Tribal One's Application [Accepted]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Tribal One
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Tribal One's Application [Accepted]

Post by Tribal One »

Name: Tribal One

Classification: Knight

Player Since: I believe it was somewhere between 2000-2001.

Guild Experience:

Rising Dragons Antica
My Tibian career began with the Rising Dragons just as the guild system was being implemented throughout the world of Antica. I learned then the true value of teamwork and also the great importance of steady progression. As time drifted on and as new worlds formed, the Rising Dragons became an echo from the past. Only every now and then would I recognize a familiar face. However, I hold this guild in high regard because during it's prime I was extremely motivated to assist wanderers with their transition to the mainland. It really taught me a lesson in the rewards of helping others.

As the Antican population increased so did crime and unforeseen cruelness. Greed swept the land. It soon drew close to home as those close to me became victims. It was time to make a stand and it was time to fight along side my brethren. And fight we did! Upon joining the Mercenarys I felt confident I knew thing or two about warfare. I was gravely mistaken. It was a gradual learning, and endless days of tactical practice before I could say I knew anything about combat. Certainly a Tibian life changing experience.

It was time for a change of pace.. or so I thought. New cities around the world were being discovered and people everywhere scattered all around the globe in search of new found glory. In the meantime the Tribe at a crossroads and a pivotal point in it's existence. Throughout the Tribe's history it had always remained a secluded guild. Neutrality is it's key virtue. The Hill Hideout is a hidden gem that continues to hold a rather comedic reputation. Somehow the Tribe still manages to hang on to it, even with a few mishaps along the way. I value the friendships I have gained there and I still like to visit the ole Hill Hideout for a mug of their Kazordoon beer. Good times.

Savage Empire
Bonds strengthened and a new guild was formed. Destiny was on the horizon. I can't take much credit for the successes Savage Empire had within the time of it's existence, but I am proud to say I was apart of it's foundation.

RL Info:

Age: 30
Residence: Arizona, USA
Tibia Activity: Average 3-4 days a week

I'm a proud father. I work hard and play hard.


My style is a mixture of role playing, character development, achieving goals and socializing with friends. I have always been fascinated with Tibia since it's beta stage. I've held an honorable reputation and I stay true to my commitments. The experiences in the guilds mentioned above summarize my story. There are many tales to tell and many more that are yet to unfold. I hope the final chapter in my Tibian career will include the Red Rose, a guild with friendship, history, and a place to call home forever. Thank you for your time.

Tribal One
Tribal's Acoustic Jams<---Listen to songs I wrote.
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Re: Tribal One's Application

Post by Sir Balder »

Greetings, Tribal One,

I'm pleased to see your application here, and enjoyed reading it. Please try to
reach roses in the Antican lands for a chat, for us to mutually get to know each
other better. Your application is now under consideration.

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Re: Tribal One's Application

Post by Chikilina »

Hello Tribal One,

Thanks for you application. Try to meet me in-game.

Be safe,
Propraetor of the Red Rose
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Re: Tribal One's Application

Post by Skyzo »

Ashari Tribal!
Maybe we can have a talk in-game, try to contact me!

Skyzo, the Banshee.
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Re: Tribal One's Application

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Hello Tribal One, Im glad to see you here.
I'll look forward to meet you in-game :)
Be safe,
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Re: Tribal One's Application

Post by Maxoon »

Tribal is a really nice guy, best of luck brother.

Yours Maxoon.
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Re: Tribal One's Application

Post by Vuzufune »

good to see your application amongst these boards Tribal One :) I hope great things come of it.
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Tribal One
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Re: Tribal One's Application

Post by Tribal One »

I have enjoyed getting to know some of you already. Thanks for all the kind words.
Tribal's Acoustic Jams<---Listen to songs I wrote.
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Black Falcon
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Re: Tribal One's Application

Post by Black Falcon »

Very nice application, Tribal One!
I enjoyed the chat we had the other day, I hope to see you again soon :)
Without deviation from the norm, 'progress' is not possible.
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Tribal One
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Re: Tribal One's Application

Post by Tribal One »

Timezones can be a bit confusing. I'll be online periodically from now until save if anyone would like to chat ;) .

Tribal's Acoustic Jams<---Listen to songs I wrote.