep on going back to this wonderful game. I also would like to join a guild that represents something more than just numbers, I want to know the people I play with, do stuff, help out and try to make the time for us enjoyable while doing so.
Osiris Blackheart, a fellow paladin, not mighty by any means nor is known, not even a whisper in streets of Thais. But this unknown is deemed to make a name for himself. Not for virtue, nor glory and not even riches. But among friends, I want to be known in the community of Red Rose. As I was walking around Thais I stumbled upon a piece of paper which stated "Honorable Citizens of Tibia, Red Rose is officially open for recruitment! Make haste to Folda, submit your application to begin the trials" . This was it, the moment I've been waiting for. I summoned my fellow companion Haze and we rode of to Fibula, just before I could enter the halls of Red Rose I were stopped by a novice recruit, Munch. He said to me "Who goes there", -No one I replied, Munch- "We do not allow no one's in these great halls, let alone a peasent with no tribute". I replied once again - No one can be someone, given enough time and I do bare gifts. <Hands over a some delicious brown mushrooms> Munch, munches on the shrooms while saying "I do accept this answer so I shall let you pass, but the tribute given is barley worth taken". The sound of him eating says otherwise I thought to myself as I were granted access to the guild hall. I was then given a scroll by Natures Lord, The trials of the Red Rose. It contained 5 missions, the first mission was pretty simple, you just had to help a fellow citizen in need, the second was to manage to get this old grumpy dwarf to tell a joke, 3rd was to convince a cyclops to craft a shield with a red rose on it, 4th which felt impossible was trying to convince the blue and green djinns to lay down arms for once and settle for peace and the 5th I dont know if it is mockery or just in there to mess with us, but it said we have to hug a DRAGON
I will finish this story later

Well, I dont know what else to add other than I really hope I do get invited to at least try out, like given a chance to prove I can be the hand that fits the glove, I dont ask for much but what I do hope to get in return from this is friends, people to bond with while still trying to do something we all hopefully think is a fun and lasting journey for us all.