Application of Moreth Marian [Denied]

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Moreth Marian
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Application of Moreth Marian [Denied]

Post by Moreth Marian »

Hi Red Rose members!

I am lvl 30 knight. My home is in ab'dendriel.
As you know, i'm trying to get in Red Rose. So i would be one of you, as i've wanted all of my life. :)
Always mine trouble % is 0 or something, because i allways try to solve all problems with talking. Killing and war is the last chance i think. And still not the best one.
I haven't killed anyone on chat char. No pking in 2 years, good for me. Sometimes someone asking me to pk with him, i always say "No."
That was not my first character. I have got some others, but my first was called Hobitti, in eternia.

Maybe u want to know something my real life. OK!
I am 14 years boy, i live in finland. I play football and some other sports. I actually love all sports. I have a great family who take's care of me. My onlinetime depends on my school, because my parents want me a good education. I made my first english words when i was 6 years old, thanks by Tibia :D

Alright, was it enough?

How about story time? I made it yesterday myself on my mobile phone at 02:30 night.
Here it goes :

Was a cold winter in october 2006. Wind was cold, wolves ran in their homes. Just few things were moving there, trees, buches, wind. It was snowing hard. Then, in the middle of trees and buches came a shade. Someone yelled "It's a girl!". She were borned! The new becaming legend, Moreth Marian.She growed up in jungle. Her father teached her hoe to hunt. When she was 5 years old her father show to get stronger, stronger and stronger. They went to peacefull city called ab'dendriel. There her father gave her a key, to enter in place where she would train. The only things Moreth had on was Jacket, leather legs and boots. Also she was a shield and a weapon. In ab'dendriel she trained 10 years, trolls became like her. The other 10 years she trained, trolls became her friends. When moreth was 22 years old, someone sent her a letter. Her parents were dead. Lions killed them when they was hunting, and tryin to get some eating. Moreth started crying. She cried 2 days. Then something happened. Moreth started to ran to ab'dendriel's boat and went in that jungle she growed up. Someone was made a town there. It was called Port Hope. she ran throught the city and went searching her old home. Lizards were took it for thais own. They crushed all the furnitures. There was nothing, just walls and roof. She ran in the deepest corner of port hope and started crying. There, in that same corner she cried many hours. Then. There came someone. It was old woman called Xennon. She helped Moreth. She took care of her. She was a saving angel.

After everything horrible, Moreth was happy. She called Xennon to her mother. Moreth was shining. She did get much new great friends and great family. She, her mother Xennon and his big brother Knight-roy, their falimy did get much respect from the other families. They are still falimy, even they didn't grow up together. Xennon and Knight-roy was so proud of Moreth, when they heard that Moreth was choosed in the most respected guild ever,
The Red Rose!

Allright, Like it? I'm waiting for your answers

Merry Christmas and happy new year all Red Rose members!
Feel free to ask guestions about me.

King regards, Yours Moreth

So long for now.
Last edited by Moreth Marian on Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Application of Moreth Marian

Post by Skorn »

thank you for ur post
wish u good luck
Moreth Marian
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Re: Application of Moreth Marian

Post by Moreth Marian »

Thank you Skorn!
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Re: Application of Moreth Marian

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Good luck!
Moreth Marian
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Re: Application of Moreth Marian

Post by Moreth Marian »

Thank you my friend :) ;)
Moreth Marian
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Re: Application of Moreth Marian

Post by Moreth Marian »

Bought premium :D I'm still waiting for answers, no hurries ;o)
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Re: Application of Moreth Marian

Post by Doram »

Greetings, Moreth Marian!

Nice Rpg-story!... Wish you Good Luck :)

And ... remember ...Patience :)
Say hello to my Little Friend.
Moreth Marian
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Re: Application of Moreth Marian

Post by Moreth Marian »

Hi Doram! Thank you :)
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Re: Application of Moreth Marian

Post by Kajala »

I am sorry, but your application got denied.

With kind regards,
The longest journey starts with a single step.